As Chàros fell unconscious, the other three quickly went to check on him.

"Chàros! Chàros!" Alata called as she ran to raise his head.

Little did they know that a figure has risen from the blood that flows out from Chàros. This much blood is almost equivalent to at least 3 people. So it is not a normal thing.

The figure slowly solidified and started to come to life as the blood combined.

Schylla and Timothy noticed it and were terrified and speechless at witnessing the new figure unable to move an inch and inform Alata.

"Guys, I think he's dead." Alata panicked.

The other two tapped Alata lightly to notify her of the new situations unfolding.

They both pointed at Alata back.

Alata slowly turned her head and looked back and when she saw a figure dipped in blood she showed a normal human reaction.

"Ahhhhhhh!"She screamed and she tried to quickly run away but...

"It's me Aias." The red bloodshot figure said.

"Ahhhh! Help me! It's grabbing me." Alata screamed.

Timothy quickly supports her and kicks the red figure away.

"Ouch!" The figure was slammed against the wall.


"No problem." Timothy said. "Hey, Schylla. Do someth-"

"Ahhh!" Schylla screamed."Don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me." Schylla muttered to herself, begging for mercy.

"This girl is hopeless." Timothy muttered.

Schylla was traumatized by the supernatural phenomenon around her. She had a fear of ghosts.

The figure got back up and said, "Ada It's me Aias." He said again and slowly the blood started to clot away.

"That voice, Aias? Is that really you? But how?" Alata asked in confusion and ran to hug him.

"Wait!" Timothy tried stopping her but Alata ran to him regardless.

"I'm not sure but I think he used the spell on me." Aias said as Alata hugged him.

His skin started to form as the blood clot fell off.

"But doesn't that mean Aestes is gone forever?" Alata said worriedly.

"I don't know but it seems like he has other plans because he called me to come inside the circle as I stood beside you." Aias said.

"What do you mean?" Alata asked.

"Well certainly the gem of life can't be used against a curse so I'm sure this is what Chàros has planned since the start but how did he use the gem alone? The minimum requirements of sacrifice for the gem to be effective is at least 6 people." Schylla spoke up, joining the conversation.

"When did you snap back?" Timothy said to her but Schylla didn't even bother.

"Now that you mentioned it, I heard Chàros gave Aestes a new name. I believe it was...uh..." Aias couldn't recall the name.

Timothy was thinking" How is he revived with clothes."

"Hmmm... Let's see! I can't seem to remember, sorry." Schylla said.

"Adriel! It's Adriel. He said that he needed to rename him. I think he wants to remove the curse but it will only work if we have faith in him."Alata recalled what Chàros said.

She quickly ran towards her son and started calling him. "Adriel it's me your mother you can wake up now. Adriel Please wake up!Adriel... Adriel..." Alata cried not aware of what's happening anymore.

Her faith was about to fade away as she didn't get an immediate response but deep down she still has faith in Chàros and God because he already did the miracle.

"Wait!"Schylla whispers to Aias as he tries to tell her.

Timothy was too stunned to speak that his jaw dropped.

"Mom?" Adriel said.

Alata looked speechless as she raised her head.

"What's wrong? Why are you... I see so it was all true." Adriel muttered to himself.

"You know what's going on?" Alata looked up and asked.

Adriel scanned the area.

"That guy..." Adriel started at the unconscious body lying on the floor.

"You know him?" Alata asked.

Adriel nodded."He's the one who came while I was stuck in a cage. He told me the only key for me to be free is to change my name to Adriel and answer when called. That's when I heard you calling me." Adriel said.

"Thank you, Chàros." Alata hugged Adriel tightly.

Adriel wasn't fully aware of what was happening as he was too shocked to even speak.

"Is that Dad?" Adriel pointed at Aias.

His father who's been holding back his tears finally came running and joined the reunion.

Timothy and Schylla felt out of place so they left carrying Chàros's body away leaving the family with their reunion.

"Well... That was awkward!" Schylla said. " Don't you think so?"

Schylla looked at Timothy as she didn't get a response.

"Are you listening?" Schylla asked staring at him.

"Something's not right." Timothy finally spoke up.


"You also saw that right?"

Timothy asked referring to the previous scene.

"Saw what? Their reunion?" Schylla has no idea what he was getting at.

"Yes-ah No! A dead guy was raised without his body and a permanent curse was broken. This is impossible."Timothy thought further.

"I told you the power of the Ge-wait... For someone to revive a dead person with that gem exactly seven souls is needed as a minimum sacrificial lamb. If so how did he manage to do it all by himself let alone survive it." Schylla finally caught on as well.

"I told you it wasn't normal. He even manages to revoke a permanent curse so we have to be wary of him..." Timothy fell silent as he remembered something.

"Oi! What are you doing?" Schylla asked Timothy who checked Chàros body looking for something.

"As expected."

"As expected? What do you mean?" Schylla asked.


"There's no scars!" Schylla noticed as well.

"Apart from not having scars, the blood he shed is worth more than the blood of ten people combined." Timothy said.

They both fell silent for a moment...

"Could he be? No it's not possible..." Timothy muttered.

Schylla tilted her head in confusion.

"Also, Adriel seems to adapt too quickly with the current change in environment. That's not normal. Assuming that he was cursed for around a decade which makes him literally ten years old so he should have the mentality of a ten year old boy but I see no sign of that."

"You're not wrong but we can't rule out the possibility that Adriel is having his consciousness while being lamed." Schylla said.

"Right..." Timothy realised."But... Forget it we should talk bad about someone who just helped others."

Since they don't want to be rude they both decided to not pry into Chàros life any further.