it's time to make my wager as I am the heir to the dialogue titan pt1

Mina: I transformed into my titan as I stand in front of Reiner with him in his titan form with Bertolt in half titan form on the wall stopping the others from interfering with our battle.

Getting in our stances we look at each other as the flash back of when this all started when me and Ymir were under Fritz control.

(Flashback 2000 years ago)

Ymir: Mina do you want to go with me to go pick some herbs in the forest.

Mina: Of course I would go with you Ymir with the rumors of how king Fritz is having the soldiers attack other villages to expand his territory for the kingdom.

Ymir: Smiling at her we turn and start to walk to the exit of the village we hear screaming from other villagers at the front of the village.

Villager 1 : it's the Eldians kingdom soldiers run!

Villager2: We have to get away or they will make us there slaves!

Mina: Ymir grab my hand and don't let go! we have to find some where to hide.

Ymir: Wait Mina! what about our parents!?aren't we going to go save them.

Mina: Bitting my lower lip as I look forward with a dark expression "I'm sure they'll understand that I prioritize making sure we got to safety over us going to save them plus looking back to Ymir how would I look in front of the faces of my future in laws if I didn't protect my fiance first before trying to save them".

Ymir: I blush is that why you wanted to have alone time with me lately?

Is it because you was going to propose to me?

Mina: Looking back smiling, I'm sorry I took so long on deciding but I was scared of telling you how I really felt and that I wasn't sure if you felt the same.

Looking forward as we're still running while we hear screaming, the smell of burning flesh, children getting dragged away from their parents.

I know this isn't the best time to say this but I...don't want any regrets if this will be the last time that I get to be with you.

Ymir: I stop running and pull Mina backwards towards me as it surprises her it makes her turn around to face me as I give her a kiss.

Mina: Surprised by Ymir pull, that pulled me backwards to her letting her have the chance to kiss me.

Which makes me stiffen before I had been able to loosened up an recuperate to kiss her back.

When we break from the kiss and we star passionately at each other a male voice draws us out of it.

Male soldier: Well...well...well look at what we have here aren't the two of you lovely the king will love the two of you as we surround the two girls.

( At the Castle of the Eladians 5 years later)

Mina: Bursting through the door I yell "KING FITZ PLEASE SPEAR HER ILL MAKE UP FOR IT!"

Ymir: Mina! No you can't it's my fault for opening the pens to save the animals.

Mina: Hugging Ymir as we kneel in front of the king I say "Ymir it's alright no matter what I'll protect you I know your nature your a kind person as I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear".

I look at King Fitz and say "Hasn't the last 5 years of contribution I made to your gains of taking more land from the Marley people enough for you to forgive Ymir for her actions if not I...i.

King Fritz: You'll what I said as I sit in my throne looking at them.

Mina: I'll lead the troops to fort Zena and take it from the marley people and deliver it to you as atonement.

Ymir: Mina you can't! your walking to your death by doing that!

Mina: Kissing Ymir I smile at her "Ymir if it's for you there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep you safe if that's what it takes to keep you safe then it".

Ymir: Mina that's the Marley's people most fortified fortress with over 600 soldiers not to mention the narrow access to it to reach it.

It only allows 10 people at a time to cross with a gorge on either side of the pathway.

King Fritz: She's right even with how clever you are as an strategist you would be walking to your death.

So I have another idea knowing that the two of you love each other I haven't land a hand on either of you when you both became marriage able age.

So instead how about this you and Ymir will have to Survive 1 day of being hunted by the soldiers and if you manage to come back all will be forgiven but if you fail you both shall die.

Ymir: Seeing him gesture to the soldiers to surround us I look at Mina with fear in my eyes as she just smiles at me.

(5 hours later)


I have Mina's arm around my kneck as I drag her away from the soldiers chasing us after her getting shot with an arrow in the chest trying to protect me.

I see a tree with a hollow base big enough for the both of us entering it I lay Mina down and remove the clothes that stopping me from seeing where she was hit directly and an how far it went it.

Not noticing that the ground was soft we started to sick in it panicking I look around to notice we was in quicksand it was to late for me to get us out.

When we was consumed by the quicksand it appears all black until it changes to an rift looking place that had white, black, blue, and purple colors mixing together as their were stars around us.

Mina: Waking up I look around to see a weird place I noticed that I no longer had an arrow in my chest and sitting up I'm immediately embraced by someone.

Ymir: Seeing Mina stir awake in a daze before sitting up I noticed she no longer has a arrow in her chest with tears going down my cheeks I immediately hugged her.

Mina: Surprise by the hug I stiffen up before relaxing noticing that it was Ymir that was hugging me has she softly sob.

Hugging her back I ask "Hey Ymir were are we I thought we were being hunted by king Fritz soldiers and I was shot in the chest with an arrow"?

Ymir: We were but I got us away after you stopped the arrow from hitting me I found a tree with a hollow base hiding us inside it I layed you down and was about to treat you.

Until we started sinking by the time I had noticed the ground was soft and we were sinking that we were actually in quicksand it was to late we was swallowed by it making everything go black next I knew we were here.

Mina: I see... standing up we look around to stop when we see two humanoid beings that were 10 times the sizes of normal humans. One was a skeleton with protruded ribs and a skull with long hair without eyes and the hair reach it shoulders as the color couldn't be made out and there was another standing next to it that has a masculine build that had hair stop at the middle of its back with ruby colors eyes and silver hair.

Ymir: Frozen with fear the both of us stood in our place not daring to move.

Seeing the two figures reaching their fingers out at us and placing them in the center of our foreheads we lose consciousness.

Mina: After falling unconscious I start to see memories fly through my head showing how people came about with the building of civilizations an....

Who created us it appears that these to two sentient humanoid beings known as titans are our ancestors and gods that created the Eldian people.

And we are originally like these beings known as titans but they made us miniature versions of them with fraction of the strength and the power they commended.

The one that is showing me these things is known as the Dialogue titan and isn't only the lover but also the protector of its partner the Founder titan.

And it power rivals the Founder titan but the power they have might rival each other but the Dialogue and the Founder powers lie in different aspects but their powers can still effect each other.

(End of the hunt back at the Castle)

Ymir: Waking up I see a ceiling, realizing I'm back in the room me and Mina sleeps in the castle I look to my right and I see Mina sitting on the edge of the bed with her hands turned in wards rocking back and forth.

I telepathically talk to her felling the changes in mines and hers body.

Hey "Mina can you hear me"? I asked as I look at her back as she wears her nightgown.

Mina: Hearing Ymir I turn back and smile at her while looking at her with loving eyes "Yes my love I can hear you perfectly fine as it seems that we also got the powers of our ancestors as well as our gods.

We also got their feelings for each other which strengths ours as well as their powers".

Ymir: Looking at the ceiling again before saying "I guess that wasn't a dream then we actually meet our ancestors and gods wills also gaining their blessings so now we are able to return to our true forms but..."

Mina: Yea you saw it too? what the future lays for the future generations and...our kids if we want to put an end to all this we will be on a long and lonely journey but I...

Ymir: Getting up and making her look at me I give her a kiss as I continue telepathically communicating with her.

I know how you feel my dear but for the future and the generations to come we must do this plus breaking the kiss.

And smirk at her they won't truly be "OUR" kids until we drink each other's blood mixing them together plus I give her a peck on the lips before moving to her ear whispering. "Wouldn't you want to have me before that vile king lays his hands on me to have our 3 beautiful daughters".

Before our dream of an better future truly starts only leaving us with longings and partings until we reunited again.