"It's time." Shenor said as he came to my room.

I quickly got up from my bed and followed him out.

"Where are you guys going?" A voice echoes through my ears.

It was Chris standing near the door of his room where Draken was sleeping in.

"We're just going for a walk." Shenor said.

"Is that so? Then can I tag along?" He asked.

"Are you sure you want to leave your friend alone?" Shenor said."I mean something might happen while you're gone."

"I guess you're right." Chris said and headed back inside.

The beautiful star shone upon us as we left the building with chinoiserie style. The moonlight shone brightly as it lit up the whole country.

"So where are we heading?" I asked as we were far enough from the building.

"Before I tell you, let me give you a quick tour." Shenor said." Is that fine with you?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Follow me." He said

I followed him to something that seems like a small market shed.

"How are things going?" Shenor said to the girl who is the shopkeeper.

"Huh!M-m-master. Everything is f-fine." She stuttered and bowed.

If one stutters then they are either born that way or are just shy. One might also stutter due to fear but in her case I'm sure it's just nervousness.

"Lien! How are things going th— My lord forgive me for my rudeness." An old lady came from the tent and bowed down upon seeing him.

A lady who is in her forties or fifties came out of the tent. Since they're dragon born I expect her real age to be around four hundred. She was dressed in a fancy red dress with a translucent red hat.

Why are they apologizing as if they did something rude?

"Haha... Don't worry about it." Shenor laughed it off.

"What brings you here today?" The old lady asked."Is it perhaps..."

Shenor nodded before she spelled it out.

"Very well. Follow me." She said.

"Later Lien." Shenor said with a smile as we walked past her.

She blushed and looked down.

We entered the tent and it's not what I was expecting.

That tiny tent is actually a secret passage to a huge underground laboratory.

"This is not what I was expecting." I said.

"What did you expect?" Shenor smiled.

"Something like a fortune teller crystal orb." I said.

Shenor laughed so did the old lady.

"If this amaze you then you're in for a treat." The old lady said as we approach another door.

This is no ordinary door it's like a security door built with metals enhanced with magic.

She placed her hand on the scanner beside the door.


The biometric scan made a tweet sound and the door opened shortly after.

"Behold the..."