It's time to make my wager as I am the heir to the Dialogue titan pt3

Mina: truly have too be separated after all your the Founding titan if I die in your stead you will out live king Fritz and our kids won't be forced to digest your body.

Ymir: Even if we were to go with that choice Mina you will die and eventually this power will take a toll on my body causing me to die as well leaving us with the same future.

Mina: That's true with the way the king will abuse our powers we'll only live for another 13 years even if we stop fighting and live in peace we"ll only be adding another 1 year before our body shutdowns instead of living for 100s of years.

Ymir: Yes that is why through our blood and power we"ll make it to were any of the 9 titans only live 13 years after gaining the power of the Founder titans and yours but we'll keep it a secret that you're titan exist and say that the power you have are part of mines.

Mina: Nodding my head as she hugs me and says "baby it won't be like we won't see each other as long as the tree of time and fellings exists the coordinates planes will as well and when your soul goes there we will be able to spend time together before we have to re-enter your soul to cycle of reincarnation".

I say "mhmm" as I nod my head as I think so she must not have seen what i would do in the future and the plans I have to make to ensure all this ends.

Ymir: Letting the tears roll down my cheeks saying in my head .

"I'm sorry Mina that I can't tell you everything but I hope that you will notice that in your lives I'll also be going to be with you when you reincarnate every time but your memories of me will be sealed for you to realize it yourself as you go through the trails to recognize me also that...for all this to end you must kill me".


Mina: Leaving her embrace I kiss her as she kisses me back she bits my lower lip enough to draw some blood from it as I do the same so we can mix them together.

Laying her on the bed I pull the thread that ties her nightgown revealing her pale white skin with seducsive blump chest showing off her slim body.

Ymir: As Mina is admiring my body, I untie her gown revealing her body to me as I trace my fingers on her well toned abs drawing her out of her admiring and start kissing me again.

Mina: As I'm kissing her I lower my hand hand to to my lower lips and manifest a male sexual organ before moving my hand back up to massage her breast as I ask telepathically "may I my love"?

Ymir: Of course you can I want to be marked by you before he lays his hands on me as I can make it seem I'm a virgin when it's time to...

Mina: I started playing with her clit make her moan so she couldn't finish before I entered her.

(14years later)

Mina: Sitting at the table for the meeting room " seems that we'll finally be reunited my love when we meet in the plane of coordinates after my death our tragic journey will start I have done what I must for this life".

I have started the religion of holy titans that will become the the wallist religion but I have also made the warrior tribe Ackermans that are immuned to our powers and are not able to become titans but have the power of titans even rivaling the power of what we have but...

I had to seal that power in their blood onlyto be awaken when they meet the descendants of the royal family with our bloodline or the one that can awaken the inheritance feeling to protect the one they deemed worthy to protect and follow with absolute loyalty.

Even if it's polluted they must be direct descendants from us or have the purest bloodline.

Without either knowing of each other's existence so if one falls into Fritz hands or give into greed we still have an path to help us in future.

I even gave birth to 3 kids name Mikasa, Armin and Eren that will lead the Ackerman tribe but to make sure my body doesn't fall back into the hands of Fritz they will also consume my body as well.

(Coordinate planes)

Ymir: "Hello my love "i said as I stand in front of Mina.

Mina: Hey I missed you so much after I left 7 years ago.

Ymir: I missed you too my heart acked when you wasn't there to see our children first steps, when they said their first words.

Mina:I felt the same when I wasn't there but I also gave birth to our wonderful kids making them part of the royal family "heheh" I'm not going to tell you what their names are you'll have to wait till when you meet them in the future.

Ymir: Smiling I can't wait to meant them, "then that means I'll be able too see their descendants when we reincarnate together even though it won't be the real me but part of my soul".

Mina: long do we have together before I have to go.

Ymir: Hugging her I say "we have 1-2 years together.

Mina: Meaning I have to reincarnated ever first or second generation so we'll be apart for 10 or 20 years each time for you here in the coordinate planes but in the human world that's 20 or 30 years.

(Back to the present)

Mina: I see all those times I thought I was alone you were actually with me as my memories of you were sealed making the only way for me to recognize you was to learn your identity through the trails we went through.

You was alone in that plane all by yourself waiting for me to remember you, to come back to you so you and vessel could reunite hehe so you meet our kids Eren, Mikasa,and Armin already even though I'm siblings with Mikasa in this life and childhood friends with Armin and Eren.

But it also seems you haven't realized my plan to save you I won't let you die it didn't show how or who would kill you.

But the reason was because they believed that titans shouldn't be in this world so if I show them my existence that rivals the Founder titan.

Becoming the new threat and replacing you when I die all titans will disappear from this world causing the Eldians to not be able to change into titans anymore.

Leavingy thoughts I wrap my legs around Reiner putting him in the choke hold and tightening breaking some of his amor.