As the atmosphere below the surface was that of tension, a body flew which caught their attention.

"What was that!?" One of the adults shouted.

Upon the sound of the body hitting the lower ground all the kids and adults turn their head towards it. They stopped their work midway wondering what just happened.

The chief was bewildered and scared as he saw his men lying on the ground with his neck twisted and blood coming out from his nose and eyes.

The neck was twisted due to landing on his head with a strong force and his bones are broken in some places causing him to be half dead. There is no chance of recovery and he will probably die after a few minutes.

"Wh-what are you looking at!? Do your work!" The adult in Armor shouted at the kids.

They quickly pick back up their pickaxe and started mining through the caves wall.

"Chief! We have someone breaching our security!" A guard reported.

"I can see that! Call all the guards together and stop him." The chief said calmly.

"Well about that..."

From the way the guard was stopping in his sentence the chief realised that they were already down by now.

Chàros came slowly into view from the small passage of the main caves.

The chief who was observing from high ground is secretly trembling but as the leader he has no intention of showing his fear.

"Everyone! Leave your duty and attack that man standing on your left coming from the passage!" The chief ordered with an agression.

"Argh!" Some of them charged.

About ten of them were catching up to Chàros who stood there with a kid in his arm.

"Wait!" The chief said just moments before they threw their blades and spears."Come back and Let the kids fight now!"

"Huh! Just let us fight!" A man shouted.

"Yeah!" They supported each other.

"Stupid! Just come ba—" The view suddenly rotates several times and was stabilized in a matter of milliseconds.


The chief was in awe as his field of vision just flip and passed out shortly after without realising his head has been decapitated.

"Chief!" The guards shouted upon seeing horror.

Before they could even realise it the man infront of them disappeared and held their chief's head in his right hand while holding a kid in his left.

Chàros placed back his head before his body realised that it has lost it's head. Although his consciousness was put in deep rest, he hasn't died yet.

A moment of silence followed the room for a few seconds as their brain is too shock to process the thing that just happened.

"Run!!!" A man shouted as he could finally processed what just happened.

Everyone followed and ran towards the passage shouting in fear and tension curling up their chest.

"Running won't help you prevent your head from falling."

"Gah!" The first guy got his head falling from his neck.

Then the rest of the guard's head fell off causing the whole place to be filled with decapitated head and a headless body.

Despite being covered with metal and shining Armor their head fell off as if they never had anything to prevent from being cutted.

The kids were scared as their eyes popped and were trembling like anything but didn't care about those people lying. They were worried about themselves, despite the harsh conditions they were living, they still prefer to live than die.

They curled themselves as they were terrified of what they saw and couldn't comprehend it.

This is usually because they have dreams they want to fulfill in this impossible nightmare.

"Sleep." Chàros said making all the kids rest.

Chàros fully healed the neck region completely before the blood flow out off control.

"What just happened!" The chief touched his neck." For a second I thought I was..." He saw his men lying on the floor with their head and body seperated.

He was traumatized upon seeing everyone dead and was left speechless. His expression turned pale.

"Welcome back! I would like to ask you a few questions." Chàros said without consideration for his mental state.

"..." The chief was too shock to speak that he didn't even notice Chàros standing and talking to him.

"How could this happen?" The chief muttered in disbelief." What just happened?" He kept on muttering to himself.

"Where did you keep the girl?" Chàros asked.

"Huh! Who are you?" The chief lost his sense of touched with reality. "Did you kill them!?"  He shouted."I said are you the one that killed them!?" He shouted again as Chàros just stared at him.


Chàros slapped him on his cheek with his right hand waking him up to reality.

He almost fell and placed his hands on the cheek he got slapped. He looked at Chàros while trembling unable to stand but cling on the safety grip.

"I asked a question first and you have to answer it. Now I'll asked you again. Where is the girl?" Chàros said with a low and normal tone as usual.

"I-I don't know who you're talking about." He stuttered while answering.

"I see. Well then, do you happen to know a dragon born little girl?" Chàros asked politely. His unchanging tone eventually became a scary expression among others.

"I-if she's not here then I don't know about it. I haven't heard from the king for years!"

"Then do you know who might know?" Chàros asked.

"The king and his lence probably knew about it." His voice still trembling as he thought of a cunning escape.


"That's a smart answer but I didn't expect you to be this useless. So d—"

"Wait!" He thought of an idea." I know where they will be keeping her. But you have to let me go." He said.

"I would if you are planning on changing, no... I still won't. One must face their own consequences first, just because you are a changed man doesn't mean you will escape your punishment. If one can escape their own consequences then it'll be unfair for those who have face it, isn't it?" Chàros said."Sadly for you, your consequences is death. Although I would be more pleased to see you suffer in this world for a bit more."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Please! Garh!"

Chàros grab him by his neck and squeeze his neck which eventually flattened his neck  giving him a quick death.

Although the mind will still process pain for a few minutes this was a quick death.

"I guess I'll have to meet the King directly." Chàros muttered. "But before that what should I do with these kids?" He asked himself.