"I wonder how far they could've gone." I muttered to myself as I wandered the town for about two minutes looking for the gate.

As I ran around silently I came across the gate of the town from the big and tall wall.

"Why did I forget that there's a huge wall?"

The difference between searching inside the town and outside is that the outside can leave trails unlike the town because the town roads were built with bricks whilst the outside is still purely natural and has lots of soil on the path.

Also since it rained yesterday it's likely to leave visible trails.

I used invisibility and sneaked out the gate avoiding the attention of the guards to look for trails of anything.

Since it's early there should be no one travelling. However there's a trail of a wheel and a horse feet.

"It must be them." I thought and quickly followed the trails.

I went running close to the speed of sound, the resistance of the wind is restricting my movements a bit and does other things so I used a negative effect to track back the resistance against the wind.

With that I had no problems with the wind slowing me down. But will I make it?

I thought to myself and ran without thinking about another stuff.

After running for about a ten seconds the trails disappeared and was filled with grass on the track.

The track was split into two and both seems used.

I don't have time to waste so I created a duplicate of myself and took both the trails. My clone went on the left while I went on the right.

A few seconds later my clone arrived at a certain nowhere after following the tracks  but what's in sight of my clone caught my attention.

I stopped on my track and made the clone hid from afar and teleport there using a replacement skill and undo the clone.

I saw a luxurious horse wagon made of shiny gold which is quite huge. One of the horse seems to be missing while the remaining one is lying dead or rather knocked out.

I could also see their supposed coachman about twenty metres from the wagon. Most of his bones seems to be broken along with his skull.

But near the wagon I could see a leg popping out of a hole-like ground. Another man was seen lying unconscious nearby.

"Daym he's fat." I muttered.

As I observed the scene a young man was carrying both Çhloe and Panora out the wagon and making them lean against the wagon.

Even though he clearly not the bad guy I decided to try a double check and picked up a small rock.

Using a bit of a force and speed I threw the pebble at sound speed aiming his head.

Just moment before it hit the young man's head, He Dodge it and jumped away from his position.

From that reaction time and speed I could see that he was no ordinary man.

I quickly ran up to him.

"You could've killed me—You are!" He said looking suprised to see me. "Nah! It's impossible." He shook his head and regained his composure.

"Sorry for the rudeness, I'm Chàros. Have we met before?" I asked as he seems to recognise me for a split second.

"No, we haven't. You just happen to have similar faces with someone I know." He replied.

"I understand." I replied. " Are you responsible for thi–"

"Yes I took care of everything that has happened here. I saw them while I was running around the town from the roof."

"I see. In that case, thank you very much for saving them."

"No, it's nothing really. I just happen to pass by and I'm just doing what's right." He said.

He seems like a person who is an embodiment of justice.

I couldn't quite make out his face but from the eyes I could probably recognised him without his mask incase I happen to run into him somewhere in the near future. I could also identify him from his voice.

Now that I mentioned it, his voice sounds familiar.

Where have I heard it before?

"Is that so?" I muttered.

"Anyway, I think should be asking him some questions." He said.

"Interrogating, huh!" I wonder and decided." I guess it's important to know why they took them."

"Alright I'll help you tie them up."He said inviting himself.

"O-hkay." I was surprised by his enthusiastic vibe.

He quickly went and tied up the two man. He left the other guy because he was already dead.

After he tied them up he placed them leaning on a huge boulder near the road and is in view of Panora and Chloe and he walked towards me.

He tapped lightly onto my shoulder.

"I'll leave the rest to you." He said and disappeared before I could even respond.

After he left I walked towards the fat man and leaned against the boulder and started thinking.

"Is he really worth trusting?" I wonder to myself.

I have a few reasons to not trust him.

The fact that he left the girls up to me who is or should be a complete stranger to others is strange in itself.

It might be possible that he planned everything about this or he might be a spy keeping tabs on them.

He might also be one of the selective few people who knew about me but I shouldn't be too quick to judge and appreciate him of the fact that he save Panora and Chloe.

However I still shouldn't be careless.

I waited for them to wake up in silence but after about ten minutes I started losing patience and slapped the fat man awake.

