"How did it go? How is he?" She asked grasping her hands in her chest.

Her hope is understandable and her faith is strong but is she mentally challenged? Let me put that to a test.

"I'm terribly sorry to inform you that there's nothing I can do right now."

"I see. I understand. I was hoping that you might- Wait! What do you mean 'right now'? Are you saying that it's possible to bring him back?" She said.

It appears that she was in perfect mental condition but her physical status isn't doing so well.

How can someone have such faith?

"I may be able to but you shouldn't get your hopes high—Hey!"

"Thank you so much." She said hugging me and tearing up in my arm.

I move her away gently keeping distance and to prevent wasting time.

"Sorry about that. It's just that I am too happy." She said. "Even if you failed. I am happy that you gave me hope at the very least unlike everyone, especially the church."


"I'm happy to hear that. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Yes, what is it?" She asked

"Before I asked, let me talk to Panora first there's something she needed to do for me." I said.


Alata might not spell it out but I genuinely think she knows the reason why her son might be cursed even though she doesn't know who did it.

Her situation isn't something that can happen normally too.

"Don't worry, I won't fail to bring him back." I responded. "Panora!" I called.

"Huh!" She was lost in her own thoughts.

Although I can't read mind now, I can tell she's wondering why there's a floor on the floor or something like why am I even here due to the awkward feeling she must've felt.

If I want to bring him back by tomorrow then I need to send Panora back. Also, something is close by the area and they will emerge from the shadow soon enough.

Since walking back would consume a lot of time, it might be too late before that happens.

Then the only option left is the Dimensions teleportation a.k.a Dimensions Slide.

"Can you come here for a sec?" I asked.

As Panora walked towards me the presence changed around the tavern. I have to make this quick it seems.

"What do you want me to do?" Panora asked.

"I want you to go home and stay with your sister. It's almost midnight and I'm sure she will be scared." I said.

"Eh! now?By myself?Why?" She said showcasing that she's afraid and confused.

"Don't worry you won't be walking or running."

"What do you mean?" She asked, surprised with what I just said.

"You'll know soon enough." I said as I put my right palm on her shoulder.

Alata looked completely baffled at the scene and was left speechless.

"Eh! What's this? What's happening?" She panicked as black gloo suddenly warped us from our feet and completely covered us.

It was completely dark so I lit up a blue light using some mana and solidified it. For precaution I added some enhancement.

"Listen here, when this black thing disappears you'll find yourself back at your house and when that happens I want you to quickly lock your door and do not open the door for anyone at all cost even if I'm the one asking. Understand?"

"Why?" she asked.

"Don't ask questions. Just do as I say, will you?" I stared into her eyes leading her to agree with me.

"Hmm." She nodded.

"Good. Here, take this! Do not lose it." I handed her the blue light.

"Wait where are you going?" She asked.

"I'll be staying of course. Don't worry I'll be back tomorrow." I said stepping out of the black gloo.



As I stepped out of the gloo orb , the orb disappeared upon my command and traveled through the shadow dimensions to teleport Panora back home.

"Sorry, did you wait long?" I asked Alata.

"No not really." She responded.

"Good. Now let's start." I said. "Who are you really? No- what is he? Why would someone put a curse on him?" I asked bluntly without wasting any second.

There's a lot needed to be questioned but I should ask only the major concerns.

"Why are you suddenly asking weird questions?" Alata said a bit hesitant to answer.

"If you really want me to save him then you shouldn't be keeping secrets." I said.

"Sorry, I wasn't...trying to hide it. I will tell you everything I know."

"Please do."

She took a deep breath."I came from a poor background and one day I fell in love with a man. He was rich and successful, kind and caring. We fell in love and got married. That is when the hatred started, I wasn't accepted into the family and most girls were jealous. We adjusted our lives and eventually got used to the hatred thrown towards us but this would soon take a new turn when I finally got pregnant. It was the day for one of the Olympian gods to choose one successor who would become a demi-god when they grew up. I really don't expect Aestes to be chosen but him being chosen led everything to a worst case scenario. Everyone in town came together to attack us. My husband died trying to protect us." Tears flowed down her cheeks as she stopped.

Fighting against herself she continued. "After the gods knew what had happened they stopped the people and people didn't bother us anymore or so I thought. I-I only have Aestes and they took him from me as well." She cried even harder.

Her story is too unreal to believe but it's not entirely impossible.

"So, unable to accept such fate You went around asking for help despite the fact that they might be the cause. But after knowing that no one is willing to lend a hand you started turning towards the guild for years because you knew that there are people who can heal. However luck wasn't on your side until today."

"Hmm." She nodded in her cry.

"How old is he?" I asked.

"He's 19 years old."

"When did he get cursed?"

"About 9 years ago."

That long? I can see why he was all skinny and deformed and the picture looks a bit too old and unkept too.

Due to the curse his body doesn't grow much it seems. He looked like he was around the same age as Chloe.

Alata also looks skinny and dirty but that's to be expected because their fortunes couldn't possibly last forever.

"You did a good job keeping him alive. You can rest easy now." I said looking at her.

"Seeing you smile puts me at ease." she smiled.

"Is that so?"

"Yes! Thank you, young man." She said.

Before I was aware of it I showed a smile.

"You can call me Chàros."

"Chàros? Like Grim Chàros?" She asked.

How did she know about my full name no rather why does she even know my name in the first place. I'm pretty sure I haven't told anyone since coming here. Is she one of them?

"Yes. Who told you?" I asked normally.

She paused and fell on her knee surprised and shocked. "I waited and waited and now finally... It's happening!" She muttered to herself.

I'm not sure I follow what she meant but I can remove her from the suspect list.

"You okay?" I asked offering her a hand.

"I'm sorry, It's just that I was taken back to the time when a spiritual being came to me and told me not to give up when I was about to take my own life. He said that help is coming on its way, although it might take time."

"And that help is me?" I asked as she stood up.

"Yes!" She hugged me.

The one who told her about me is probably Aramaic. Even so why?

"I see I understand. It's good that you've kept your faith tight till the very end."

"Thank you very much." She wiped her tears.

"You might not like the way I do things but let's go, shall we?" I said.

"Go where?"

If I'm right, there was a similar presence of the curse somewhere.

"You'll see soon enough but before that go and take a bath and change your clothes?"