"That was quite the punch!" Grotha said as he wipe off the golden yellow blood from the corner of his lips.

A giant man with golden Armor and has an incredibly long black smooth hair and has a fist that can counter even magic.

"Need a hand Grotha?" Asked Xifòs.

A man with shining Armor and a mysterious sword that can cut through realities.

I have been fighting these two ever since I woke up from a deep sleep. During my journey of escaping I came across a little girl who was in the same condition as me.

We were both victim of their experiment. In the midst of my victory these two interfered and here I am.

While I'm almost at my limit fighting everyone here, these two forced me to keep on going.

I'm not sure where they're from but they are too powerful. If I hadn't left Miran behind inside the barrier she would have died.

"No, it's fine I can handle him alone." Grotha said.

"Very well." Xifòs flew away in the sky as if to watched over our fight.

Grotha started getting agressive and charged at me.

He threw a predictable punch straight at my face. I tried to dodge it but he was coming at me a bit too fast to react causing my instinct to block the punch with both my arm.


"Hah! I knew this was not a mere job." He said smiling like a Psycho.

The punch made me flew through mountains and he caught up to my flying speed and grasp both his hands together and hammer me down the land.






The attack made me flew through the core of the planet eventually causing it to burst into a pieces of rocks.


The thought of the little girl cross my mind. If the planet is gone then it's a given that she's dead as well.

"Gaahh!" He continued to throw his fist. "Huh!"

I grabbed his right hand and threw him away as I spun.

I can't fly so the momentum in space cause me to fly in opposite direction endlessly.

But a few seconds in I feel myself falling down.

"What's going on?" I muttered as I fell headlong.

The planet was back to how it was before as if time was reversed. Even if it's reverse, that doesn't guaranteed her safety.

After falling down for about two and a half minutes I fell through a castle.

"What is it this time!?" A guy shouted as he came running to see what's happening.

Despite reducing my falling damage it still managed to shake the entire castle.

"Yo!" I greeted them as if nothing happens while half of my body is being covered in the piles of rocks.

"Is something wrong?" A group of people came running behind him.

The crown man with a blonde hair in his teen looked at me as if I'm hopeless.

"Nothing just a worthless thief." He said to the people behind him.

He walked over to me and asked "Who are you? What's your name? Where do you come from?"

That's alot of questions which one should I even answer first.

"I apologise for falling through your castle but I don't have time to waste."

"What do you mean?"

"Something dangerous is coming after me."

"Is that why you run away?"

"Run away? Why do you think that?"

"How else did you get here?" He asked

"Well about that..."

My instinct felt something coming and instantly formed a barrier to protect everyone here.

"Everyone cast a defence spell!" The man shouted.

Everyone present here did as he said and in a split second the sky was completely visible along with the crushed landscape.

"There you are!" Grotha said as he float menacingly in the sky. "Thought you ran away."

"Who are you!?" Ray asked as he was trying to processed what just happened." What did you do?"

"Oh, you even met the avatar of Orion." Grotha smirk.

"Everyone back away and cast a support spell for me. I don't know what just happened but we can't be worrying right now." Ray said. "Chàros, is it?"

"..." I nodded.

"I don't know how did you get my name but I'll help you out just this once. If the disappearance of my vision a few moments ago were related to this then... I have to take part in your battle."

"Thanks but I'm sorry. You're not strong enough. These people kills beings like your god for fun. So I can't brin you to danger—"

As soon as I finished my sentences, Grotha suddenly kicked me in a near light speed and then sent me flying away.

Ray was too slow to react to that speed as it didn't even took a milliseconds for Grotha.

I'm dead at this point. Even if I evade their attack the whole planet is gonna get oblirated. Only way to survive is to flee from the battle.

But how do I leave everything as it was before...

"I see."

In just a split second I was in space and the top layer of earth was swept away from the resistance of the attack.

I cast a barrier in my direction to stop my flight but it was useless. The barrier broke as if it was some kind of cheap glass despite the shield being stronger than even the toughest metal.

I repeatedly cast a barrier and finally after ten or so I was able to stop my momentum.

In order to save everyone that has already caught up in this there's a way.

But first I have to save her... In that case...

I stood on a magic slab like that barrier and duplicate myself.

We both jumped towards Gaia at speed of light and blew the planet up. In the midst of that situation I suddenly woke up in the middle of nowhere where everything is dark.

"It was all just a dream,huh!" I thought in the dark empty void.