After waiting for five minutes, I figured why he's not catching up. It's because he was keeping a distance from me. But How?

There are two possible ways but one thing is certain. If they used tracking magic they knew I would catch on to it. So keeping that in mind, the only choice they have is technology.

If they're capable of building a sustainable energy source that could power hundreds and last for a few decades then they probably have something up their sleeves.

It's ironic how humans are the most intelligent being in the whole universe but were outdone by a class of their own creation.

If they're using a tracking device then, where would they put it?

I knew if it was something that was bigger than the size of an ant it's going to be easy to notice. So they're probably using a micro device.

"In that case." I muttered to myself and stopped.

I vibrated and phased so fast that I fell inside the earth.

I instantly used teleportation to teleport from the soil. I then looked at the spot where I was and used an enhanced eyesight.

"Bingo!" I muttered as I found the micro chip. It's so tiny that it looks like the dot you created when you stuck your pencil on a paper.

I dug a small hole and placed the micro chip in it so that the person tailing me knows that I knew he was following me. I was giving him a warning.

"If he still insisted on following me then..."

I sped up and ran towards the Midas Kingdom with a speed close to twice the speed of sound.

I finally reached the destination after running for about five minutes of constant running.

In front of me was a huge gate made of pure shiny gold. Even the weapons of the guards are made of gold.

"Halt there! Show me your Id!" The guard asked me as I tried to enter without showing myself.

I could have sneaked in but I simply want to enter in accordance with their rules.


"What business do you have here?" The guard asked as he checked my adventurer Id. He checked it throughout like a woman who put all the efforts to take out the little dirt in a rice.

"I'm here on a journey. Is something wrong?" I asked with my casual tone.

"Alright! Go ahead." He gave me back my Id.

If I were visiting just for holiday, it would confuse me why they would go as far as checking the identity and stuff but knowing that they kept someone important hostages. It's reasonable to be wary of everyone but this level of security is a bit disappointing. It's like they aren't even trying.

After wandering around I came across a dark valley. I walked down that valley and before I could step down till the end I heard a voice.

"Walk faster!" A guard kicked a little boy who was carrying a bag of something.

The little boy who was tired and in pain fell down and dropped his bag. Inside his bag was something like a black powder.

"Get up!" He whipped the boy with a rope.

The little boy was screaming in pain. There are traces of the rope all over his body, he was covered with scars.

"I said Get up!

The boy cried as the guard kicked him but he didn't have the energy to get back up and what awaits him is more beating.


Before he went for another kick I decided to get myself involved and butt in.

"What's going on here?" I asked as I stepped into view.

I decided to play dumb and start with a question.

"Who the hell are you?" The guard asked.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding but I believe I asked first." I said without a faze.

The guard stiffened up a bit as I stared into his eyes.

"I-it's none of your business." He stiffened and backed off from the kid a bit.

"Have you ever thought about yourself in that position? How would you feel if you were kicked and beaten because you are worn-out and can't move? Will you move? I am just asking you a question. Why are you keeping distance from me?" I moved closer to him one step at a time.

He stopped in his tracks as if he passed out. I took my time to stand in front of him and ready my right hand to flick my index finger. I imbued my hands with a high concentration of spiritual energy that will fade after exceeding around five meters.

After a few seconds he came back to this world. In that split second he lost his consciousness, he was in a dimension where his body was tearing into pieces slowly.

"I sentence you to hell." I muttered.

The moment his shock expression was worn in his real face I flicked my fingers and blew his head.

After killing the guard I decided to shift my attention to the kid who was laying unconscious.

I placed my hand on his head and slowly a small green glowing orb appeared in great numbers. This green orb then entered inside his body and healed his scars and wounds.

His heavy breathing also ceases down but his high fever is still burning.

I picked him up and carried him in my arms and as I was about to walk back up the stairs. A guard came from the dark alley down the path towards the left from the stairs.

"Wait!" A guard came running with a stick. He was fully covered with metal armor the same as the guy I killed. "What are you holding in your arm?" He asked.

Yet another unlucky man approaches me whose death has awaited him.

"..." He was speechless as I turned around without turning. I stared down looking at his eyes making him speechless.

A clone bud out from my back and before he could even utter a word, I slit his throat and cut his neck with a sword I created using alchemy magic.

Blood was dripping slowly in the ground as he realised his headless body standing across his view. His body fell into its knee as he was losing his consciousness then finally dropped dead on the ground. He died in a state of shock.

This guy...

He came from that valley. He might've been looking for this other guard whom I blew his head off.

Are there more of them beyond there?