
"All of you shall dissipate!"

I could hear a threatening voice. Everything is dark but I could slowly hear a voice in my head.

"Chàros! Chàros!" Someone called me or so I thought.

My vision started to open and I could see a big ball of fire above me. No, I wasn't the one who hold it nor who created it.

It was...the me from that dream long ago. I was back from where I left but this time I was watching from a different view.

I decided to go along and see where this ends.

A little girl called out to Grim Chàros as he was about to wipe out the life of everyone there.

That little girl... If I remember correctly her name is Miran?

Upon hearing her call I or rather Grim Chàros undo his giant fire ball and slowly flew down.

"Chàros, Sorry." Miran cried.

Grim Chàros stopped midway in his flight.


There was silence for a few moments.

"That invisiblility isn't gonna save you from me, you know." Grim Chàros said.

"Looks like I was caught." A man appeared behind Miran with a calm state of mind.

He was dressed without Armor and had a light body built and has a fair looks with a two block hair cut. Around 180cm tall or so I could be wrong but he's approximately around there.

He let go of Miran to show that he wasn't hostile and introduced himself.

"I'm Ezra. Nice to meet you there. Listen, I just want to ask you a favor."

Miran ran towards Grim Chàros as she was released. Grim Chàros flew down slowly towards her.

"Chàros!" Miran hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I almost forgot about you. Before you ask anything or say anything let me talk to him for now." Grim said.

"Hmm." Miran nodded.

Grim held her hand and walked closer to Ezra so that they don't need to use magic or shout to communicate.

"So, what is your proposal?" Grim asked.

I also flew closer to hear what they were talking about.

"Well, It's not something that anyone should hear so I prefer to whisper to you personally." Ezra said.

Ezra walked closer to Grim and whisper something. Ezra smirk as he walked back a few inches.

Upon hearing what he said Grim quickly looked up but he was already too late as he got hit with an incredible amount of force and speed altogether.

It was a rocket that came from the sky and left a huge crater.

Miran was protected with a magical shield.

"I knew you would protect her." Ezra walked up to Grim who was lying on the floor.

"I just knew I'll be fine without it that's all." Grim said as he got up and lightly tapping his shoulder to shake off the dirt.

"Man I didn't know you enhanced your clothes also I like your confidence. But... Let's see how long you'll keep that up." Ezra threw a punch that flew in all directions aiming towards Grim.

I move up to get a clear view.

Moments before the punch landed a hit Grim used a teleportation skill to teleport to Miran and quickly send Miran away from the battle and he phased through the attack effortlessly.


Ezra reversed his hands back and made all six of his clone grab Grim making him unable to phase.

"Got you!" Ezra said as he threw a powerful punch at Grim face but to his suprise Grim was behind him too.

"How did you?" He said in shock but realised he was holding a clone however it was too late to dodge."Gah!"

His head burst upon getting a powerful slap from Grim but since he was just a character he stood back up and slowly his head reappeared.

"I see you're not like the others." Grim said.

"Ofcourse. By the way where did you send the little girl?" Ezra asked.

"Somewhere you won't find her."Grim said as he charged and threw a punch at his face.

The face disappeared moments before it hit and then the body grabbed his right hand and another body appeared and it keeps on multiplying to the point Grim was buried in it.

The real Ezra flew above preparing for something.

"Meteor burst!" Ezra screamed upon putting Grim inside his diamond shape joint-hand sign.

The moment he screamed the words lots of giant Meteor appeared above the sky ready to hit the spot where Grim is being held.

"This guy! He doesn't plan to protect the place, is he?" I muttered.

The meteor takes turn hitting the exact same spot causing a shockwave across the border of the country leaving a deep crater.

If I have to be honest, I don't think I'll survive such attack in my current condition.

About ten meteor strike has landed on the exact spot.

"Glorified Meteor smash!" Ezra pull his trump card on the same spot before the smoke cleared.

This time Ezra pulled a huge meteor about as big as the country. And from the smoke area Grim jumped out and flew up in the air and touched the tip of the meteor.

"Reality Manipulation: Rework." Grim said and suddenly the meteor turned into pebbles and was controlled by Grim who projectile them against Ezra.

Ezra effortlessly dodge the incoming projectile with a phase but he miscalculated something.

"Not bad, kid!" Grim appeared right infront of his eyes and threw a punch at his face which sent him flying this time but unfortunately it's a clone.

"Thanks!" Ezra responded as he used a laser blade to penetrate Grim.

He then swing the blade horizontally towards Grim neck but as the blade was about to hit it's target Ezra was pulled down.


Ezra fell instantly due to the extreme force of gravity and was almost crushed. If he tried to resist in the opposite direction of the gravity he will break his bones.

"Reality Manipulation: Gravity Control. That's the name of the skill." Grim said as he flew down.

"I'm sorry Ezra, you're not close on winning against me." Grim said and double the force crushing him flat.

Due to the constant force of gravity Ezra was unable to revive himself.

"Something's coming." My instincts went off even though I'm not physically there.

I turned around and saw two light above Grim.

Both the light hit him directly at the speed of light and the whole planet exploded in the process.

Grim was gone. He was probably blown away from the recoil.

He was too busy focusing his power on Ezra that he didn't notice the new enemy.

After the planet exploded the two chat to each other.

It was two figure both male who are dressed in golden Armor as if they're the noble gods in fiction. One of them has a weapon while the other one is using his fist.

"He's still alive. Don't get carried away. He might come back anytime." The one with the fist power warned his partner.

"I don't think he will. He teleported moments before our attack hit." The guy with the sword replied.

"Before we talk about him. Can you do something about this waste?" The fist guy asked referring to the destroyed planet.

"Okay, okay! I'll fix it." The sword man replied.

"Why are you responding me like I'm mad at you?" The fist guy said but he didn't get a response.

He then poke a small hole in his finger with his sword made from an unknown material.

A single blood drop from his index finger.

"Reality Manipulation: Time Control." The sword guy chant.

Shortly after, everything reverted back except Grim and Miran was nowhere to be seen.

"You're late."Ezra said.

"We had a lot going on." The sword man replied.

They chatter something that I couldn't hear then as I got closer one of them looked in my direction and grin.

Am I imagining things or Did he just saw me?

He didn't turned even the slightest after looking at my direction.

The other guy also turned in my direction." Shit! They saw me." They must have talked through telepathy.

If they really noticed me then they probably have a grasp of a dimension beyond their own which makes them a literal self-proclaimed god like Zeus but I shouldn't be too sure so soon- Wait where are they?

"This is surprisingly a new development. A dimension sight, huh." A voice came from behind.

I already knew who this voice belongs to. It's the guy with fist power his name is... Wait! What was his name again?

I couldn't remember anything.

I quickly turned around just to witnessed them looking down at me. Out of pure instincts I threw a kick but...

"Chill man. You're not physically or spiritually present here." The sword man said as my leg passed through him.

Not physically or spiritually here? What did he mean?

If I'm not physically or spiritually here then what am I? A hologram?

I can't remember anything that seems crucial.

I backed off to give some space.

"But still this is a suprisingly new development. The same guy we rubbed off has another him watching, this has never happened before." The other guy said.

"The gods aren't lying it seems. This is gonna be a good hunt against the multiversal blacklist." The sword man laughed creepily.

They don't seem to care of my existence as they went along their conversation.

"You might not care or think we're small fry but..." They stopped for a few seconds and the sword guy continued.

"We're coming to your world after we deal with you from this universe." The sword man turned serious and sliced me into half sending me back to nothing.

If only they could hear me back I would like to respond back their attitude.

The dream that I had has never ended has now it developed into further mystery.