"Umm, Chàros. Why are we back here?" Alata asked.

We stood outside the guild building which was open night and day.

"You'll find out soon."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

I ignored her question and entered the building. She followed silently.

As I entered, pretty much the same people were present.

"I guess we're in luck." I muttered.

I then walked up to one stranger sitting in the corner alone who is dressed in an expensive shiny golden armor.

"We need to talk! Follow me." I said as I slammed the table.

"Huh! Who do you think you ar-"

As he tried to stand up against me I pushed him in the chest forcefully and sent him flying across the wall.

"What are you doing?" Someone said from the back.

His expensive Armor was damaged leaving a mark which is the shape of my palm.

"Don't interfere or I'll kill everyone in the room!" I said as everyone in the guild tried to stand up for him.

"What makes you think you-" A guy raised his voice.

Before he could finish his sentence someone stopped him with just a raise of his hand.

"Everyone let him. Let's see where this is going." A man who is well built said.

"H-hey!" The man in shiny Armor shouted.

"Thanks." I said showing my respect to the man who stopped everyone.

Everyone stopped in his command.

I walked toward the man and looked at him.

I looked at his eyes unfazed and said. "Since you're not willing to come out I'll ask here."

"What is your deal man?"He asked trembling.

"Maybe you should ask your friend." I said.

"Wha-what do you mean?" He stuttered.

Is he playing dumb or he really doesn't know? But I can clearly see the black aura behind him.

"What do you think you're doing?" A girl's voice was heard across the room.

"It's none of your business Miss. Please don't intervene."I said.

"I have a name and it's Schylla." She said.

"Good for you."

"Hah!" The man got up while I was focusing on Schylla and swung his big long blade horizontally just above the waist.

"Hey—Ah!!!" I tripped her.

I quickly react and trip Schylla with my left leg while crouching down. I prevent her head from hitting the floor with my left hand and quickly move away.

Without wasting a second I used the position of my own convenience to throw an upper cut.

I caught him from his leg before the punch threw him away and slammed him against the floor which was made of wood on top of a brick layer.

"Gah!" The man burps out in pain.

The move did quite a shake across the building but everything was fine. I didn't use extreme force.

"Ouch! It hurts." Schylla looked around as she touched her cheek. "What just happened?" She said in confusion.

it's like she got a slap due to the momentum of her falling speed and the quick reaction of my palm but it's better than becoming mentally unstable.

"Since you attacked instead of trying to run away or play innocent till the end, I take it that you know who I'm talking about." I said staring at him.

"Do you have a family?" I ask a different question as he won't speak up.

"No." This time he wasn't answering with fear but rather confidence and smiled.

"Good. There'll be none who'll mourn for you." I said.

"I won't let you take everything away from me. I built everything from scratch and now you want to take it away?" He said in anger. I paid no mind to his speech and threw a punch at him.

He then grabbed my fist." As expected of you. Well done. I take it that you're ready to die." I said.

"Let's see who's dying! Hah!" He threw a left jab.

I Dodge it slightly and he spun his body as he let go of my hand and threw his right elbow.

I blocked his attack with both my arms crossed. The attack slightly made me flinch.

"Tch!" He seems a bit frustrated.

He quickly backed off.

"Not bad."I said.

"What is your deal?"

"Go and fight outside!!!" Schylla shouted.

What is this girl thinking?Can't she read the atmosphere?

"Shut up!" The man quickly disappeared and appeared in front of Schylla.

"Huh!" Schylla gulped in shock and fear.

The man grabbed her by the neck and lifted her.

"..." Schylla was helpless and couldn't do anything against the guy's overwhelming power.

His true form has been revealed. His eyes turned as black as possible and his teeth grew fangs and a shadow like cillia extended from his body. He has evolved further.

I quickly stepped in and locked my grip on his right hand so that Schylla could escape.

I also locked his other hand and stepped on both his feet so he couldn't move but this won't hold long.

"Back!" I said to Schylla and Alata who were the closest to me. The other already gave space.

"Gawrrrrr!!!!" He screamed.

He's getting tougher as he further evolved.

Eyes as black as the void, fangs as sharp as a lion, deformed flesh, Armor that sink into the skin and shadow-like tentacle extension.

This is likely a side-effect of the curse-pact. Status is Greed and Pride

Curse-pact Deformation occurs when the demon is forced to corrupt the soul and grant them more power to take full control of them.

