"Good morning, Chàro—" Chris walked into my room. "Where has he gone so early in the morning?" Chris wandered and saw the letter I left on my bed.

"Guess I'll go now." I muttered and left.

I could have left earlier but I just needed to make sure he found my letter.

I headed towards the Midas Kingdom which is around a thousand miles away.

Someone's following me!

I guess Shenor hasn't trusted me completely.

He has been following me for quite a while now. Although he is keeping their distance from me, it's impossible to hide completely when we're on a flat surface.

A thick and dense forest is up ahead.

Maybe I could try and lure him out there.

I ran through the dense forest and hid behind a big tree waiting for him to come by.

Five minutes later...

"It's been five minutes or so but still no sign of him."

What's going on? It's like he knew what I was up to.

"Well whatever." I muttered and left.

I could speed up faster than the speed of sound but the damage it will cause to the environment is not something I want to take responsibility for.

On the other hand...

"Jinx!" My master has called me.

"Yes!" I reported right away.

"Follow him but don't let him know you're following him." My king said as he gave me something to put in my eyes.

"Right away!"

I was tasked to follow this man who was dressed in Black with peculiar clothes. He was running faster than I could actually keep up but thanks to the tool my master entrusted me with I won't lose him.

However after tailing him for about half an hour we came across a dense forest and he stopped halfway for about five minutes and kept going.

Nothing seems wrong at first but he stopped again and this time I waited for him to make his move for about thirty minutes but he doesn't seem to be moving anytime soon.

"What's going on?"

Could he perhaps know I was tailing him?

"No, that's impossible. I completely erased my presence."

I waited for another ten minutes then I finally lost the patience and decided to check.

If I may come across him I could make excuses as if it's a coincidence meeting him.

Well only if I changed the way I dress myself. I used ninjutsu to change my attire.

I decided to head to the place the spot. However he wasn't here. The reading of this map says he's right here on this spot.

"What's going on?"

Is he above me? Is he hiding somewhere?

I checked the whole surroundings but he was nowhere in sight.

Then I walked back to the red dot reading on my eye contact lens.

Then I found a a tiny dot curved down the earth.

I picked up the micros sized object and it was the transmitter placed on him.

It was placed on a spot where the grass was absent.

"He must've out it here on purpose for me to find it." I muttered.

I took out the contact lens my king gave me and stored it in a tiny bottle cap size capsule with the transmitter.

"Guess I'm busted."

It appears that I was busted but how should I report this to my king. Since I was waiting for him for more than thirty minutes, following him was not the best option anymore as I don't even know where he was heading.

"I couldn't return empty handed either."

I don't know what he was up to normal where he was going. My king simply told me to tail him but I couldn't fulfill his request.

I am a shame. I deserve to die, I shall face whatever punishment awaits me.