"..." I opened my eyes and as the vision was still dull and my consciousness was not fully awake I decided to sit up and stay like that for a few minutes while I closed my eyes. In simple terms I am meditating.


Did the ground just vibrate? How long am I even gone?

After that incident in my dream I was sent back. However I don't know how much time has passed in this present world but the only thing I can do is pray that it's not more than a week.

If it's the same as before then probably at least a year should pass.

Time passes differently when you're not in your own world. That's why dreams can sometimes be as long as a year or a whole life when it's just a day in the real world. While people who are trapped in a comma get the reversed logic of time from a dream.

"I should be able to move around now." I muttered and took out the blanket that I was buried under.

I was so focused on how much time has passed that I almost forgot about everyone.

"Wait! Where is everyone?" I wondered but they could just be outside doing their own thing.

However I still quickly got down from the bed I was laying and at that moment my instincts made me freeze the moment my feet touched the ground.

As my feet made contact with the floor I could feel the cold floor for a second and then disappeared completely.

What just happened? Am I...floating?

The whole place went dark in the blink of an eye as if I am teleported in the middle of space which is about right as I feel like I'm floating where gravity doesn't exist.



I fell on the floor. I feel like I was away from this planet for a moment although it could just be my imagination. I got back up as soon as I realised I fell.

Wait! Did I just feel pain falling from this height?

"Was this also my imagination? Or is it just an involuntary reaction because I am in flesh!?" I asked myself.

It could be because of what you call an instinct reaction or just out of shock but I'm not shocked nor surprised.

"Guess I'll never know."

I opened the door and walked out of it. It's morning but the atmosphere seems strange.

I took a turn and walked straight and reached the living room where I could see Alata and Timothy standing near the window peeking from it.

The outside looks dusty but it could just be the window being dirty.

Both of them don't seem to notice me when I arrive near the table except when I turn to my left, someone is st


"Get down!" Timothy said.

The ground just shakes again and as both Timothy and Alata duck a wind blade cut the window horizontally. I slightly bent down to dodge the attack.

The attack just split the house in half. I used my mind to cast a simple reverse manipulation technique to fix the house.

"Chàros! You're awake–" Timothy stopped talking leaving his sentence behind.

"What's going on?" I asked calmly.

"Oh! It's really you." Timothy took a deep breath.


"You look so different that we could hardly recognise you." Alata said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your eyes!" Schylla said.

"Is that so..." I said.

It appears that my eyes change colour although I'm not sure if it's permanent but looking at the situation, time hasn't passed much.

"Where's Adriel?"


"Yep! He's fighting someone right now." Alata said awkwardly.

"I see... Well then."  I said and left.