After Chàros teleported Panora back home she was left with something unexpected.

Upon reaching back to her home safely Panora quickly searched for her sister.

"Chloe! Chloe!" She ran around the house.

She searched every room and finally found her.

"Chloe!" She found her curling in the bathroom. She went up to her."What's wrong?"


There was no response. Chloe was traumatized from something and won't utter even a single word.

Chloe was muttering something to herself non-stop.

"It's alright you don't need to answer." Panora picked her up."You're heavy!"

She carried her to her room and placed her on her bed. Panora went to close the curtain of the window and as she looked outside the window she saw Chloe flying.

"C-Chlo-No. That's impossible! But If sh-she's there then who's the one lying on the bed." Panora turned around.

Panora was also in a state of questioning her own existence let alone her sister.

Then as the Chloe lookalike flew closer something from her pocket glow and she remembered one of Chàros words.

"That's right, Chàros told me not to open any door for anyone even himself. This is a monster." Panora steel her resolve.

She took out the glowing orb. " What is this for anyway?" She wondered and faced it towards the imposter.

*Demonic scream*

Upon being exposed to the light emitted by the orb the Chloe lookalike melted back to its true form.

"Is this so! So this is what you're used for." Panora gained back her confidence.

"But if Chàros gives me this, does he know that they're coming?" Panora thought." Let me put those thoughts aside, if Chloe is traumatized then it must mean she opened the door because something pretends to be me or something like that. If that's the case then where is it?"



Something knocks on their door and windows.

"What! What's happening?" Panora panicked and locked the door.

The orb light has spread across the room protecting them. Panora sat near her sister and hid herself under the blanket.

After being exposed to the light for a few seconds a normal human eyes will be adjusted to adapt with the change in environment of the light effect.

The orb was left on the table to protect them.

They stayed inside their house for the whole night as Panora knew that was the right choice.

The demon that attacked them was known as a mythical shapeshifter who are known for their shapeshifting ability. They are given different types of names depending on the place they have invaded.

They can shift into anything their prey is attracted to and will devour them.

There are a lower version of them where they can only shapeshift into a prey they already killed.

Right now the kingdom is invaded by a horde of mythical shapeshifter.

Adventurers would soon notice the situation but around thirty minutes have already passed and most of the people who live in the corner of the kingdom are already dead.

"Don't let them fool you. Don't hesitate to kill them." A knight ordered.

"Arrgh!" The soldier charged at the shapeshifter.

"Gah!" The soldiers were overpowered and outnumbered and they started to die one by one. The gate was unguarded as all the soldiers got their hands full.

The shapeshifter turned into the soldiers as they killed them.

"There's too many of them. We can't defend this." One of the soldiers said to the knight.

"Don't falter!" The knight shouted." We will defend with our life and I don't want to hear any excuses." He said and charged and sliced them into half one by one.

One of the shapeshifters jumped from behind him and scared his back with its claw.


He quickly turned back and split the demon into half.



His soldiers were screaming one after another.

"Everyone..." He looked over to where they were and found them all dead and eaten by the demon. All the shapeshifters looked at him and stopped what they were devouring.

He was hurt all over and had a hard time breathing.


They all jumped towards him but he didn't attempt to run.

"Don't underestimate me, you monster!" He shouted and swung his sword horizontally with all his might.

The blade cut all of them in half but they already evolved and connected back to its other half moment after he sliced them.

"Impossible!" He said as he gave up and dropped his sword.

He was ready to accept his fate and kneel down as he lost all his strength.

"I'm sorry everyone. This is all my fault." The knight said as he was about to be sliced into tiny pieces.

He got a quick death as they all jumped at him and cut him at the same time. They eventually end up devouring him completely.

This was just all the shapeshifter coming together to fill their stomach and evolve further into a stronger being for the purpose of conquering.

Right now the reason for what drives them is currently unknown to the kingdom.

The shapeshifter spread through the kingdom and the adventurers started spreading to eradicate them but can they really win against them?