
"What happened to Mom?"

Upon hearing the cry, Rita hurried into the room, looking panicked, while Nydia held onto Rita's clothes.

Seeing the blood at the corner of Margaret's mouth and the wound on her finger, Elmer had a rough idea of what had happened and said, "It's probably because her body hasn't fully recovered. Let Mom rest for a while."

Turning around with a smile, Elmer continued, "You two go back to your rooms and rest. I'll fetch some water for Mom."

"I'll get it," Rita turned around and left.

"Brother, what happened to Mom?"

Nydia ran in, looking almost on the verge of tears, as she looked at her mom lying in bed without even opening her eyes.

"It's nothing, she just needs to rest for a while. Nydia, you have oil on your mouth. Didn't you wipe it off?"

Elmer immediately acted like an older brother and prepared a tissue to help his sister wipe her lips. As he focused on his sister's lips, glistening with oil, Elmer felt a sudden attraction.

Looking at her face, untouched by impurity, and her clear eyes, Elmer coughed and asked his sister to come closer.

He bent down, staring at her lips, and instead of using a tissue, he leaned in and directly kissed his sister's oily lips.

Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah...

Elmer continued to suck, using his own mouth to clean off the oil stains from his sister's lips.

Nydia stood there, completely unsure of what to do, a strange sensation spreading throughout her body, making her heart almost leap out of her throat.

Elmer tried to resist the urge to bite, sucking on his sister's upper and lower lips, and even thought about sticking his tongue into her mouth to guide her in practicing French kissing.

However, knowing that his sister would come in soon, Elmer released his hold after almost sucking all the oil stains off his sister's lips.

Nydia still had her eyes closed, hoping that Elmer would kiss her a little longer, but unfortunately, that enchanting feeling had already left her.

Opening her almond-shaped eyes, she looked at her brother who was smiling at her, and Nydia's face turned red, like a ripe apple hanging from a green branch.

"What's wrong?"

Elmer asked with a serious tone.

Nydia shook her head, knowing that she had been kissed, and she quickly ran out of her mother's room. Her teenage heart had been opened by Elmer.

Rita came in, placing the hot tea aside, and briefly discussed a few things with Elmer before getting ready to leave.

She had to go to work at the supermarket, a place she herself disliked, but what choice did she have? It was all due to life's circumstances, and she couldn't ask her family for money like she did at school.

Besides, with their father mysteriously passing away, she couldn't afford to not take her work seriously and earn some extra money through overtime. Moreover, summer was hot, and the air-conditioned supermarket provided a cool place to spend time.

Hearing her sister's departure, Elmer observed his mother lying on the bed, breathing steadily. Her breasts would occasionally rise and fall with each breath.

She wore a tight-fitting long-sleeved dress that exposed her figure, and Elmer couldn't figure out why his mother's abdomen, after giving birth to three children, was still so flat.

Moreover, the last time he had sex with his mother, she even bled, just like a virgin.

His gaze shifted downward, and the fabric covering her pubic area was pulled tightly, making it impossible for Elmer to determine the plumpness of his mother's labia.

Afraid that his own sexual desire would ignite, he dared not think about it any longer.

However, the scenes of him having sex with his sister at headquarters continued to replay in his mind, making it hard for him to break free from those thoughts.

"I can't let Mom suspect that I'm a vampire,"

Elmer muttered to himself as he grabbed Margaret's hand and casually wiped her wound. The wound immediately healed, leaving no scar behind.


At that moment, Margaret opened her eyes.

Elmer quickly let go of her hand.

Margaret covered her forehead and murmured, "What's happening to me?"

"It might be because you just got discharged from the hospital, Mom. Your body hasn't fully recovered yet," Elmer reassured her.

Struggling, Margaret sat up on the bed, feeling a bit dizzy. She kept pinching her temples, seemingly skeptical of Elmer's words.

When she noticed that her injured finger had no scars at all, she got startled. With a look of mistrust, she stared at Elmer and asked, "What exactly did you do?"

"What do you mean, Mom?" Elmer immediately started acting clueless.


Margaret shook her head as if deflating a balloon. She didn't understand why she had just gotten angry. But she had clearly been bleeding a moment ago.

She kept examining her fingers, unable to find the place where the porcelain bowl had cut her. Could it be that there was something wrong with her mind?

"Mom, just have a sip of water first," Elmer suggested.

"I can't drink. If that's..." Margaret's eyes flashed with fear. She curled up, hugging her knees, shaking her head and sobbing, "What's happening to me, Elmer? I feel like I'm going crazy. I keep thinking about the dream I had that night. I'm afraid I'll break down!"