Transfer student

There are thirty students in the class, but there are thirty-two seats. Except for Luna and Elmer, who have one desk each, the rest are paired up at two-person desks.

The main reason is that Luna wants to sit with Elmer, but Elmer doesn't want to sit with Luna.

In the midst of this dilemma, the counselor decided to let them all have individual desks.

"Carly is here!"

A boy sitting in the back whispered.

Knowing that the teacher would come in soon, all the male students sat up straight, including Elmer.

Their eyes were fixed on the front door, just like an alcoholic craving a bottle of liquor.

The sound of footsteps grew closer, and the front door was pushed open.

A young woman in her mid-twenties walked in, with a white leather bag hanging from her right shoulder.

This was their teacher, Carly, a newly graduated intern from the Normal University. She had permed hair dyed golden, without elaborate styling.

As she walked, her hair would flutter, giving her a very free-spirited appearance. She wore a jumpsuit made of denim, with the top portion barely covering her breasts, revealing a deep cleavage and snow-white flesh like jade.

The bottom part covered half of her thighs, showcasing tender and fair leg flesh that would make many men's noses bleed. If she only wore a denim jumpsuit from head to toe, it would undoubtedly attract a large crowd of male classmates to spray blood.

Therefore, she also wore an extremely thin see-through silk shirt. Her hairstyle and cool attire were not the male students' deepest impression of her, including Elmer.

They were most fond of seeing Carly pout her small mouth into an arch, which would captivate the souls of all men.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Please turn to page thirty-five. Today, we will be discussing the mating habits of amphibians," Carly blinked her eyes, and all the students quickly flipped to page thirty-five.

Generally speaking, an airport is not likely to attract the attention of so many men, but Carly was not an ordinary airport. Her appearance was typical of a "Lolita" type, with large and perky breasts!

Just as intern teacher Carly was about to start the lesson, the door was suddenly knocked.

"It's the counselor!"

The student who was in charge of watching the back door exclaimed.

Before Carly could go and open the door, a diligent male student went to open it. Standing at the doorway was a woman who appeared to be going through menopause.

She wore a black top and a gray narrow skirt, and her breasts seemed to have lost their perkiness and sagged a bit.

As she walked in, her face was as expressionless as if it had been ironed by a flatiron.

"Come in," their counselor gestured with a smile, looking outside.

A pair of twins entered everyone's field of vision, and everyone's eyes widened. But Elmer was shocked. It wasn't someone else, it was Alice and Sheila.

Elmer never expected to see the Playboy Bunny Alice here, wearing a college girl's short skirt outfit!

"Let me introduce these two adorable twins to everyone. The one on the left is Alice, and the one on the right is Sheila. They will be studying in this class for a while, so I hope everyone will take care of them. Let's give them a warm round of applause!" The counselor led the applause.

The whole class knew about the counselor's bad temper. Not cooperating with her would result in a dreadful punishment, so they all clapped.

Elmer looked at the twins and felt a bit uneasy.

"Hey, do you think they might be Thai ladyboys?" The boy sitting behind Elmer poked him with a pen.

"I don't know," Elmer said, interrupting the boy's desire to continue speaking.

How could they possibly be ladyboys?

Elmer had proven with his own actions that Alice was a genuine girl, and a girl who rarely engaged in sexual activities.

As for whether she was a virgin or not, he didn't know about that.

"There are two vacant seats over there. You two can sit there," the counselor pointed to Elmer and Luna's side.

Luna became anxious and turned her head, whispering, "Elmer, I'm not comfortable sitting with girls. How about you and I sit together, and let the two of them sit together? What do you think?"

"No way," Elmer turned his face away.

"You jerk—" Luna wanted to curse, but with the counselor present, she had to shut her mouth and angrily rested her head on the desk.

Alice and Sheila approached, with one sitting next to Elmer and the other sitting next to Luna.

"Can you make room?" Alice stood by Elmer's desk.

"Uh," Elmer responded without looking at Alice. He didn't know if he was sitting next to Alice or Sheila.

If it was Alice, it could be considered good fortune; if it was Sheila, it would be a nightmare!

The image of a gun pointed at Elmer's temple still lingered in his mind.

Elmer stood up and let her sit inside, immediately turning his head to the other side.

"Sheila, give me a pen. I forgot to bring one," Alice sitting next to Elmer said.

"Now that you've transferred to this school, sis, how can you still be so absent-minded?" Sheila took out a pen from her wallet and handed it to Alice.

As she saw Elmer's profile, she leaned forward, took a closer look, almost exclaimed, her eyes widened, trembling all over. But after a moment, she calmed down and said, "Pervert, I didn't expect us to have such a fate."

"Heh heh," Elmer turned his face, wearing an awkward smile.

"How could it be you?" Alice's heart raced like a little deer, and her face turned red as she quickly lowered her head.

These twin sisters had the same appearance but completely different personalities. Elmer still preferred the slightly ladylike Alice.

"Cough cough, let's start the class~" Carly picked up the chalk and began writing on the blackboard.

Seeing that Alice didn't have a book, Elmer placed his book in the middle.

At the beginning, Elmer and Alice didn't speak. It was halfway through the class when Elmer broke the silence and stared at Alice's thighs that were pressed together. He whispered, "Aren't you unlucky? Why are you here?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to deceive you," Alice whispered.

"Is your body recovering?" Elmer expressed concern while his mind wandered into Alice's world beneath her skirt. He heard a snoring sound behind him, so Elmer shifted closer to Alice, pretending to take notes.

"I'm fine, everything's okay," Alice replied. Elmer's shoulder almost touched hers, and Alice's thoughts started to wander.

"Well, as long as you're recovering," Elmer said, holding a pen in his right hand and taking notes, while his left hand rested on Alice's thigh.

"Hmm?" Alice was taken aback. As she felt Elmer's hand continuously stroking the inner side of her thigh, her face grew even redder, and she lowered her head further, not daring to lift it. Her mind became a jumble of thoughts.