
Luna yawned and slumped on the desk, feeling miserable. She couldn't even concentrate on her book because she was thinking about Elmer.

Walking down the hallway, Elmer watched a pair of twin sisters holding hands in front of him, contemplating how he could separate them. He racked his brain but couldn't come up with a solution.

Suddenly, a wicked smile appeared on his face as he sinisterly said, "Since you're meddling, don't blame me for being ruthless. I'll make both of you my women!"

Sheila, who had sharp ears, turned her head and gave Elmer a disdainful look, asking, "What did you just say?"

"Oh, nothing," Elmer shrugged and spread his hands, laughing. "I was just talking to myself, thinking about where I should take you to get familiar with the environment. How about I take you to the biology center? When the break comes, we'll all be interning there. You can come with me and see how they cultivate new species."

"I don't mind. As long as I'm with my sister, I can go anywhere," Sheila stuck out her tongue.

Alice had remained silent all along, seemingly unsure of what to say.

She knew Sheila had her best interests at heart, but why did she feel a slight sense of annoyance?

It was as if she wanted something intimate to happen with Elmer, yet didn't want it to go too far.

She still wanted to save her first time for their wedding night.

"Follow me," Elmer said, and led the two soon-to-be-trapped twin sisters towards the deserted biology center.

The staff responsible for taking care of the biology center were school employees, and they were usually in class at this time.

So Elmer was confident that there wouldn't be anyone there. Even if someone was present, it didn't matter. With the mesmerizing flute in hand, any stumbling block would disappear without a trace.

Carly, the teacher who was just coming out of the classroom, looked at the three of them and muttered, "Why does Elmer seem different from before?"

Elmer walked ahead and introduced, "The cylindrical building on the left is over forty years old. Since the new building was erected, it has been abandoned and very desolate. The school even has rumors that the building is haunted. Every night at midnight, if you dare to come to the cylindrical building..."

You will see a girl wearing a red dress walking back and forth on the second-floor corridor and saying, 'Who has seen my head? Who has seen my head?' It's really scary."

"Have you ever been there at night?" Alice asked.

Elmer took a turn and said, "I haven't had the courage yet. Although I'm a materialist, I also believe that there are ghosts and supernatural beings in this world. Many phenomena cannot be explained by current science. Oh, by the way, do you believe in the existence of demons or angels in this world?"

"Only a fool would believe that!" Sheila sarcastically replied.

"We're almost at the biology center," Elmer pointed to the shack surrounded by high walls ahead, which seemed quite large, five times the size of their classroom.

"When I was young, I believed in the existence of angels. As I grew up and experienced more disappointments, I started to think that demons might exist. Perhaps they are lurking around us," Alice said, squinting her eyes.

"Sheila, why do you always agree with this jerk?" Sheila muttered, completely ignoring Elmer in front of them.

"Sheila, can you stop being so mean? Always calling him a jerk. Be careful, next time a demon might eat you!" Elmer's eyes flashed with malice, his mouth slightly curled, revealing his sharp canines.

"Sure, let it come and eat me! Sheila is absolutely not afraid of those non-existent things. Compared to them, I think you're scarier!" Sheila huffed, her face filled with a triumphant expression, resembling a celebrity.

"I'm scared of you, okay? Enough. We're here," Elmer stood at the entrance of the biology center. After a few seconds, he pushed the door and walked in.

Ahead was a narrow path over ten meters long, with a high wall on the left and a shack covered with plastic insulation film on the right.

Inside, there were rows of shelves, each with a container holding a seedling.

"Follow me," Elmer acted as a tour guide and walked along the narrow path.

When they reached the entrance of the shack, Elmer lifted the plastic curtain, urging them to hurry inside, or else the temperature conditions inside would be compromised.

Next, under Elmer's guidance, the sisters navigated through the shack. Elmer, a student majoring in biology, explained the names of the tiny seedlings that were invisible to the naked eye.

Alice listened attentively, while Sheila occasionally picked on Elmer as if he were her natural enemy. In reality, it all stemmed from Sheila catching Elmer and Alice engaging in oral sex.

"Do you now have a clear understanding of what you're going to learn?" Elmer asked.

"We're just coasting through, so it doesn't matter whether we learn or not," Sheila replied, feeling a bit tired looking at the identical seedlings in front of her.

"Sheila, that's not right. Didn't Mom say it? We should fulfill our duties as students and can't continue to be like before," Alice lectured.

"Fine, everything Sister said is right. Sheila was wrong, okay?" Sheila opened her thin lips and let out a long yawn.

"Do you know that music can actually promote plant growth?" Elmer asked.

"No," Sheila immediately responded with an irritated tone.

"I often play the flute for them here, and they really enjoy it. Let me show you," Elmer said, pulling out the mesmerizing flute.

As he looked at the twin sisters, a certain part of him was already starting to stir.

When the melodious tune filled the shack, even Sheila, who was initially wary of Elmer, was captivated by the beautiful melody.

The sisters' eyes became somewhat vacant, their minds being corroded by the enchanting music.

After the song ended, Elmer had already put away the mesmerizing flute.

"In the name of a fallen angel, I command you, Sheila, to take off your underwear and come here to fuck me. Alice, stand there and masturbate," Elmer laughed maniacally.