
The heart beat of the prince was so loud that even Chris could hear it.

The prince smiled" Throughout heaven and earth I am the chosen protector. Thy bow down upon seeing my face and thyself am among the honoured individuals. For my own people I am not afraid to die and this is my vow!" The prince shouted out as his aura emits out like he's light itself." Come at me."

"I like you. Since you never cease to amaze me let me give you a reward. Here's my own version." Chris grin as he lifted his left hands then pulled it back to his chest copying the prince move.

"Throughout..." He showed a devil smile at the prince and continued."...Hell and land, I alone am the honoured devil. Thou shall tremble upon hearing my name as I fulfilled what has been shouldered upon me. For I am Belphegor." He opened his eyes and looked at Chris straight in the eyes.

As he finished his self-proclaimed quote a dark aura came rushing upon him. At that moment time slowed down for them.

"Belphegor? Don't tell me!" The prince thought.

"No, I'm not that Belphegor. Belphegor is just the title of the honoured shapeshifter. Let's stop the idle chatter. Here I come." Belphegor said as he rushed at the prince.

The prince quickly repositioned himself and Belphegor missed his punch. He stopped in his position for one second and then the aftereffect of his punch destroyed everything in its path and beyond.

The prince quickly charged with his blade and swung at Belphegor who stopped for one second. He has swung his blade more than twenty times at that exact spot.

However that was just an after image.

"Are you sure you should be missing your attack? I'm sure there's not much time left for you." Belphegor used telepathy to talk to the prince.

Since they're moving faster than the speed of sound it's not possible to hold conversation with physical means.

"Telepathy,huh." The prince ignored Belphegor's words.

The prince quickly turned back and threw a knife which he created with his spiritual power.

Both their power caused one being to be at their very peak which lasted for around ten minutes at best and each time they stopped for a second their life span decreased from ten minutes. However this effect is null against immortals and regeneration.

Belphegor dodged the attack and appeared right behind the prince and created a big long blade which glows dark red and slashed horizontally.

The prince flips backwards dodging the sword at perfect timing and jumps upward.

While in mid-air the prince held out his left hand and then threw his spiritual force shape as a claw at Belphegor.

"Another cheap move." Belphegor used telepathy again.

Belphegor caught the claw on its spiritual string and pulled the prince towards him.

The prince used the inertia of the pulling force to his advantage and spun himself like a Beyblade as he undo his claw.

Belphegor had no intention of backing and take the incoming head on with his fist.

"Take this!" The prince used the telepathy to express his thought.


"Dimension! Breaker!

Moments before their attack collide the sound barrier surpassed its limit for some reason and made sound accessible at the speed of mach 40.

"Gahhhh!" Belphegor threw his charged fist at the incoming prince.

The blade passed above the extended fist and made contact with the neck of Belphegor while the fist of Belphegor got a clean hit in the abdomen of the prince.

*Dup-dup-dup- Dhung!*

Their attack created a huge explosion making an even greater crater which broke even their own protection barrier to limit the damage to the environment.

Half of the kingdom was wiped and one house near the west side survive which is the house where Panora and Chloe lived.

While the rest that wasn't destroyed experienced a strong shake of their environment with a strong wind blowing.

Their fight ended in 1.7777777 seconds of real time.