
"You're strong. What's your name?" Chris said.

The other guy wiped off the blood in his mouth and forced himself to stand. He then continued to put on his cape to cover his head and face.

"I'm just a prince who is willing to sacrifice his life for his people." Said  the prince.

"What a coincidence! I also love powers as much as you do for your people." Chris said."Therefore, I shall sacrifice everything for powers."

The prince took a pebble and projected it with his pinky and thumb at an incredible speed.

"Cheap." Chris said and dodged it.

The moment Chris dodged the pebbles the prince swapped position with the pebbles just before it turned into a vapour.

"Dimension breaker!" The prince shouted and swung his enhanced dagger vertically.

"Wha—" Chris quickly turned and used a protective barrier but the dagger passed through and slashed his right hand.

Chris instinctively grabs the dagger on his left hand and kicks the prince away. Chris quickly backed off to create some space. His left hand was rotten as he grabbed the dimension dagger.

The slash left a mark in the space, leaving a crack in the dimension.

"That hurt!" Chris said." Just kidding." He smiled as his hand was restored back to normal.

Both sides were cautious of each other trying to figure out how to counter each other.

"What is that dagger? It wasn't the same from before. I should avoid it as much as I can. That single cut took the power away and the second damage caused the memory and skills of the person whom I took the power I used from disappeared." Chris thought in his mind."I need to make him think that it does nothing."

While Chris can't be aggressive as much as he wants to and is being cautious. The prince is also in a state of shock.

"The cut didn't work?" The prince was shocked and not even an immortal was able to regenerate from this attack."Why?" He thought.

"What really happened? Is he immune to it? No that doesn't seem to be the case. I at least damage him. If he can be harmed then it's not impossible to defeat him.That's all I need to know but..." The prince thought it was interrupted by Chris.

"That's some cool weapon you got there. Who gave it to you? Your papa?" Chris said mocking him.

The prince isn't buying his mockery and ignores his words and stands guard because Chris is slightly faster than him.

"What? Not gonna talk?" After the prince still hasn't responded Chris decided to attack."If you're not gonna talk then my fist will make you talk." Chris said planning to use physical means.

Chris disappeared from his position and appeared in the air behind the prince back.


The prince quickly turned to block his fist with both his arms as he was too late for a counter attack.


The ground breaks and a whole block of the village disappears.

"Close call." The prince said as he breathed heavily.

Just before the fist hit the prince he quickly swapped position with some random objects nearby to dodge the attack as he knew he wouldn't be able to tank the attack at the last second.

As the prince teleported away. Chris quickly pulled back his punch but it was too late and caused the ground to disappear just from the force of his punch causing the prince to fall into a pit. The forces of the wind caused by the punch ripped the robe of the prince.

Chris floating mechanism activated automatically as the land disappeared.

"Wait!" The prince held out his palm stopping Chris on his track to kill him.

"Let me give it my all." The prince said as he stood up.

"Oh! I knew you were holding back." Chris said.

"Thanks for waiting." The prince put his thumb on his heart and repeatedly breathed in and out.

After breathing in and out for about seven times the prince muscle were toughened and his skin hardened. His power and durability increases beyond his limits meaning that once this fight ends his body will be too exhausted to inspire and expire oxygen and will eventually die.