
"Move it!" An armored man Whip a kid in his back as he carried some kind of a bag filled with gun powder.

There are more than a hundred kids being forced to work till they die. Even if they're out of breath or their body wouldn't respond, the guard didn't even bother to care and continued to beat the little children whom they're using.

Rumours have it that the girls were abused in more ways than one. These kids were the children thrown away by their parents because they don't want to take care of them. Since they were thrown out by their own parents, people don't care to exploit them in any way they can.

Whether they lived through the end or died early on, they have suffered either way. To die before being exploited is a blessing from the god but to live through it is a curse as it's going to be embedded in their skin forever.

These children were given no future and knew nothing except the jobs they are tasked with. They don't even know if they have a mother or a father. To them they're just a lifeless tool for the kingdom to use as to their liking. They have no rights to decide anything.

The children were carrying bags of gunpowder in an underground basement where they conducted experiments of all sorts.

This time they were planning to build something that could be used for war namely a gun but since a gun is insufficient they're likely planning for a bigger weapon that can be fused with magic.

"Chief!" A man in armour called the instructor.

"Get going!" The instructor shouted at the children."What is it?"

"It appears that one of our men and a child is missing." The Armored man reported.

"What is the chance of him doing business?" The chief asked.

"If I remembered correctly he was with a little boy who was on the verge of death."

"Hmmm...go and look for him. We can't afford to lose any men." The chief instructs without a slight of sympathy for the kid.

If it was a kid who was on the verge of death then someone could come across and feel sympathy for that kid and might end up killing the guard. Of course he was worried about the visitors finding out.

"Right away." The guard went to look for his lost comrade.

The people who are in charge of these children have lost all sense of sympathy as they will be killed in case of betrayal. There was once a man who tried to save all the children and it didn't end well.

His head was hanged for everyone to stare at and is being used as an example on why they shouldn't bother about the condition of these children.

A perfect example of a land well deserving of destruction and death in the most cruel way possible.

It's been five minutes since the guard left.

"What's taking him so long?" The chief muttered."Hey—"

As he was about to ask another man to check what happened a body flew in front of him. The body was thrown by someone else.