After I finished reading these two books I decided to head downstairs to check on them as an hour has already passed.

I walked down the stairs but strangely I couldn't hear any sounds coming from them except the smell of a burnt rice.

"Panora, it smells like the rice is burning..." I said as I entered kitchen.

The room was perfectly normal except for the veggies and meat that has been chopped already.

Where did they go?

I went to put the fire out and take out the pot. I head out the kitchen and saw a knocked over table.

What's going on here?

"Don't tell me they get kidnapped or something." I said as I realised.

I stepped outside the tavern to look for more clues.

Since the rice is burnt halfway and the chopped veggies are left unwashed. It's high-likely that they were kidnapped while I was reading the Book of Orion's kingdom.

It also seems like some kind of a sleeping potion is used on them.

Why would they get kidnapped? I asked myself but knowing that they're both young it's possible that they're being sold.

To think that my concentration in reading would led to me missing the scene. But it's possible that they're just taken out in a split second. If that's true then a professional must be involved.

I checked for footsteps but it's pointless if it doesn't lead all the way to their location.

It'd be easier if the ground was made of sand or earth or materials that'll leave traces but...this thick hard road doesn't leave any trails.

"No good,huh."

How can I find them? I sighed.

If I was a bit early it would be easy to find them but given the time it had happened...

If the average person walked about six thousand feet per half an hour then they're likely to be in a range of six thousand foot radius.

But if they were in a rush then it might be around ten thousand foot radius. However, it's only logical to think that they'd used some kind of a wagon to avoid the public eye. And a horse wagon travels at about the speed of 36 thousand feet per half an hour.

This means that they are either outside the kingdom or close to the terminal of the other end of the kingdom.

Assuming that they are outsiders it'll be easy to find them as the nearest kingdom or village is approximately 60 thousands feet from here. With my current speed it'll give me enough time to catch up to them but the risk of not going the same route as them is high. I can't just approach the guards either.

Ofcourse this is hypothetically speaking that if they were to move on continuously without stopping somewhere.

If they never left the Kingdom then I might have to search the whole place.

"Now what?" I asked myself."Which one should I choose?"

Should I look for them or should I leave them be?

Looking for them at this stage means two things. One is that I'll have to look everywhere if I search blindly and second is that they might not even be alive anymore

"Wait! I should check the gate first."

I thought about it and eventually I ended up choosing to look for them.