"They disappeared."Schylla said as she was surprised.

"Mind explaining?" The man from before walked up to Alata and asked.

"Oh-Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. My name's Timothy. I have no intention of hurting anyone." Timothy said as Alata backed a bit showing she was troubled with his approach.

"It's o-okay. I was just surprised." Alata responded.

"I guess that can happen. Well, you mind telling us what's going on?" Timothy asked Alata.

"What's the point in listening to someone who's considered mentally ill." Alata said.

Recalling the moment of her past and how the people in this whole town treated her Alata first decided to make a clarification.

"That's..." The man stopped his sentence as he felt guilty.

"As expected, the only people who understand are my family and the kid who was here a moment ago." Alata said as she stared at the floor.

"Since I've been hearing your story from the perspective of everyone. Why don't you tell us now from your perspective, we'll be listening. Right guys!" Timothy said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Now that you said it, we never heard about the truth we were just told to avoid you." Someone in the crowd said.

Everyone started agreeing to make Alata more comfortable.

After a few seconds of rethinking Timothy came up with a convincing way of making her tell the story.


Alata was forced into silence as she didn't expect to hear such a response and was caught by surprise.

No rather she's shocked by the sudden change in the atmosphere and why it happens now of all time when she doesn't need it.

"What's this..." Alata broke down and fell on her knees. A drop of tears fell on her knees and she thought "A tears?"

"O-oi!" Timothy was confused as she fell on her knee and felt guilty.

"This isn't how it was a moment ago, no this isn't how it was until now." She cried. "Why? Why now!?" She screamed and cried.

Everyone was speechless and felt guilty deep down even though they didn't know anything.

Schylla went inside her kitchen and came out with a coffee in her hands.

"Here, have a drink." She offered.

"Get away from me!" Alata refused and swung her hand at the coffee.

"Hey!" Schylla said as she backed off. "What's wrong with you? I was trying to be considerate."

"I don't need such things from you." Alata said.


Timothy stopped Schylla from making more trouble.

"It's okay, let her be." Timothy said.

As Alata lost her mind a voice reached out to her. "Aias?" She muttered as she raised her head.

"Hmm?" Timothy was confused as she called out an irregular name.

Because of the intense mental health disturbance she had, she started having hallucinations and got a grasp of the ability to see spirit dimensional beings.

This happens only because both sides of the dimensions wish to see each other truly but it's only temporary and hardly happens, Although this was just a theory it's not a fake scenario either.

"Ada, you shouldn't be like that you know?" Aias said with a smile.

"Aias! It's you it's really you." She said as she hugged the air at least that's how people around her witnessed.

Aias hugged her back and showed a peaceful smile.

"Did she really lose her mind?" A voice from the people in the guild started echoing through the room.

"Looks that way!"

"Ada, you shouldn't chase away people who are showing kindness you know."Aias said to her.

"I'm sorry I just... It's just..." Alata tears up in his arm.

"It's okay, there...there..." Aias lightly patted her on the back.

"Her tears..." Schylla pointed at the weird phenomenon.

Alata tears didn't fall on the floor instead it fell on something invisible.

"Don't tell me?" Timothy noticed what it was.

Everyone thinks that deep down she was actually sane but now after witnessing the strange phenomenon they started questioning themselves.

"What is it?" Schylla asked.

"I'm not sure but putting it simply, she's speaking to someone else from the afterlife." Timothy said. "Even if that's true, how and why did it happen?" He thought to himself.

"Seriously? Are you sure?" Schylla asked.

"Hmm." Timothy answered with a nod.

As the others were circulating their own theory the two were having their final goodbye.

"Ada. It's almost time." Aias said.

"What do you mean?" Alata asked because she herself didn't realise he's already gone at that moment but came to realise seconds later.

"I see." Alata said as snap back to reality.

"It is as it was. But you don't have to cry alright. You should be happy that God allowed us to interact even after we're apart." Aias said.

She nodded. Aias wiped her tears as a drop slid down her cheeks.

"Now be a good girl and share your story to everyone for I believe they'll listen to you wholeheartedly." Aias said and made her look around the room.

His body started to fade and in his last moment he wished his last farewell."Goodbye and cheer up because I'm always watching you." Aias said and disappeared.

"Goodbye, Aias." Alata said.

"Did you see that!" Everyone whispered to their friends as a light appeared in the form of a human shape for a split second.

"What was that?"

Everyone started discussing among themselves.


For a moment silence echoed across the room as Alata stood up.

Her lips moved apart from each other as she took a deep breath."Everyone..."

And so she told everyone a summary of how she spent her past years.

"So that's how it is..." Timothy said as she concluded her story. " But something doesn't feel right."

"Yeah, it's weird that it happens because of jealousy." Schylla said to everyone.

"But I'm not lying."Alata said.

"No one here says that you're lying but there's something missing..."Timothy said. "By the way have you told the guy with you about it?"

"Chàros? Yes." Alata said. " But I don't think he was interested because I want him to focus on saving my son."

"I see. When he comes back let's ask him about it because I'm sure he knows more than you even do." Timothy said.

"What do you mean?" Alata said confused.

"By the way, Isn't Chàros taking too long." Schylla said.


At that exact moment Chàros fell from the roof with a headless body next to him.

He was breathing heavily as if he escaped being drowned in the last second.

"Chàros!" Alata ran to him."What happened?" She asked.

Chàros looked at her as if he didn't hear her and focused on controlling his breath.