
The Imposter of Timothy was shot by some kind of invisible spell on the head which made his head explode.

"H-how did you do that?" Alata looked at her son in surprise and somehow she seems happy.

"Huh! Well it just happened to pop in my mind." Adriel said.

"I see." Alata said in confusion.

"Let's talk later we have a situation to handle." Aias brought them back." What's going on outside?" Aias asked Timothy.

"Uh...well..." Timothy nervously signalled them to look for themselves.

The three of them looked outside of the window and everything was red and blurred. The mesmerizing view of the sun that always rises in the morning is of no sign even though it's about time the sun's supposed to be near the horizon.

"No way!" Aias said as he saw everything burning in fire.

"So cruel!" Alata covered her mouth as she couldn't accept what has happened.

"Well, what can we expect when we're attacked by monsters." Timothy said.

"Elaborate!" Aias said.

"Huh!" Timothy was confused by the sudden wording.

"What are they and what is their weakness? Do they..." Before Aias could finish his questions Schylla spoke up from where she sat.

Schylla was finally able to adapt with the situation as she stood up while talking confidently.

"They're therianthrope sapiens. A shapeshifters who are known for their mimicking ability and greed for power. They can't copy abilities unless they got a hold of your DNA and they also have the ability to acquire memories of the enemies but there are certain limitations. However those limitations don't exist if they consume their target and they evolve each time they gain a new body. But none of these apply to the honoured devil. The honoured devil evolved from consuming more than ten thousand humans..."


The room was filled in silence as she finished sharing her information.

"What!" Schylla asked as everyone stared at her.

"Nothing... Shouldn't have doubted you at first." Timothy said nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Schylla poked Timothy.

"Thanks for the information, little girl. It's going to help us alot in battles."

"It's the least I could d—" Just as Schylla was about to thank Aias for his compliment a loud noise interrupted them. The ground literally shakes as the noise travels through their ears.

"We don't have time. Someone needs us, Dad!" Adriel said to Aias.

"Yes!" Aias said knowing what is going on and they can't slack off anymore.

"Be Careful." Alata said because she doesn't want to lose them after she just got them back.

"Of course!" Both of them answered and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Is that a giant Meteor???" Timothy asked as he pointed outside the window.

"No way!" Alata was worried as she knew something.