They both stepped further away from me.

To avoid more damage I should teleport him to an open space outside the town.

"Wait here." I said to Alata.

"..." She nodded.

"You sure you shouldn't be worrying about your future?"

A demonic voice came from the man.


His shadow instantly warped both of us and teleported us in a dark space. I didn't have the time to use my teleportation.


I somehow got separated from him.

"Did he just conquer the transformation?"

A Curse-pact deformation destroys the soul and thus makes the person unstable but I'm sure I heard him talk his thoughts out loud.

"An anomaly? Also where is this place." I muttered to myself.

"This isn't the time to think about other than things rather than your own safety, you know." He showed up but this time his whole body was fully transformed.

I got up and clapped off the dirt from before.

Despite the whole place being completely dark he was clearly visible to me. It's like the whole place has light floating but there's no object to reflect or block the light this making it pitch black but the ground says otherwise.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"My dimension of course. This is the infinite dark valley." He said confidently.

This is almost similar to my dimensions warp but this place defies some logic meaning this place is partly imaginary.

"A curse spirit domain, I see. Thanks for saving me the trouble of getting you away from the others." I replied.

"That's some cocky attitude there, Boy!"

"Did you bring me here just so you can chat with me?" I said.

His actions of wasting time are kinda suspicious to me.

Is he playing some other tricks that I can't see?

"Haha...hahaha!" He laughed at my words."You're making me want to test out my skills so badly. Oh wait, this is just perfect. I can go all out without a care-hahaha! Tired already? I haven't even done anything yet."

He said as I threw an object which I dug from the ground at him. He dodged it without a sweat.

"You sure talk a lot for someone who sold their soul for some crappy power and wealth that's going to end now.."

"Who cares! As long as I can enjoy life here it's all worth it." He shouted as he fired a lightning projectile at me.

"Congrats idiot, you just traded eternal life with a few minutes of life left to live." I responded as I dodged his attack consecutively.

"Are you sure about that?" He said using a new spell he just swipes his hand horizontally and fire is released in all directions.

"Clones,huh." I jumped up and away to dodge the attack.

"It's over!" He appeared behind me the moment I landed and was about to pierce through my chest with his shadow hand."What!"

I quickly grab his hand as I spin to turn around and smash him on the ground forcefully.

The space created a huge crater that would soon disappear.

"That's good! This is more like it!" He came out with hardly any scratches on his body.

The crater disappeared as he got out.

"He's tougher than I expected." I muttered to myself.

He has gotten stronger and more durable than a few moments ago.

"It's about time I end this." He smiled creepily.

I took on a stance agreeing to put this to an end.

I took a deep breath to refresh myself.

"You're right, I should probably end this now." I said and charged.

"Don't get cocky! Gah!"


I accelerated beside him and threw a high kick on his neck which knocked him down. I spun and did another kick completing the combo.

Before he could get back up I threw a forceful punch at his face which caused his head to burst but as I noticed the shadow trying to regenerate his head I pierced through his heart and crushed it.

He finally stopped moving.

"Nekros: Soul Hand." I got a hold of his soul. With that word in my mind my hand turns transparent giving me the ability to grab spiritual beings.

"What! A chain, huh!" I muttered.

His soul was chained by the chain of free will. Because of that reason I can't pull out his soul and the curse apart. They're bound perfectly.

Seems like he really sold his soul under his own influence.

"What!" The soul was sucked back in while I was holding it.

His right hand forcefully grabbed my wrist tightly locking me.

"Aahh...finally a body." A demonic voice echoes through my ears.

I looked at the head and witnessed the head replace itself in a spiritual figure.

I tried to give it another punch in the face but he kicked me in the gut as he spun and got up sending me flying.


"This feels amazing. This must be a present from Beelzebub." He said as he started testing his body capabilities as it transformed into a better built.

His aura changed, the spiritual force around him is different.

That's not the same person, is it? If so what's going on?

I got up and walked towards him.

"Who are you? What's going on?" I asked.

"Huh! What is such a filthy thing here?" He said and charged at me.

I blocked his punch.

This is... Totally different from before. The amount of strength he exploits just now is abnormal compared to before.

He didn't stop his attack there and continuously threw attack after attack be it magic or physical power. I tried my best to keep up his attack but I was reaching my limits. He was also able to match my speed.