"If he recovers tomorrow then that'll be seven silver with room fees." The nurse said.

"I see, thank you very much. Well then I'll be leaving him in your care."

"Wait! Where are you going?" The nurse asked.

"I have somewhere to go and I can't be late." I left without another word.

I left the rest of the children inside the cave as I couldn't possibly carry them all or bring them along in my upcoming battle so I decided to leave them there.

I've been walking for around thirty minutes and finally I could see the kingdom far away.

There are quite a few things that I've noticed on my way.

People here are usually dressed in a suit, a few with normal clothes. Slaves aren't seen but they all look like they have never done any work, not even cooking. They just look like plain human beings that are only good at roaming around. In other words they all are either thin or extremely fat.

And there are very few people outside. It might be because it's breakfast time but after witnessing the dark side of this place I'm bound to doubt.

"Talk about a luxurious life." I muttered as I saw a man completely wearing all this expensive jewellery.

I walked for another thirty minutes but it seems I am getting nowhere. My only option without wasting time and energy is teleportation but I need a clear view of it if I have never been there before.

I looked around for a tall building then I found one a bit further away from me which is about half a mile across.

I walked towards the tower for another ten minutes.

I planned to use the stairs of the tower upon arrival to get to the top. For some reason I'm feeling lazy to climb up this tower which may be hundred feet tall.

I've been walking up the stairs for about five minutes now.

"This is one tall tower." I muttered to myself.

Although I'm halfway there I was already worn out and decided to sip a bottle of  water. "Why am I tired from a simple activity." I muttered to myself and stood up.

I decided to walk up the whole stairs to the top in one go now as I don't have much time.

"Finally." I was out of breath and stood on my knees. After a few breaths I finally recovered.

I stood beside the huge bell and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

After about two hours I am about to invade the King's territory.

"Now then..." I raised both my hands, creating a rectangle frame putting the King's castle inside it.

I closed one eye and looked at the temple through the rectangular shape on the other eye.

In a matter of milliseconds I was in the sky above the territory. I could see the inside of  the territory split into five layers by a wall. The last one consists of the castle while the rest seems to be a security territory.


Apparently something has blocked me from entering completely. I fell down as I couldn't fly.

"Ouch! I totally didn't see that." I muttered as I landed through a nearby bush.

I stood up and cleaned the branches and leaves that were on me.

I decided to use the front gate which seems like it's the easiest way to enter.

I went around looking for the gate then finally came across it.

"Where are you headed to? This place is not available for tourist." A guard said as I approached the gigantic gate.

"W-what are you doing!?" He asked as I lifted him his metal collar.

"Hey! Put him down!" The other guard came running.





I threw him at his friend using brute force. Upon hitting the other guard his helmet broke and his neck got twisted. His friend flew away and was slammed against the wall at a huge impact.

I walked towards the huge gate and placed both my palms on it. I slightly pushed the huge chunks of metal, I could feel a bit of a resistance to it.


It appears that even if I could convince these guards to kindly let me in they can't do anything about it. It's like they're just decoration for this huge gate.

I took a deep breath and then continued to push the huge gate. Slowly and gradually the gate opened.

Above me I could see a huge metal rod on top behind the gate. It appears to be the lock.

After enough space for me to fit comfortably I stopped pushing and slowly walked through the gate.

I was blinded by the bright light from the sun and slowly a bunch of guards became visible from my vision.

They seemed surprised and just stared at me as I walked through. It was no surprise to see people staring at me because I would be too if I just witnessed a man push a gate that was at least thousands of tonnes in weight with its lock on.

I could feel the tension they were feeling, some even had sweats of nervousness swelling down inside that Armor.

"Attack!" One of them shouted as loudly as possible.


About fifteen of them charged at me. Due to the tension and fear they were feeling their posture is a bit lacking. They're like an amateur.


A guard close up to me and swings his sword vertically. I jumped at a perfect parabola while holding his wrist mid-air, the moment my feet touched the earth I then spun and threw him at two of his friends.


Their metallic Armor collided causing an inside impact and thereby making their heart stop. Whether they die or not is a different case, for now if they're down that's all that I need.

I charged at the remaining guards and took them out in an instant.

I used my elbow to hit the first guy in the chin which blew out his chin under his helmet and kicked him against the tree. I rushed to the next guy with a vertical 360 degree flip and kicked his head slamming him onto the ground.

I then moved to my next Target and kicked his leg causing him to fall uncontrollably, I then took advantage of that momentum and punched him in the face sending him flying.

"R-run!" The remaining turned their back and tried to escape.

I took a sword from the last guy and decided to finish them with a single blow. I vibrated the sword a bit so I could cut through their thick metallic Armor. In an instant I cut all their necks saving the trouble of their worthless last moment.

The force of the speed I am moving just now causes the wind to blow because I didn't use the speed force.

"Who are you? And why are you doing this?" A voice echoes through my ears as I drop the sword.

I looked up and saw two men standing in front of me with a golden mixed Armor.

The one asking questions has a Golden gloves with one blue emerald embedded on it while the other guy has golden shoes with a green emerald embedded on it. It was not hard to figure out what those are used for.

"Answer me!" The golden gloves guy shouted."I said Answer m—huh!"

I went to punch his stomach but the other guy threw his right knee to counter me forcing me to back off.

"Not bad!" I muttered.

"Leo! Follow me!" The Golden shoes guy said and disappeared.

"Hah!" He suddenly appeared in front of me attempting to kick me in my stomach. With that angle he's kicking me I was sent flying although I managed to block his surprise attack. The impact sent me flying as my weight is the same as everyone else.

"Golden Hammer!" The golden gloves guy shouted.

When one releases an outrageous sound their strength increases as the energy output is doubled.

While I was in mid-air, the Golden gloves guy was already there and hit me on my back with both his hands clenched together.


"Leave it to me!" Golden shoes responded and ran around the whole place just to kick me before I landed on the ground."Gaaahhhh!"

As I covered my face with my arms he got a clean hit on my stomach which sent me flying at high speed, I was slammed against the huge gate and one side of the gate upon contact with me broke down and flew away.

I can see why the dragon born has no chance against them. It was because there are people like them or kids to be specific.

The thick long gigantic metal rod fell down in front of me almost landing on me.

I don't know how far that semi gate flew away but it's safe to say it didn't land on anything important.

"Did we get him?"

"I landed a perfect hit but I feel as if that did no damage to him."


The dust slowly cleared and I could hear their voice.

"Yeah! Usually when our maximum output of damage hits a target, they either explode or disappear but he was perfectly intact when he flew away."

"Really! Doesn't that make him scarier than a monster?"The voice of an airhead or rather that golden gloves guy echoes through my ears clearly.

I walked towards them through the dusty air. "I gotta say I'm impressed." I lightly tapped away the dirt in my clothes.