The ground cracks and breaks down on my second punch revealing an underground basement. There are three passages in front of me while there's one on my back but I highly doubt that it'll be a straight single passage.

"I totally didn't expect this." I muttered to myself.

I stood up and tapped away the dust from my clothes.

It was a space of emptiness, literally a void as it was completely dark.


"Hello!Hello!" My voice echoes.

The passage of this underground basement is quite large. I have no idea where this leads to or which way to go, either it's forward, backward or back up. I have to decide between forward or backward.

I decided to send waves again but it seems they've quite been down but it was somewhere around here.

"No good, huh!"

She might already be dead or unconscious. The chances aren't low that she's already dead because the way she's screaming felt like she's being beaten or something.

To send sound waves outside of this sound proof architecture must have cost a lot of energy.

Looks like I have to choose either one and proceed.

I shouldn't have used that much spiritual energy to create an Artificial Neural Navigator this morning.

If I break through faster than the speed of sound then everything will crumble,This is the downfall of rushing things. I guess I'll be going Forward.


"You look worried, is something bothering you?"

"..." I jumped away from my position out of reflex.

"Wow! Relax!Chill man." Luke said smiling awkwardly as I distanced myself.

When did he get here!?

"Man I was so surprised when you suddenly disappeared... I searched the whole place but couldn't find you and to my surprise the King was missing too but then I came to this place where I saw lots of dead bodies lying around although some are hanging on trees or spread across. I almost thought you are among them. I came across a hole and found you inside. So what are you doing here?" Luke said sarcastically and asked a question.

I didn't notice his presence, why? Is it because I'm too focused on how to conserve my remaining energy and time or is it because my senses are getting dull? Like wise that still shouldn't be possible. Now that I looked carefully he doesn't feel completely human. What's going on?

I stared at him blankly as he waited for my response.

What am I doing?

"Almost lost myself there." I sigh."This isn't the time for this... Wait! Maybe I could use him." I thought.

As I was lost in thought I came back to reality where I'm supposed to save someone.

"I see." I replied. "I'm looking for someone but as you can see I'm lost and don't know where to go. Do you by any chance know if there's a place down here?" I asked.

"Yeah! But who are you looking for?" He asked a bit confused.

I can't tell him the specific person because he might turn hostile towards me upon knowing that I caused the disaster above.

"Just someone."

"You came this far for this Just Someone?" He was dumbfounded.

I nodded to his question.

Yes I came this far just for someone I didn't know.

"But why here?"

"Because she was last seen here." I answered.

"I understand. Well in that case follow me there's a lab down here." He turned the opposite direction I was about to go."We have a crazy alchemist though, I hope he doesn't have the person you're looking for."

Well technically he did have her or more like caged her.

"Why?" I asked as I followed him.

"Because he's crazy... Last time he did an experiment and created this terrifying abomination. He mixed and stitched all kinds of animal parts and monster parts together and it somehow came to life. Isn't that terrifying?" He asked as he headed downstairs while holding out his right hand to light up the place.


I nodded to his question.

"Man, that was such a nightmare to see. The worst part is that not only is the look's terrifying but its absurd power is also quite fearsome. I don't know how he came up with such ideas but that's the kind of man he is. I was hoping someone would come and kill him one day."

In the last sentence his voice sounds a bit desperate, sad and serious.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I obviously hate his work."

"Can't you kill him yourself?"

"No way! That's impossible!" He shrugged. "I do wish I could." He said.

"Why is that?"

"I don't know if I should tell you this but I'll tell you regardless. The reason why I hate that man Canibal Carni is because he is a mad man who is the cause of my family's death and many more with his stupid experiment and desire. He also altered my internal body and replaced parts of me with monsters and robotic parts..." He paused for a second." I don't know what he did but I can't harm him or disobey his words. He made me kill my family as a test. It's like my body is moving on its own but I was clearly conscious while it happened. It was the worst nightmare I had that day. I realised I don't have my freedom as a living anymore."

He wiped his tears with his left hand and turned a bit away from my view.

His hands then clenched tightly as if he was crushing him in his mind.

It appears he still has the freedom of thought. But just like how there's nothing we could do when reading a story and coming to the part where our favourite character dies he's stuck being able to do nothing while his body is being toyed with.

"I was tasked to protect the king until further command and that is when I finally got to meet the King but I realised I can't talk to him even through others. The King didn't know this man under his mask or what he was doing. My hope was finally gone until I heard the King talking about a reaper coming to reap the wrongful soul. Everyone thinks it's nonsense but..." He looked at me.

"You think I'm the Reaper?" I asked pointing at myself.

*Nod* "...At first I was surprised that someone broke through the castle defense single-handedly but when you told me your name and saw these bodies lying around I was sure of it."

"I see. That's reasonable."

"But I want to hear it from you. Are you the Reaper that comes to sow the soul of the wicked?" He stopped in his tracks and turned towards me.

We have reached a lower ground or space. I'm not exactly sure where we are but it is a place full of curvings and weird symbols. There is an energy light placed on the wall to my left. There is a metallic silver door a bit far on my right.

For some reason that sounds weird or cringe as one might express it.

"It must be the work of Aramaic again." I sigh. "You're right! I'm the Grim Reaper or Chàros as I'm called but I didn't come here to sow any soul, I just came here to fulfill a promise and I just happened to stumble across these tainted souls."

"Even so you killed all the wicked people. You let Leo and Andrew live with minimal injury. I'm grateful for that and..." He bowed down in front of me."I have a favor to ask of you! I hope you're..." He shouted in desperation.

"It's okay. I'll kill him but..."


"Never bow down to me again. I am not worthy of such a position, I am not Father. No one is him. If one wants to bow then they should bow down to him, no one else."

"Father?" He raised his head and looked at me dumbfounded.


The thing I hate the most is people bowing down to another person as if they were God.

I took a deep sigh." Anyway stand up. Let's hurry, we're running out of time."

It appears that I won't be able to keep my promise. About 30 minutes have already passed since I heard the voice cry.





Someone was slammed against the inscribed wall. From the sound of it he might have flown through several walls inside.

"Vernium!" Someone accelerated from the place he was flying from to support him back up.

Vernium? As in venom?

"I'm fine! Tch!" He said despite bleeding from various places.

He's clearly not fine.

"You bastard! How long have you been planning this!?" A blond man shouted at someone who's not visible.

He also has some bruise on his body and head with minimal bleeding from his mouth. His clothes are a bit messy.

What happened here?






The sound of a slipper clicking could be heard slowly and continuously from the place he threw.