As the dust cleared all that remains was just a headless Belphegor and the prince. Whose rib cage was cracked and is about to collapse at any moment.

When the prince cut off Belphegor's head, Belphegor punched his abdomen but despite the in just a split second the prince swung his left leg and kicked away Belphegor's head in a near light speed reaction causing the head to disappear.

Their attack was so powerful that it shook the whole planet which would have exploded if not for the barrier placed by Belphegor himself.

Belphegor foresaw the output of their attack and placed a barrier to absorb the damage input they caused but this wasn't strong enough to fully prevent destruction.

As everything clears the body of Belphegor stood unfazed with a missing head and the prince was far away from him as he got a direct hit in the abdomen which sent him flying.

"Gah!" The prince spat blood as he tried to stand up. " My body! I can't move!"

He failed to stand up and force himself to lie down.

He looked at Belphegor's body which stood like a mannequin.

"I...did it." He said with relief.


"What!" The prince forced himself to prone as if he was about to crawl." Why...!"

"This is nothing." The headless body started walking towards the prince." I gotta say, that was some impressive move you did back there." Belphegor said connecting with him through telepathy." But you still have a long way to go."

"I know that you're holding back but I was too naive to think I had a chance." The prince had a chance.

"True that you have a chance. But not because you come close in terms of strength or power." The body arrived in front of the prince.

Belphegor's head started regenerating slowly. It first lit up as a spiritual figure then the flesh followed up after completing the recovery.

"We could make a good team. Why don't you join me and we'll conquer this universe. Once we conquer everything. You'll become the prince of everyone. Not that different from what you have right now. So what do you say? In or out." Belphegor offered the prince a choice as he extended his arm to the prince.


After a few seconds of silence the prince gave his answers.


"Will never condemn myself to something so unjust." The prince used his last ounces of strength to slap away Belphegor's palm.

"Heh...hehe...hahaha." Belphegor laughed." This is no different from how your father led this country. I'm so disappointed in you, we could've been such a great duo. But you earned my respect." Belphegor said as he raised his hand to open a portal for an asteroid to crash into the prince.

"Since you earned my respect. I'll take you down with some cool moves."Belphegor said. "Any last word?" Belphegor asked.

"I'm...not... my father." The prince smiled.


"I guess this is my end Chloe. I'm sorry for not accepting your feelings. It's just that my father... didn't allow a noble such as myself to marry into peasants because he wanted to extend his power. I'm just a coward who follows his words. I'm really sorry." The prince thought as he closed his eyes accepting his fate.

The asteroid was about to hit the ground when it exploded. In the blink of an eye support came.

"Fist of destruction!"Adriel shouted and punched the asteroid obellirating it.

"Radiant wall!" Aias prevents the small pebbles hitting the ground by casting a barrier spell.


The pebbles made a metal sound upon hitting the wall. This shows that it was a metal rocks and could be fatal if it hit the earth with a fast approaching speed.

Adriel quickly charged at Belphegor and kick him away in a matter of seconds.


"Are you alright,Ray?" Adriel asked the prince.

"Don't tell me! Aestes!"