"Hey don't dodge!"Leo said in displeasure.

"Stay focused!" Andrew suggested.

"I know that!" Leo said with a frown and continued to attack me.

These two, a peculiar pair, young and innocent came to take me down. The one named Leo was particularly the hyper type while Andrew is the timid type who sometimes is pretty intelligent when it comes to battle. They are probably in their teens about fifteen years old.

It's been about three minutes since I fought these two. I should end this quick or so I thought but when I first threw my fist something pulled back my punch. It was as if my body was refusing to harm these two so all I could do was dodge their attack.


Leo said as I tripped on something and used that to his advantage to throw his punch in my face.

I also took my mistake to an advantage and flipped backwards increasing the speed of my falling and jumped backwards barely avoiding his attack.

"What the hell was that?" Leo said in disappointment.

"Earth prison!"

Andrew cast a spell under my feet and with some lightning effect the ground grew out of a semi-hemisphere with pointy rocks embedded on both sides and slammed itself trying to trap me.

"Boulders of Judgement! Boulder of Justice!"

Andrew continued his spell cast and summoned about five spiky boulders which flew at the rock on the ground. Then one large boulder made of metal appeared in the sky from the magic portal above and fell down at the same spot as the spiky boulders.


The impact of that last boulder sent us flying for a good two seconds up to about three meters.

"Prison Hall of Flame!" Leo cast a spell."Take this!" He shouted.

Another huge chunk of metallic chamber fell from the sky and penetrates the Justice boulder as if to trap me. Then on the top was a lid which opened and lava was being poured inside as if to melt me.

"Take that you imbecile! There's no way you'll survive that!" Leo burst out his pride.

"Hmm...hmm..." Andrew nodded.

They were so into their spell casting that they never noticed me standing behind them.

"I didn't expect you to be able to cast such a spell, Honestly I'm impressed." I commented on their show.

"Right!" Leo said proudly while lightly scratching his head with a big smile.

Andrew lightly tapped Leo's shoulder."What is it?" Leo, slightly irritated looked at Andrew.

Andrew pointed at me in silence and Leo turned his body towards my director and stood in disbelief.

"Why are you alive?" Leo asked pointing at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're obviously cheating!" Leo said.

"Hmm..." Andrew took a deep thought about it."Considering that there's no such holes. You're a ghost?"  Andrew convinced himself to believe that I died.

"Yes, that's exactly it!" Leo said and nodded his head in agreement.

What's with the terrified expression?

Both of them are stuck in their own delusion.

I teleported moments before the boulder closed on me and left a dummy in my place before their eyes could even notice.

"I'm afraid this has to end It was good while it lasted. I hope we can do this another time."

I rushed at Leo and threw a punch he couldn't react to but stopped my punch right before I hit him. The force of the wind that follows sent him flying.

I switched target and threw a punch at the same spot as Leo which is his abdomen. It was too fast for them to react and just like before I stopped just moments before it hit him.

The force of the wind sent him flying as well. They were not sent far away but never got back up.

That is because I used a spell on them which put them to sleep, the effect didn't instantly act on them so I had to surprise them.

If I can't hit them then the obvious choice is to send them to sleep using a spell which caused no harm.

I carried both their body and placed them leaning against the big wall.

The reason for why the wind blew so strong is because when an object moves too fast without a neutral navigator even air becomes a solid substance. Neutral Navigator helps ignore the solidification of certain things.

"Sleep well." I muttered.

Their spell slowly fades away into the sky like a dust disappearing in the air.

I could feel a stare from somewhere far away. I looked up to see if someone is really looking at me and far away in the balcony of the castle was a figure using some kind of a tube.

I couldn't quite make out how they look or what they are holding but seems to notice me as he quickly runs inside the castle.

"What was that about?"

I decided to head to the next level of security to get to the castle. I took down an army of normal humans in the next two levels. It didn't take as much time as compared to the first because there aren't any special humans. However the last level seems to have some problem, a person who could take on Shenor single-handedly stood alone.

Talk about tight security.

I could be overthinking it but at all levels of security,  only this one has a single guard, not to mention it is the last one. He might pose some threat and might be capable of erasing this place if he wished to.

He's also the only one without a gold or any jewel on his body, just plain clothes with his big muscles.

I stood firm as he stared at me as if he could kill me any moment.

"Where are you headed to, young man?" He greeted me with a smile and offered me a handshake.

"..." I was too stunned to respond.

The man I thought who would strike any moment offered a handshake instead.

"What's wrong? Can't talk?" He smiled.

His brilliant smile made me unable to read his intentions. I wasn't sure whether he knew what was going on or not but it's possible that he didn't because in each wall something is placed to protect the inner place. If I conclude that it was a barrier to prevent sound from travelling and a counter from earthquakes and also aerial strike and even teleportation negation.

"Sorry, I was just surprised. What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Obedy Luke. What about you?" He wrapped his arm around my neck.

"Chàros...Grim Chàros."


Upon hearing my name he paused a bit and started talking.

"Chàros, huh! That's weird, I heard the King spoke of such an entity before but never heard him refer to it as a name." He wondered.

"Help! Somebody help!" A voice cried in my mind.

"Did you hear that?" I knew I was the only one that could hear it but asked regardless.

"Hear what?" Obedy asked seemingly dumbfounded.

"It's nothing. I have to go. See ya later!" I slip through his arm and disappeared from his view.

"Huh!" He was confused as I disappeared from his arm.

I wonder if he'll act the same way if I didn't cleaned the blood stains that were supposedly on me.

Leaving that aside I have to find where the voice is from. From the sound of it, it was probably a little girl crying for help, it might be Shenor's little sister. If that's the case then I have to be quick. She appears to be in trouble.

After reaching a dead end I felt the ground with my palm and concentrate on sending signal waves across the place. I expanded this wave each second and after about reaching two hundreds metres I've detected where the voice is coming from.

It was coming from an underground lab which is located below the first wall. Although I was close to reaching the castle I decided to head back because I came here to get Shenor's little sister.

I accelerated back to the place and without thinking much about it I smashed the ground and all the bodies lying nearby flew away. Leo and Andrew was safe from this disaster.

A single punch didn't break through the ground as it's pretty deep down.

I threw a second punch slightly stronger which finally opened a hole in the ground. I fell down into the hole along with some of the rocks.