Evil Plan

"Thank you," said Fennimore, having cleaned herself up. She embraced Elmer and gave him a loving kiss before preparing to leave.

"Fennimore, could you ask Hou Hui to come see me? There are some matters where his help might be needed," Elmer called out.

"Are you sure? He might be a spy for the Genovese family," Fennimore expressed her doubts.

"Just call him here," Elmer nodded.

"Alright, then wait here," Fennimore said, though still somewhat puzzled. She didn't want to ask too many questions, as she greatly admired Elmer. Not just for his sexual prowess but also for his strange abilities. She even wished she could grow wings like Elmer and teach those who dared to cross the line a lesson!

After Fennimore left, Elmer smiled and said, "Shi Yunfei, you look very curious."

It took Shi Yunfei a moment to collect herself. She chuckled nervously, seemingly at a loss for words, just staring at Elmer with eyes full of confusion.