Prologue: Alata's Monologue: Blessings comes with a Curse

I was around sixteen years old when I met the most wonderful man.

He was kind and caring, handsome and popular.

Who would've have thought that a normal poor girl like me would ended up with someone who's kind, rich and handsome as him.

I got married to this wonderful man shortly after our encounter and when I thought that the most happiest moment of my life was about to start, my life took an unexpected turn and jealously destroyed my life.

No, this jealously went beyond that, it destroyed his life as well. Even though he might never mentioned it, I can see his smile disappear slowly but he tried his best not to show his worry.

This life of ours would get worsen when I had my first baby.

One of Olympians gods came to blessed my son as his Avatar who would hold his immense power.

The next day everyone already heard about it and they came protesting against us.

"Why must you get all the good things in life?"

"You don't deserve to live such life of blessings."

They said despite destroying my life eversince we married each other.

I was so worried and scared as people came with tools that looks like they'll burn us down.

I've noticed a new change today and that is the people who came to protest against us is different from before.

They're mostly men now while it was entirely women back then.

"Guys please drop your weapon and let's talk, shall we?" My husband tries to calm them down.

"Shut your mouth!"

Despite his calm and polite words they showed him no mercy.


After sometime I heard a cry outside and decided to check outside the door.

Infront of me was my husband lying down.

I was shocked at the scene before my eyes. I quickly ran to his body and cried.

"How can you all do this? Aren't you all ashamed of yourself?" I lashed out for the first time.

"Huh! You want to die as well?bitch!"

"G-" As I tried to get myself killed too I can feel his hand touched mine grabbing me with force as if attempting me to stop.

I looked down and, "Aias!" I said as I was happy that he's still alive.


He pulled me closer and whispered in my ears," Don't die, Keep on living. Aestes needs you." He said."I'm glad that I've met you. No matter what happen, I will always love you..." He smiled and stopped breathing eventually closing his eyes.

"Aias! Aias!" I called out but he never responded.

Everyone left after confirming that he's dead.

Despite how much he tried to hide it, I can tell that he deeply regretted that he couldn't bring me a peaceful life.

He might even blame himself and never forgive himself for the things that happened. I wished he doesn't think about such things but I know that he felt that way.

I'm sure he still have lots to say the day he left but because of his final words. I was encouraged to live on and take care of Aestes our son.

But the cruelty wouldn't stop and they would go as far as destroying my son's life as well. No this is worst than destroying someone's life.

A generation ruined completely out of jealously. Even though the possibility of this kind of life happening is almost nothing, it still occurred to me.

By the time Aestes turned ten years old. He has achieved and hold records for many things like being the top of his class and having learning capabilities of spells and knowledge thats higher than normal.

After people found out that my child was topping everyone out, they still concluded that he was blessed by the gods and decided to ripped him of his humanity and turned him into a monster that's mentally ill.

I found out that he was different and his body started to deformed.

I still can't believe such evil thing is done to him overnight.

At that time I was so shocked and cried out to the point that I almost lost my mind.

Without thinking who might caused it I went out in search for help but I couldn't find anyone.

I keep on searching for people who might be able to treat my son day after day but I couldn't find any.

It's been about a year and I still couldn't find anyone.

I still held tight to my faith on bringing him back because he's all that I have left.

"Should I just give up?" I asked myself .

"No!" I shook my head and looked for help among the tourist but in the end I couldn't find anyone who could help.

That was when tourists and traveller started declining, because they think I'm some kind of a psycho.

This spread across the whole kingdom and that is when the church came to see if they couldn't help.

It's already Been two years since Aestes was taken away from me and finally the church notice me.

I thought that they were going to help but... I thought wrong.

"Sorry madam, looks like your son is naturally mentally ill." They said.

"What do you mean!?" I grab his robe out of frustration. I can't let someone mock my son that way when he clearly is a genius."How can you say that when he was above everyone else not too long ago." I shouted.

"Get away from me!" The pope shake me away.


"Ah!" I fell on the ground as I was weaken from lack sufficient nutrition.

"You Disgusting piece of shit... You are in no position to touch me. Tch!" He said and left with his followers.

I cried feeling hopeless because I realised they never tried to help Aestes. The next day I was filed to be a mentally ill mother who gave birth to a mentally ill son. This soon spread across the whole country.

But I still stood with hope for the next two years before I finally started to realise this is all just pointless and tried to end everything once and for all.

I slowly opened Aestes room without waking him up so that I could slit his throat and then mine.

Just as I was about to step inside, A voice talked inside my head and my surroundings light up.

"Are you sure you want to waste all that faith over the years for nothing?" It said.

"W-wha-what are y-ou!?" I turned back and saw a huge eye ball with weird rings.

This eye ball is too big, it's even bigger compared to thrice my size.

I was so scared that I almost died on the spot but something prevented it.

"Don't be afraid!" It said.

Even if it say that I was still scared but for some reason I felt pretty normal as well.

"You are temporary blessed with a spiritual aura so that you can talk with me. I am Aramaic, one of the watcher of the human realm. And I come to bring you great news." It said.

"Great news!? Is it about my son?" I asked excitedly.


"You came to heal him?" I said excitedly.

"No, but someone who can will."

I lose my hope midway but that hope is revived in the last sentence

"Really? Who? Where can I meet him?" I asked

"About that, he's still somewhere outside of this world. But he will surely come here oneday. Although I can't give you the specific time, it depends on your faith and patience. So, are you up for it?" He asked.

"As long my son is guaranteed to be back, I will do whatever it take." I stood firm.

"That's good because The one who can help you will surely come one day. If you really have the faith and believe and never give up till the very end that man Grim Chàros will surely come one day. He might not be capable of much anymore however he is more than capable of solving such things but the question is how long can you wait?"

" If it's to see my son back to normal. I don't care even if he arrived after I died. As long as he can live peacefully." I spoke out my heart.

"Let's put that to a test shall we?" The voice said as the eye rolled further away from me."Let me give you a piece of advice. Visit the Orion's Guild everyday, You'll meet him there eventually. So Gudluck!" The eyeball disappeared.

Even though I had a hard time believing his words I still took it and went there everyday.

For the first few years I went there with enthusiasm and hope but after some time I started losing my faith.

That is when I realised he never mentioned when he will be coming. Then I recalled his words "Let's put that to a test shall we?" He said this when I said that even if I die I don't care if my son can atleast live peacefully.

Being reminded of that I realised that I might never see my son again but if it's to bring him a happy future in the years to come then it's worth the sacrifice.

I went there every single day and I realised that my house is getting rusted and my fortune is running out, my body started to slimmed down and I was weakened.

Aestes body is having some kind of a self healing that allows him to survive without food but his body won't hold out for long anymore.

"This is my last meal, huh?" I smiled. "I guess this will also be my last week. I'm sorry Aestes looks like mommy won't be able to see you rise again." I said and finished my meal.

It was around sunset when Aestes started acting weird and make a weird demonic sound and passed out.

Without thinking much of it I ran out in panic because I thought he was going to die.

I quickly went to the guild and asked for a healer.

"Why can't you send a healer atleast?" I cried.

"I'm sorry ma'am. If the church can't even do anything, who are we to try?" She said.

I know everyone was muttering bad words about me but I ignored them.

However I didn't get any satisfaction response. I curled and cried.

"What's the issue here?" A man asked the counter girl.

He was young, maybe around that same as my son's. He told me that he might be able to help me when everyone gave up on us. So I put all my trust in this young man.