The night of registration day...

"This mission was first considered a B-ranked until we lost a few of our adventurers." Schylla said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The original name of this mission is Mysterious Death. These dragon-born for the first time ever, asked for a request. Which is to investigate the death of their kind. They say the cause of death is unknown and believe that it was caused by some kind of virus which affects only the dragon-born. They request for help because humans have a history of coming up with a solution to every problem. The request was deemed as a B-ranked mission but after two groups of A-ranked adventurers were sent and their bodies were delivered lifeless and with no sign of visible injuries nor a virus or anything. We decided to make this an S-ranked class difficulty mission and asked them for an increase in reward for those who could complete the request. Hence, it became the most expensive mission."

"Did they really come back dead?" Chris asked.

"Well, I mean, yeah! The cause of their death is unknown. So no adventurer was willing to  take on this mission. The S-ranked and heroes are busy with a mission consecutively so I didn't get a chance to introduce them to this mission." Schylla said.

"By the way, how many of them died?" I asked.

"The dragon-born?" She asked. "I don't know but around two I believe." She said as I nodded.

"I see."

"Is it possible that it's poison?" Draken ask.

"No, as I said there was no sign of viruses or something like that including poison." Schylla said.

I'm not convinced that they were dead for no reason but I'm also lost on how they died.

"By the way Schylla, did you ask them how they died? Like how and did it occur." I asked.

"Wait, let me search for it." Schylla said as she checked the drawers and ran towards the stairs.

We waited for about half an hour.

"She sure is taking her time." Chris said as he took the last spoon of his fried rice.

"Sorry for the wait!" Schylla said.

She came running down with a scroll on her hands.

"That was so unprofessional of you Schylla." I said." Since you made us wait for half an hour without prior knowledge. We're not paying for this." I said referring to the empty plates on our table.

"I didn't force you to wait for me, didn't I?" She said."You could've gone back. Also I'm doing this for you guys. I searched through the whole history of our storage just to get this." She's mad.

"Sorry, I was just being sarcastic." I said before she's completely lost.

"Hmph! That was such a bad sarcasm." She pouted.

"I'm sorry. Can you please elaborate on what you're holding?" I said changing the topic.

She opened the scroll and started explaining it in a paragraph.

"Well from their report, it says that when they came across the mentioned place where the incident took place. Suddenly all of them except one person collapse for no reason. The guy who survived has no idea how he lived but the next time they went to check again with our adventurer. The guy who survived died as well leaving another guy standing. Who retrieved their bodies. Well... That's all there is to it." She said.

"Last man standing,huh." Draken pondered.

"That's one strange case." Chris thought too.

Unlike most situations, this one is based on an odd one standing. Where the most random person survived.

"I would ask for evidence but it seems like I don't need to..." I said."But..."

"But?" They all looked confused.

"Is there any proof or evidence that their own kind suffered the same loss?" I asked.

"Huh! Well I mean I guess... We do receive reports that the guy who last survived is dead so... That's all I know." Schylla said.

It appears she knew only that much but that's okay. It's more than enough.

"I see. I understand. I just wanted to ask for clarification. That's all." I said looking at her as she's giving me that weird 'Did you know something look.'

"If that's all I'll be heading back. I should get some rest for tomorrow." I said and left." You guys take some rest too. It's gonna be a long journey." I gave them advice.

"O-okay." Chris said and followed." Goodnight." He said to Schylla.

Draken left as well.

With that the whole room was emptied out. No adventurers were to be seen as they all have decided to take a leave early today.

Present time...

"Draken! Draken! Come on man don't leave me!" Chris cried.


Shenor called his assistant.

"Go get a healer!" Shenor instructed."Go!"

The assistant bowed and ran out quickly.

"He might have fallen into a victim of the Terror." Shenor said.

"What do you mean?" Chris asked as tears ran down his cheeks.

"I'm just saying..." Shenor said.

"Are you sure you didn't add poison in his food?" Chris shouted.

"Why would I do that?" Shenor said.

"Forget it I'm calling, Chàros." Chris wiped his tears and ran outside.