Around two hours after Chàros killed all the underground mischief a new scene would break in the palace of the king.

In the width of the castle was a bright golden throne that was curved beautifully, sat by a wise King who sat on his throne. His daughter was sleeping peacefully on his lap and he didn't dare to move.

"My king!My king!"

In the peaceful and quiet environment one of his advisors entered the hall in a rush breaking the peaceful silence, the king was displeased but if one is in such a rush to report to him then it is not a simple matter.

The advisor slipped and fell down. "My king! We have an emergency!" He said while on his knees.

"Shhh! You're gonna wake her up." The king whispered. "Aww! She's so cute!" The king said happily.

"I-I'm sorry." The advisor apologized.

"It's okay. Breathe...Now please enlighten me." The king said in a low tone.

"My king, this is bad!" The advisor was still troubled and said worriedly."Someone is coming for you!"

"And!" The king lightly patted his daughter's head as he responded calmly.

"And?" The advisor lost his cool."My king! This man is tearing through your guards like nothing."

"I said tone down!" The king shows no sign of worry about the ongoing crisis except for his daughter.

"My King! This man has taken down Leo and Andrew with just a single punch." The advisor raised his voice.

"What did you say!?" The king stood in shock.

The news of his two best Lence being taken down with a single punch had caught his attention. The fake composure the King tried to put up with is starting to rot away.

"Ah!" His daughter fell on the ground.

She touched her forehead to confirm she was hurt. The four year old girl cried after realising she hit her head.

The peaceful nap she has was now ruined and there is no way of sleeping back with the same mood. One usually can't sleep soundly with a change in moods but for babies it might be not necessary matter.

The King was unsure whether to quickly pick her up or not but he chose to lift her up nonetheless.

"Misty! Did that hurt? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He patted her on the back lightly. "Don't cry." The king shush."Who's my little princess?" He smooch his daughter."I said Who's my little princess?"

"Me!" The little girl said happily.

The little girl giggles as he smooch. He repeated his actions for about two times before she finally calmed down.

"Good girl! Now I want you to stay silent and take a nap on my arm, okay?" He said.

"Okay!" His daughter answers and proceed to rest on his arm.

Aww! She's so adorable! I should quit my role as a King just for you. The king thought in his mind.

"Where is he now?" The king asked as he sat down on his throne.

"Huh!Ah...When I knew about it he was somewhere in the first layer of your acre of land. He was fighting against Leo and Andrew at that time and right in front of my very eyes he knocked both of them down with a punch." The advisor was afraid of being executed but the king didn't bother with his mistake.

"Did you call Golden Midas?" The King asked his advisor.

Golden Midas isn't a name. It's just an honourable title given by the king to his most trusted heroes.

"No, my king." The advisor slightly bowed a bit nervous."Should I call him?"

"Call him right away! What do you think you're doing?"

"I'll call him right away, my king." The advisor stood up and walked quickly outside the big empty hall.

A few minutes of silence followed the hall.

"If he can take down Leo and Andrew with a single punch then he shouldn't have a hard time against my Matador. Looks like he'll be arriving soon." The king talked to himself supposedly assuming he's faster than Andrew.

The king stood from his throne with his daughter on his arm. He went to place her in bed.

I could've conducted that he was sent by the dragon-born but no Dragon-born is strong enough to take down Leo and Andrew single handedly except the King himself but my advisor didn't say anything about dragons so...

"I refused to believe it but..."

What that mysterious light warned me about might be coming true.

The king placed his daughter in bed.

"Yo, I heard you needed my help." A man greeted him as he walked out of his daughter's room.

"Hah!" The king jumped in reflex. "It's just you, Dafoe. What the hell!" The king continued to walk forward.

A man whose hair is gray in colour who wears a golden gauntlet on both of his hands and a golden belt around his waist with a pretty much design clothing and a golden sword with a few Ruby or emerald embedded on the handle and in the middle of the shard.

"Hahaha... Sorry about that." Dafoe lightly hit the back of the king and placed his arm around the king's nape. "But man I never thought you'll actually ask for my help. So what's the issue?"

The king is only in his twenties, around the same age as Dafoe who is around twenty four. They were what you call Best Friends.

"Well someone has broken through my security like nothing. I'm not sure what he's after but I'd like to think he's coming for her."

"I see. I thought for sure that this is the prophecy coming true." Dafoe said.

"I thought about that but I'd like to believe it's not."

"What's wrong? Afraid!?" He poked the king on his chest with a grin smile.

"That hurt, idiot!" The king pushed him away. "Also I'm only in my midst twenty I at least want to make it to thirty." They continued to walk through a different path.

After making a left turn they were in a dead end.

The king then placed his hand on the wall looking for a secret button.

He found it and pushed it causing the floor to open exposing a new passage which lit up automatically.

They walked down that passage.

"When I first became a King, I was only thirteen years old. I was the happiest kid alive. At fifteen we waged our first war and won our first battle. At that moment I was sure to live till hundred but now I've realised that I might not make it till thirty. I came to realise the wrong things we've done." The king took a key that was in the wall. "Although it may be fun and all, I kind of regret it."

Suddenly the atmosphere became serious.

Dafoe showed a slight smile."I never thought I'd see the day you would show concern to your surroundings. I was trying so hard to convince you at that time."

"Yeah! I remember you saying that the real God is giving you a warning. I thought that was a stupid thing to say. The real God, huh!" He smiled." Despite the warning I took down two kingdoms and laughed at you about this real God but now after having kids and declaring the third war. I might have realised things."


Dafoe hit him hard on the back to relieve him of these thoughts."Look at you getting all down." Dafoe smiled brightly."So what are you planning to do now."

"I don't know. But first I'm seeing the kid." The king said and picked out a key to open the wooden door.

"There's no one here." Dafoe looked at him with confusion.

"Don't tell me!" The King dropped his robe and ran somewhere in the castle quickly. "Follow me, Foe!"