After recovering the damage made in the spatium I looked up to see the guy who just stays there without moving.

"I hope this cuts off their connection to their source." I muttered and turned around.

"I see you erased the cracks in spatium."

When did he get here?

"I can't leave the scar of the universe unfixed, can't I?" I said." Or did that weaken you or something?" I mocked him through words.

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

The fact that he didn't recognise me proves that they're not the same version from the one I saw in my dream.

A variant of themselves who does a different job.


I didn't answer him but waited for an opening so I could get away but seeing his speed I'm not sure if that's possible.

*Sigh* "Did you come here to chat?" I said staring at him unfazed.

"Such arrogance. Disappear." He said and swiped his hand horizontally.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he did that.

"I see. Extinction Phase doesn't work on you." He said. "Looks like you're not some random being with a speed."

"Wanna see what I can do?" I asked.

"Oh, so you have some tricks up your sleeves too?" He laughed.

"No, this is something simple." I said and placed my index finger on his forehead ready to flick.

Since his sword is not with him. I'm guessing he's ability to keep on recreating Terra is his sword's ability because... The world is still on the verge of being confused for its own existence.

"A flick? Hah!" He laughed." What are you supposed to do with that? Do you think a mere flick is gonna kill me—"


"I didn't expect that to wipe out the whole atmosphere." I muttered. "I guess it's back again."

His head disappeared faster than the speed of light as I hit him. However it seems like he's not dead.

"What the hell!! What is that sorcery?" He shouted as his head came back.

"Sorcery? What sorcery?" I asked.

I mean what does a finger flick have to do with magic?

"Absurd, there's no way that my head will disappear like that! I won't accept such humility." He shouted and held out his right hand.

Somehow his sword came onto his hand. It's kinda cool.

"Universe Strike!" He shouted and swung his sword.

I created a duplicate from the tip of my toe and made us both jump using our toes dodging the attack.

"Are you sure you want to waste your energy like that?" I asked.

"Bold of you to assume I missed." He said and smiled.

What is he talking about?

I looked behind me and saw the void of destruction behind me.

It's as large as a mountain and the gravitational force is sucking me in.

I created a clone again to my alternate position and made both of us jump using both our toes. He went in the direction of the void while I jumped outside it. I undid my clone after each move.

I summoned another clone but this time it fromed from the hand holding mine. That clone blocked his view from me when it threw me out with an incredible force.


He flew near me clapping his hands with an applause. We were barely inside the Atmosphere of Terra where the sound barrier is limited.



With a snap of his finger, Terra went back to normal. The void was eating everything near it and along with its gravitational pull it's making Terra gravitational force unstable.

"As I thought you overcame that effortlessly even though you couldn't fly. I have to say..."

"You sure are slow." His voice suddenly echoes through my ears.

He was in front of me before I could even blink, what I saw standing in the spatium is his after image. His sword pierced through my stomach as he whispered in my ears.

"I didn't want to kill you so soon but you see. Since you erased the crack in this universe our time here is limited." He said.

"Looks like I'm right about your source." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"What! When did you?" He asked as he definitely felt stabbing me in the stomach.

Although it's such a cheap move I phased my fist through his chest.

"But you're still..." He spat out golden fluids.

Is that his blood?

"The one you're stabbing right now is just an after image which I constantly created faster than your mind can process."

"Impossible! I was faster than the speed of light. There's no way I won't oversee such movement from someone who could only move at the speed of light." He said.

"You're right! That was just a clone. I switched position with my clone when jumping out of that void. I was the one jumping inside that void. A mere gravitational force isn't gonna harm me."

"That still doesn't make sense. I should be able to..."

*Cough* he started coughing.

His time is running out.

"See through that... Heh!" He smiled." Next time I won't lose." He said and lifted his hand and snap his finger.

"Is it over?" I muttered as everything started returning to normal right before my very eyes.

"Beautiful!" I muttered and undid my magic tile and fell down Terra.

It's still surprising to me that all this event took place under less than a second after I saw those cracks.