"What happened?" I asked as I entered.

"Chàros!" Chris ran into my arm grabbing my collar."Draken is dead!" He said straight up.

I looked at Shenor asking for a brief detail.


"Well you see...your friend suddenly collapses out of nowhere." Shenor said. "And he suspects me of poisoning him."

"Are you sure he's not drunk?" I said to Chris.

As far as I recalled his plate was overloaded with cherries and apricot and now that it's empty, it's highly he's drunk

"What are you saying? He's not moving, open your eyes!" Chris shook my collar so hard that I was dragged along with it.



I slap his cheeks on both sides.

"Wha—" He was thunderstruck.

"Calm down and get your act together. Or if you're gonna cry why are you tagging along knowing very well that something like this could happen."


The fact that he's acting like this must have meant they're more than just an adventurer companion

"Why are you so rude to him?" Shenor asked.

Me? Rude? Did I say something wrong?

"I'm trying to wake him up. Sometimes a person has to be forced to make a decision." I said.


"Calm down. Let me at least first observe it." I said and removed his hand from my collar.

I signalled Shenor to take care of him.

Shenor switched places with me.

I walked towards the supposed corpse of Draken. I sat down and dipped my fingers in the spilled soup on the floor.

I carefully looked at the components of the soup using specialised eyes that help me zoom in to see the molecule size.

Everything seems normal.

His pulse is perfectly well but the problem is his absence in this world. His consciousness seems out of reach.

I suspect him to be drunk but that doesn't seem to be the case. His body and mind isn't the type to get easily drunk from some fruit.

It's like he fell into a coma without any reason.

"Chris!" I called. "How did you say he died?"

"He's dead!?" Chris said.

"No, he's in a coma. He's fine but he might never wake up." I said.

"Isn't that the same as being dead?" Chris said.

"No, he could wake up anytime but as I said he might never wake up again. I'll ask you again. How did this happen?"

"Well, about that... He suddenly collapses while drinking the soup of the meal.  The rest is just me panicking."

He seems to be perfectly fine but something doesn't feel right.

"I see." I said. "Shenor, can you get him a room to rest?" I asked for Draken.

"We do have rooms for the three of you." Shenor said as he snapped his finger.

Three women came into the room and bowed down in front of Shenor." What can I do for you Master?" They said.

"Show them their room." Shenor said.

"Very well, please follow us." They said.

Why are they in perfect sync. It's pretty impressive but at the same time it's creepy.

"I'm fine." I said. "Chris, you go and follow them. Of course, carry Draken."

"Huh, wait I can't carry him all the way to the room. I'm a magician!" Chris said.

"I'm joking of course. Seems like you're better now."

"Well, yeah. I guess. But that was a terrible joke." Chris said and followed the maid.

I dragged Draken up and carried him on my back and followed them out of the room.

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you, you know." Shenor said.

"I know but I'm just trying to cheer him up."

"I see, I understand." Shenor sais."Anyway Meet me later after you drag him to bed. We need to talk." Shenor said.

I nodded in response.

What could the King of the Mystic Terror want to talk with me in private about?