
Carly, the teacher, is energetically giving a lecture while Elmer's full attention is focused on Alice. His left hand keeps touching her smooth thigh, all while trying to maintain a serious expression. Alice, with her head lowered, becomes nervous.

She doesn't know why, but ever since Elmer performed oral sex on her last time, she can't stop thinking about him every day.

His evil eyes and the indescribable malice emanating from deep within him.

Alice feels like the person sitting next to her is not human, but a creature of darkness disguised as a human.

If only she could see him as a mere creature, Alice wouldn't think about Elmer that way anymore.

However, the truth is that Elmer's face and voice constantly linger in Alice's mind, especially his evil gaze.

"Do you understand this?" Elmer asked, with his pen resting on the word "mating."

Alice's face turned red, not knowing how to answer Elmer's question.

"If you don't understand, I can teach you," Elmer said in a serious tone.

Sheila, sitting next to Luna, turned her head and glared at Elmer, saying, "Don't flirt with my sister, you big jerk!"

When Sheila was about to get out of the car on her way back that day, she discovered her sister's blood-stained thong under her buttocks, which made her extremely frustrated.

"This isn't flirting, it's friendly assistance between classmates," Elmer refused to back down.

"Believe me—" Sheila wanted to threaten Elmer with a gun, but this was a school, so she reluctantly turned around, looking frustrated, and stared at the trendy teacher.

Luna, sitting next to Sheila, had a similar expression on her face. She desired Elmer, but now he was being intimate with Alice right in front of her. It would be strange if she wasn't frustrated!

Elmer's hand had already slipped into Alice's skirt and was slowly climbing deeper.

The sensation made Alice feel like a caterpillar crawling into her underwear, and she became incredibly nervous.

But why did she feel a hint of excitement deep inside?

It was as if she desired the intrusion, even wanting to open her thighs and welcome Elmer as a guest.

Thinking this way made Alice feel disgusted with herself, like a prostitute. But why—why did she think that way?

Alice's flesh was soft, warm, and had a good elasticity. It felt to Elmer like touching a freshly baked piece of hot tofu. Unfortunately, he couldn't taste it with his mouth.

When Elmer's fingers touched Alice's mound, she almost let out a sound. She quickly clenched her teeth, and her hands folded together on the desk, afraid that she would make a noise.

Elmer's hand circled around Alice's mound, deducing that she was wearing a pair of soft, triangular panties.

He could easily feel the soft labia and the slightly protruding clitoris, indicating that the fabric was very thin and comfortable to wear.

"Now, everyone understands what I'm talking about, right? Let's have some discussions and ask questions if anything is unclear," Carly wiped off the chalk dust from her palm, rested her elbows on the lectern, and raised her beautiful buttocks.

She scanned her students, focusing primarily on Elmer and his group.

"Mmm..." Alice let out a soft moan.

"Do you understand this problem? And how about this one?" Elmer asked.

"Mmm..." Alice moaned again.

"That's good. You're making progress. You understand it all," Elmer nodded with a smile.

His fingers had already slipped inside the edge of Alice's underwear, touching the soft, warm outer labia.

Elmer's erection thumped against his own underwear, desperately wanting to burst free.

"Mmm... mmm..." Alice moaned while nodding her head.

The people around seemed unaware that Elmer, who was so close to Alice, was actually playing with her mound.

They thought he was teaching her the coursework. And Alice responded to him with that slightly soft voice.

"Now, let me teach you this problem," Elmer shifted his hips, pretending to adjust his posture. But in that motion, his middle finger smoothly penetrated Alice's vagina.

His finger was enveloped by the warm flesh, the tight walls of her sex hungrily sucking on it. The pleasure was beyond words.

"I... I need to go to the restroom," Alice whispered.

Just as Elmer had begun to play with Alice's vagina, she wanted to escape by using the excuse of going to the restroom. However, Elmer wasn't about to agree.

He quickly withdrew his finger, slick with Alice's arousal, wiped it on his pants, stood up, and said, "Carly, Alice needs to familiarize herself with the school environment. I'm willing to be her guide."

Carly wanted to mention that it was still class time, but seeing that it was almost the end of the class, she simply nodded. "Go ahead."

"Let's go," Elmer motioned to go outside.

"I want to familiarize myself too!" Sheila, fearing her sister would be harassed by Elmer again, stood up and declared.

Elmer had miscalculated this time. He seemed to have overlooked Alice's twin sister.

"Fine, let's go," Elmer reluctantly said.

"Sister, let's go," Sheila pushed Elmer aside and took hold of Alice's hand, leading her out.

As Elmer gazed at the contour of Alice's beautiful buttocks, he noticed a small circle with a slightly transparent fabric. It must have been wet from her arousal. He shrugged and followed them outside.

"Why can't I capture his attention?"