"Panora, Let's go we're running late, it's almost evening." I said as I was waiting for her at the corridor.

"Wait a sec I'm almost–" She said as she put on her shoes. "Done!"

She was struggling with her shoe for the past five minutes.

"Okay! I'm ready." She said as she walked towards me.

"Chloe, look after the house Okay! And make sure to not answer the door for people you've never met." Panora said with a smile as we left.


The sun is slowly getting closer to the horizons as we keep on walking. It's already been over half an hour since we've left.

"Um, Chàros!"


"Are you really sure you want to join monster hunting?" She asked.

As I walked in silence not bothering her questions,She spoke up again

"I-It's not that I think you're not qualified for it but I just wanted to know why you would do something like that?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"I mean like isn't it dangerous. I-I don't mean to say that you're weak but the monsters that usually appear here are super strong, you know? Most of them are dealt with by the Hero squad. Sometimes they're late because they can't always be in every place so the weaker ones are forced to stand up to them to stall time for the Heroes to arrive so..."

"Panora, I'm grateful that you're worrying for me, but I think you should be more worried about yourself and your sister rather than me. Who knows when Aphrodite will send another man? Also this job is the only thing I am confident I excel at..." I said.

What's that?

I felt something but it could've been my imagination.

"You're right!" She said nervously. "Oh! Looks like we're already here."

She said as she turned her head in the opposite direction of me.

It appears that Panora didn't notice but I felt it without a doubt.

"It's huge." I muttered.

"Right!" She said excitedly.

In front of me was a castle-like building which was curved beautifully.

The nameplate of the building has a symbol that reads ' Orion's Guilds.'

"Let's go inside." I entered with those words and Panora followed me quietly.

Even the inside is huge and there are lots of tables filled with people dressed in all sorts of ways.

In front of me was what seems to be the counter and the girl there seems to be the one in charge.



"Huh!" Panora was shocked by the noise.

"I want to register in one of the highest ranked status." I said as I slammed the bag of Orion's gold on the table.

"I'm very sorry, we don't sell positions. You'll have to raise your rank like everyone else." The lady smiled.

Looks like there is no room for negotiation. I shouldn't be wasting time.

"Sorry about that, can I get a registration?" I asked.

"Here, please fill up the form and you'll be done." She handed me two sheets of paper and ink.

Do I really need to only fill up the form?

Panora looks worried at the gaze from everyone else.

I picked up the ink pen and started filling up the form writing my name and race and other areas and returned both the paper.

"What about your friend?" She asked as she received a blank and a filled form.

"She won't be joining. She's just guiding me here." I said.

She checked the form and then gave me my badge.

"Is that so? Well then here's your rank plate and a paper on information you need to know." She handed me the materials with a smile.

The paper shows a written of request level based on ranks.

Apparently there are six ranks and tao bonus rank level making it an eight ranking system.

First of all is the lowest rank, rank F also titled as Rookie , Rookie can only accept an F level request and nothing more.

Then comes the E rank titled as Warrior who can accept an E rank and lower but in certain conditions where they formed a party of five or more they can accept the D rank request too but not higher than that.

After that was the D rank, titled as the Grand, then comes the C rank titled as Grandmaster, then the B rank titled as the Core, then the A rank titled as the Platinum.

The last two special ranks were the S-Class which is also the highest rank that is obtainable and is titled as the Mythic ranked capable of handling an evil dragon-born single handedly. And last but not least the Blessed rank titled as the heroes capable of dealing with the Demon King at their peak capabilities.

"So much for a ranking system." I muttered.

"Is there any way I can take an S ranke–"


Damn I didn't even get to finish my sentence.

"Then what should I do if there's no request?" I asked.

"Well in that case, I recommend you join the dungeon raid."

"I see, Thanks for the information." I said. "Well then I'll come back tomorrow to carry out my first task." I said and left my seat.

"Please do." She said with a smile.

Panora followed me quietly without any complaints.

She looks like she's embarrassed rather than nervous.


The door opened with force as I walked towards it revealing a lady in her forties running with a tear dropping from her face.

"Tch. It's her again."

"That idiot woman."

"She never learned, didn't she?"

I could hear the topic of people whispering changed as she stepped in.

She started crying saying stuff to the counter girl which u couldn't quite make out.

"Let's stop for a bit." I said to Panora in a low tone.

"Hmm." She nodded in response.

It seems like the change in atmosphere brought her back albeit by a bit.

"Sorry ma'am, As I have been saying, it's impossible for us to do something like that." The girl said.

"Can't you atleast summon the healers or exorcists to do something? M-my son's dying." The woman cried.

"I'm sorry ma'am, it's just impossible for us if the church can't do anything about it."

The woman broke down as she lost all hope.

Something caught my attention so I went to check on her.

"What's going on?" I asked the girl at the counter.

"Apparently her son is acting out of character, it would appear that he's been possessed by demons. This isn't a job for us and there's nothing we can do, especially if the church can't either. She also came here several times, I also heard that she went around the whole town looking for help. If you're planning to help her I suggest you not to be involved with someone like her."

A possesion,huh? Sound unlikely.

Their bond must be strong for her to care for him so much to the point she went running around town trying to find someone who can help her.

Looking at the way she's acting I can tell that she only has her son on her side as she desperately came asking for help here and there.

Should I help her or not? Well this time I guess it's not a question of choice.

This is something I have to do, if not then I might never come across her.

"Thanks for telling me mis– should I call you miss? " I asked.

"My name's Scylla Apsara. You can call me Scylla, also I'm only 16 years old."

Well I can see that, that's why I was planning to call you miss. Is what I'd say normally but...

"Anyway thanks for telling me. I'll handle things from here." I said.

"What do you expect you can do?" Scylla said.

"I guess we'll find out." I said and ignored her.

"What do you mean?" Scylla asked.

Panora smiled awkwardly at Scylla as I didn't bother her and just waited for me.

"Ma'am, please wipe those tears and stand tall. I'll do something to help your son." I said.

"Really? Can you really help us?" She said as she jumped on my chest gripping my clothes tightly.

"Yes, I can help you as long as you believe in me." I said.

"I believe you. I believe you." She said crying in my arms.

"Well then, let's go shall we?" I said.

I can feel her overjoyed tears as she kept on crying in my arms.

I guess this is my first task. I hope to be able to help her.