As both the men in shining Armor take their step. The whole universe collapses erasing everyone except them.

"So much for the warm welcome." The guy on the left said. "Xifos! What do you think?"

Xifos looked at him in silence portraying what he was talking about.

"C'mon resurrect this world already." Grotha said.

"It's impossible."  Xifos said calmly.

"Why?" Grotha cried.

"When we entered through the cracks something triggered my sensory. And at that exact moment something rejected us."

"What do you mean?" Grotha asked.

"The universe we entered just now is... We're just not compatible to take a step in the universe is what I thought but..."


"I think it's—"

*Strange noises*

*Electrical noises*

The shattering of the universe reverses itself.

"We're back!?" Grotha was confused and he quickly turned to Xifos."What just happened?"

"I... Don't know." Xifos was as shocked and confused as Grotha." This never happened before. A universe rejecting foreign particles but adapts to it by throwing them away for a mere seconds? No that's not it. Something entirely different happened." Xifos muttered.

"Forget something!!" Belphegor rushed at them and pulled out the dimension sword."Reality breaker: Dimensions Slash!"

He appeared behind Grotha and swung his sword at Grotha's neck.

Grotha didn't move or even tried to dodge the attack.


Belphegor's attack didn't cut through Grotha's neck. It didn't even make a scratch.

"Who are you?" Grotha stared at Belphegor completely unfazed from the attack.

Grotha wasn't so pleased to see someone snuck behind his back.

Belphegor backed off instinctively and teleported near Adriel.

"Tch!" Belphegor clicked his tongue. "Hey!He—" Belphegor tried to wake Adriel but Grotha appeared behind him.

Grotha placed his left hand on Belphegor's shoulder and made him look straight in his eye.

"Not gonna answer my questions." Grotha said."Well in that case, I shall force you to obey me." Grotha's eyes turned bright red with a peculiar pattern.

"What are you doing?" Grotha said as Xifos stepped in and pulled Grotha away and teleported away from Belphegor.

"What the hell are you doing?" Grotha pushed away Xifos.

Grotha was mad that his actions were denied.

"Wait!" Xifos stopped Grotha from attacking Belphegor.

"Why!?" Grotha asked in an angry tone.

"Something's not right about that man. He doesn't have a soul?" Xifos was confused and isn't confident of saying it.


"No that's not it! He's a fragment of many souls and spirits. In the good term he's a mixed fraction of tens of thousands of memories and the power of dead people." Xifos calmly analyses the opponents.

"What does that supposed to mean?" Grotha asked.

"It means he's not human."


"Yes! You heard that right. He's a shapeshifter and an honoured one at that. It might be bad if he can mimic even a fraction of our original powers."

"I see."

"Exactly. I'm still not sure if he's able to mimic it at the same level. So knowing that You should know what to do."

"We can't use our Reality Manipulation asset." Grotha caught on it.

"Right! And you shouldn't use large scale damage like a planet killer and above. Minimize your attack to an individual killer." Xifos said.

"I understand but what is he doing?" Grotha said.

Belphegor was trying to wake Adriel by shaking him and all but Adriel was out cold.

"Wake up, idiot!"


Belphegor slapped Adriel so hard that he disappeared.

"He slapped him away!" Grotha was amused and laughed.

"That kid..."

"What's with the kid?" Grotha laughed as he asked.

"He is Kronos's avatar."


"I'm not sure but he has a faint mark of Kronos's cosmic energy. I could be wrong too because there's something else I can't identify." Xifos deduced it.

"Here he comes..." Grotha said in disappointment as Belphegor came flying up.

"This world is mine to rule!" Belphegor rushed upwards holding his fist out.

He has charged his punch with a plasma enhancement which burns everything in its path.

"Bring it on!"Grotha said in excitement and flew down as he threw a punch.

Their punch collided and the plasma expanded covering the whole space as if to obliterate the whole planet.

*Tut...Tut...tututututut.....* Everything went high pitch.

The sound barrier glitched and the explosion was nullified. Everything went back to normal as if time was reversed except the fact that Grotha's punch hit its target while Belphegor's punch was negated.

Belphegor exploded and the whole planet was obliterated from that punch.

"I told you not to use too much power." Xifos said as he used his magic to restore everything back.

"I did but something happened back there." Grotha said.

"What do you mean?" Xifos said after restoring the planet.

"He reversed his attack and take the hit. I charged enough strength to negate his plasma charged but he undid the attack right before my fist landed."

"Something's wrong!" Xifos stated.

"What is it?"

"He's missing. The time manipulation has no effect on him even though he's in the targeted area." Xifos explained.

"He run away I see..." Grotha said.

"Most likely but I think I overdid my restoration. The hole disappeared." Xifos said looking at Grotha like a dumb cat." Anywa—"

Before they realised it. Adriel was behind them with a yellow and while aura emitting from him. Xifos instinctively jumps away from his position.


"Hey watch where you're moving—" Grotha said to Xifos who bumped into him.

"I'm finally back again!" Adriel said looking at his hands.