The Restroom

Returning to class, the fourth lesson had already begun. Elmer had just taken out his textbook when he couldn't help but glance outside, only to see Shi Yunfei lying on the window like a resentful woman. This greatly depressed Elmer, who had no choice but to lower his head and pretend not to see Shi Yunfei. He wondered how many men could tolerate a woman as clingy as her, several times more than strong glue!

During the self-study period, Elmer still didn't want to look outside, so he focused on scribbling aimlessly in his textbook. Then, Alice pushed her textbook towards him. Elmer thought she had a question, but he saw a line of delicate handwriting on her book: "Is she really your fiancée?"

Elmer quickly wrote next to it: "No."

"But you just admitted it."

"That was a delaying tactic."


"There's no need to lie to you. …"