Since Panora and Chloe had no sign of waking up anytime soon I decided to ask a few questions.

"Hey, Wake up!" I slapped his cheek lightly.

"Hmmm...Huh! Who are you!?" He asked as he suddenly woke up from seeing me.

"I didn't gave you the permission to talk." I looked at his eyes unfazed and said.

"W-who do you think you are?" He said even though he's trembling.

If he's not going to be obedient then I should display some superiority in his very eyes.

"Huh! What's going on!?" The other guy woke up as I punched the boulder to pieces.

"Now do you know what your position is?" I said ignoring the new guy.

"..." The fat guy nodded

"Hey who do you think yo—uh! it's nothing." The other guy voice sank as I gave him a death stare.

I looked back at Panora and Chloe and they seems to be out cold. I return my field of vision back to the fat man.

"Where are you taking them?" I asked my first question.

The fat man didn't answer and stayed silent as his sweat dripped heavily.

"Answer me." I threatened him as I grabbed his neck.

"To the kingdo—"

"You silent. I didn't give you the permission to talk." I said as the other guy tried to speak up for him.

He quickly turn his head down and sat in silence.

"If you don't want to die. It's better to speak up quickly." I stared at him unfazed and threatened him.

"Th-the kingdom of Prostitute."He stuttered.

A kingdom of what now?

I never expect to hear a prostitute kingdom however what are the odds?

"Who asked of you to do such things and for what?" I continued digging information.

However when I asked that he went silent and tries to hide his thoughts.

"Answer me!" I said pulling his colar.

"Huh! Uh... It's Aphrodite! She was the ruler of the prostitute kingdom which was almost as big as a small town. Her kingdom contains only women and they offer service to men who are passing by the kingdom. These two are from that kingdom and Aphrodite assigned me to a task where I have to retrieve them. And as a reward for retrieving them I would be awarded with golds and dozen of wife if successful..."

"And?" I asked further.

"I-I've told you everything I know! Please let me go!"

I'm not certainly sure if he really said everything he knew about them but I can be certain that it's not a lie. But who is Aphrodite?

"One more questions, who is Aphrodite?" I asked.

"If I-I answer that will you really let me go?" He asked stuttering.

"Only if you're telling the truth and promise not to be indulged yourself with this type of work." I answered honestly and kindly.

But if he breaks any of this, there won't be any questions.

"I will. I will." He repeated indicating he won't lie. "Aphrodite is um...uh the wife of Zeus? I'm not really sure but she's a goddess who created the kingdom of Prostitute around a century ago. She had all kinds of women work under her and they lure in men who seeks temptation relief."

He stopped and as I didn't respond he spoke up. "That's all I know!"

"I know."

"C-can I leave?" He asked.

I nodded and he called his partner and they left towards the direction where the kingdom of Prostitute was.

From what he said, it seems that Zeus has a wife named Aphrodite but the last time I met Zeus he's just around twenty years old. So it means that at the lowest, a century has passed. I have never met a goddess so I would like to visit her once.

"A goddess? Aphrodite,huh!"

My instinct are telling me that I've alot I need to remember but knowing the same amount as a normal human being isn't so bad. Everything is an adventurous experience with a little bit of a twist.

Aramaic doesn't seem to be watching me. I wanted to ask him something but I'm sure I won't get an answer anyway.

My memories are all scrambled and parts of it are missing like an unsolved puzzles with its missing pieces.

"Huh! huh!"

Chloe and Panora woke up and was shocked to see me waving to them.

"Everything's fine now." I said to them.

Shortly after I told them what happened and went back.

They also told me their stories and conditions on the way back. I've gained more knowledge about the kingdom through them.

"By the way Chàros. Is it really okay to take this horse-wagon back with us?" Panora asked.

"Ofcourse, we deserved this much at the very least." I said.

After they woke up, I decided to heal the horse  and enhance it's physical ability to pull more carts.

"Is that so?" Panora smile awkwardly.

Being reminded of the situation they were in she can't help but feel guilty.

Now that I know where they're from, the question remains how did they afford all the place they're staying at?

I'd like to believe that they didn't do the thing for it because they left the Kingdom because they don't want to do it.

I guess it's not important to give it a thought.