
"It's okay, really, it's nothing. I'll go first." 

Seeing Eleanor suddenly wanting to leave, Elmer grabbed her hand and said, "If there's something you want to say, just say it."

"I'm afraid I'll be exposed, afraid that people from the church will come after me. So when she called, I let her say I wasn't here," Eleanor said seriously. "I have considered this issue as well, but I don't want to disappoint those who are expecting, like Jin Shaolan. So I took it on, not just for fun or fame."

Holding Eleanor's hand tightly, Elmer continued, "If you want to back out now, tell me why you agreed in the first place?"

"Idle talk. I value my life more than anything else."

"Without me, you would still be sealed. Without them, you wouldn't even know what you're living for. At least when they celebrate your birthday, you are moved. That's why you agreed, to disappoint them?" Elmer asked.