"So, did you sleep beside him on purpose?" Panora asked with a smug.

"What are you saying!?"

Seemingly irritated and shy, Chloe shrugged her sister away.

"C'mon no need to be shy, just admit it." Panora tempted.

"You even admitted that he's good looking."



"But that doesn't mean I find him attractive!"

"Ohh... is that so?" Panora continued to teased her.

Chloe raise her voice in embarassment. " Moreover, you already know who I liked."

"Ah... that. I think it's probably best you'd give up on that." Panora change tone to a hopeless one.

"Huh!Why?" Chloe said in suprised.

"I mean look at our current state. Do you really think he'll notice you?" Panora dropped her knife and turned towards Chloe with a serious expression.


She stretch out her arm and rest it on her sister's shoulder and stared at her sister in the eye.

"Listen here, Chloe! We can't possibly be close with a person like them and you know exactly why."


As Chloe stood in a silent cry they have an unexpected visitors.


"Looks like we have customers, go and greet them, will you?" Panora said.

"Isn't it too early to be having a customer?" Chloe walked away with those words.

Little did both of them knew that they weren't having a customer.

'Wait! We didn't even open yet didn't we?' Panora realised.

"Don't tell me!"Panora muttered to herself. " Wait, Chlo—!"

"Too late." A mysterious man suddenly appeared before her and covered her mouth with a scarf.

She quickly fell numb and became unconscious a few seconds later.

Chloe was also in the same state as her sister.

Shortly after they both fell unconscious another man walked inside the kitchen.

This time it was a fat guy with a fancy suit and a hat, holding a crane as if he's  crippled.There's another guy behind him who's about as young as Panora.

"Well done, Mr Dolos. Here's your payment." The fat guy hand over a tiny bag filled with orion golds.

Note: Here Dolos is just a name for hitman.

"It's nothing." The mysterious man took the money and disappeared without trace.

"I can't believe they got us into so much trouble when they're so easy to deal with." The fat man muttered. "Patron! Take the big girl I'll carry this one." He said.

"Yes!" The kid response and pick up Panora without complaint.

"Woah! She's heavy."

The kid almost lost his balanced as he rushed.



They both carried them out and then on the way the kid accidentally flipped the table as he turned with Panora on his back.

"Leave it!" The fat man said as Patron tried to put the tables back to its position.

Outside was a horse wagon waiting for their boss.

They both enter the wagon and put down the girls.

"Tie them and throw them in the cage." The fat man said as he went to check their rider.


Patron quickly followed his order, tied the girls and threw them in the cage and guard them incase of an emergency. There is a veil forbidding others to see the inside.

"You done?" The fat man came back.

"Hmm." Patron nodded.

A few seconds later they started heading towards their destination.

About thirty minutes after their departure...

"Hey, What's going on!? Why are we stopping!?" The fat guy shouted at their coachman.

"Well, Actually... there's someone blocking the wa– huh!? where did he go?" The coachman was left dumbfounded.

"Are you drunk? There's no one there, Shit head! Move! now!" The fat guy smack their coachman in the back.


"Can't you go a little easy on him?" Patron said in the sidelines.

"Shut the fuck up! I didn't give you the permission to talk."

Being inferior, Patron couldn't talk back even if he wanted to.

"Sorry to interrupt but did you happen to see two young girls who are in their teens?" A male voice echoes through the fat man's ears.

"Who the fuck allowed you to talk..."The fat man was shocked at seeing a new person inside their wagon.

It was a young man dressed up in a tight black clothes set with a mask barely exposing his eyes. He also wore a robe to cover his head and to keep himself warm.

"Chill man, why are you having temper issue?" The young man greeted.

"Patron!" The fat man shouted.


In response to his boss calling for help Patron quickly extended his arm towards the anonymous young man.


The young man lightly dodge the attack and grab Patron's hand and used the momentum to throw him outside the wagon.


The young man mistakenly threw Patron at the coachman and took out both of them.

The wagon was put to a halt as one of the horse ran away while the other one was knocked out.

"Well that's not a nice way to treat someone." The young man said sarcastically.

The horsewagom stopped as it has no leader to lead them. Also one of the horse got hit by the two man who flew out.

"How did you...?" The fat guy couldn't believe what he saw and then quickly run out of the wagon from the front.

"Not so fast." The young man said after he ran a few meters away but didn't attempt to go after him.

"Huh!" The fat man tripped."When did he...?"

He looked back and realised his leg was chained with the wagon.

The young man slowly got out of the wagon as well.

"That's a big luxurious wagon to be leaving behind."He walked up to the fat man."Are you sure you really want to leave it behind?" He sat down near him.

"W-who are you?" The fat man asked as he was trembling

"A person like you is exactly the reason why peace can never exist in this world." The young man said looking down at him.

The fat man was terrified at the gaze he was getting from an unfazed brat.


Patron came back and charge at him with a powerful punch that send shockwave causing the ground.

"Tch!" He felt a bit of a resistance.

The young man blocked the heavy punch with his left hand and punched Patron in the chest while he was still in mid-air.

And before Patron was sent flying from the punch. The young man grabbed him by the leg pulling him back and smashed him onto the ground with a heavy force that the ground literally scattered.


This caused Patron to pass out and fall unconscious. If Patron was a normal human being all his bones would've been broken by now.

The young man walked towards him.

"Don't tell me... You're one of those death reapers."

The young man raised his hand and summoned a scythe that appears from the combination of the molecules flying around.

"You mean the people who carry this stuff around?" The young man asked.

"..." The fat man didn't answer as he was too afraid.

"Don't worry I'm not a death reaper or any reaper. I'm just a passerby who happened to get involved in the scene." He aimed his scythe at the man and threatened him.

"Eeeeee!!!Please don't kill me! Please..." The fat man begged.

"Kill? Why would I do that?"


What the young man said has confused the fat man and made him happy for a split second and later was terrified when he realised what it really meant.

"Death is not enough for people like you. Instead, you should be suffering before you can welcome death..." The young man gave him a cold stare.


The fat man was speechless and terrified at the same time with the thought of being tortured in his mind.

"But don't worry I won't be doing anything to you..." His scythe disappears and he folds his fist. "Other than this–"

The young man threw a punch at the fat man's face breaking his nose and sending him unconscious.

"Now what?" he muttered to himself. "I guess I'll take them out of the cage first."

The young man headed towards the wagon and went inside it.

He then carried out both the girl and placed them leaning on the wagon.

The moment he put Chloe down he instinctively jumped away from the body.

His body reacted to a small rocks accelerating at him.

The attacker reveals himself as he approaches.

"You are!?" The young man said in shocked as he saw someone he thought he knew.