PART 4.5

It's been forever since I fought this guy. Even with all my powers, I still can't beat him.

I went all out and even borrowed a power from Ray and my father but even with all that He's just playing with me because he has nothing better to do.

Can I really beat him?

I started asking myself these hopeless questions.

Ever since he managed to block my punch once, I never managed to hit him anymore.

He purposely collided our punch just to create a powerful impact that erased Terra.

As for his partner, he didn't even bother to interfere in the fight because he was confident that his friend would win.

The reason why they didn't finish me off instantly is because they probably were planning to take me down by wearing out my energy.

"I wonder how long you will possibly last..." He said as he exchanged a blow with my fist."Probably...a few more seconds, I guessed." He said and grabbed me by the neck and threw me far away from Terra.


I thought he was going to hit me in the face but he threw me effortlessly instead.

I landed in an unknown place. It seems like I've hit a celestial body and landed on it.


As I stood up something came flying towards me.

It was none other than Grotha himself.

I took a pose and jumped towards his direction and extended out my hand ready to exchange blows.


As our fist collided time breaks and the whole reality collapses. But  it was instantly back to how it was before.

This was the work of his partner who holds a broken ability where he can revive basically anything.

Without his ability, I don't know how far I could have gone because my father's spiritual energy keeps on restoring as he was revived back.

However, his spiritual energy is almost useless against people like Grotha and Xifos.

But that kept me going for this long, but how long can I possibly keep up?

I don't think I can last even more than a minute anymore.

I started losing all my will power as I was on the edge of losing.

"Hah!" I extended out my final energy and punched him blindly.

For some reason I manage to hit him and he burst into nothingness.

"What just happen?" I muttered to myself and float in spatium without doing anything.