
In the midst of a place deep below the ground was a big underground bunker or rather a secret base, built solely by a mad scientist who influenced the people of his kingdom and used them as guinea pigs for his experiments. He had a few fellow followers who kidnapped people for his mad experiments.

But these people would soon perish from his failed experiment however he had no trouble getting test subjects as he has a lot up his sleeves.

He also gained the trust of the king and was assigned to look after the kingdom while he was away giving him the freedom to roam around conducting his experiments.

Since the King couldn't possibly know all his people's faces and names, it was easy for him to take out people one by one especially when he had the power to alter the minds of the weak. He was also the secret mastermind of some battles between Kingdoms.

"No...Nooooo! Somebody help! Help!" A little girl screamed as her arm was sawed.

"Keke..." Canibal laughed mischievously." You can scream all you want but no one's gonna hear you little girl."

"Help... Brother." She cried.

"Oh, look it grew back. Isn't that convenient?"

"Why?" The girl asked with her faint voice.

"What is that?" Canibal bent his head with his ear facing close to her mouth."Saying something?"

Tears stream down her eyes but the girl Harden her resolve and decides to shout with all her might and enhances its limitations in this sound proof underground mad scientist laboratory.

"Help! Somebody Help! Somebod—" She passed out from using too much energy.

"Wha—" Canibal was forced to back off as her voice blew his eardrums."Now you've done it!" Canibal lost his cool and started to rip her limbs apart.

He grabbed his saw and started cutting her limbs, her limbs re-grew each time after a few seconds delay.

Despite the fact that the girl is unconscious, there's part of her that feels the pain as her expression stiffens each time her limbs are torn apart.

After about five minutes her limbs stop regenerating fully hinting that there is a limit to immortality even if one doesn't possess a curse to kill people with immortality.

"Amazing!" Canibal breathed heavily as he took her last limb."So there is a limit..." He wiped the blood off his psycho smiling face.

About twenty limbs were extracted from her."Is this really the limit or is this her limit?" Canibal thought."Anyway I need to quick stitch these to my subject no.19803. Now that I said it, how is he doing?" The scientist grabbed two pairs each of a leg and an arm.


As the mad scientist turned around with his cheerful smile there was a luxurious looking man on his knees with a strong looking man beside him.

"Ca-canibal!" The man on his knees said in disbelief. His eyes were terrified of what he was seeing.

A little girl or rather the little girl he was looking for is half dead with her skin missing on her legs and arms.


Canibal was confused on why they would be here as it was a secret base not even the king himself knows of.

"Ah! M-my King, this isn't what it looks like!" He tried to lie despite knowing it was pointless."I was just trying to f-fix her limbs. L-look!" He showed the arms and legs he was carrying in his arm.

"Silence!" The guy beside the King spoke up in a strict manner."Hands up!" He stared fiercely.

H-how can this be? How did it turn out to be like this? What did I miss? All these thoughts flow through the King's head.

The king was left in disbelief of what he just witnessed, his most trusted man was secretly tearing the limbs of a little girl and is in a state of shock.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" The scientist dropped the arms and legs and raised his hands as ordered and fell in his knee with his head facing down.

"Hey, Matthew! Get a grip he said as he saw his friend lost in his thoughts.

The man with Golden artifacts or rather the only friend of the King walked close to the suspect aiming his sword.

"What do you have to say after all that you have done?"


"Still got the guts to laugh I see."

Upon being questioned, Canibal showed his true colours and started laughing as if those words were just mere warnings. He continued to laugh for a good whole minute making Vernium a bit nervous.

"Oh sorry,sorry. It's just funny to me that..." Canibal wiped his tears with his index finger. Tears of laughter."...this is nowhere close to the other terrible things I've done but look at you guys overreacting!" He continued to burst in laughter.

"Overreacting? You think this is sort of a joke!?"

Vernium was tempted to pierce his sword through his throat. "Woah, Chill..." Said Canibal as the blade made a small cut in his neck. Vernium raised his sword forcing Canibal to back off.

"Anything you want to say before you die?" Vernium vowed.

For some reason, after hearing those words the psycho scientist's face turned grim with a slight smile."Go ahead if you dare!" He looked up and tempted him with a cheerful smile.

"With pleasure." Vernium said."Haaa!" He raised his sword and swings at Canibal's neck.



Silence spread across the room as the sword broke in half as if it was a normal sword snapping after hitting a giant boulder. However the sword that was used here was a powerful sword made of a unique material and is enhanced so highly that even if a normal human could wield it he would have no trouble cutting through mountains.

"...What did you do?" Vernium back off a bit.

Probably because he senses the danger that awaits him.

"What do you mean? I was just sitting here." Canibal looked up with a horrifying expressionless smile.

"Who are you?" Vernium stiffened up at the horrifying expression and tried to back off slowly away from him.


"Who am I?" He tilted his head."I am just a mad scientist." He suddenly appeared before Vernium and said with a heartless voice.


"Gah!" Vernium was sent flying with just a snap from his finger.

He was slammed against the wall close to the King.

At the sound of his friend being slammed onto the wall he woke up to reality.

"Vernium!" He rushed to his friend." What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm not sure but..." Vernium stood up regardless of the damage he took. As the strongest warrior he shouldn't show weakness."...He's not normal."

"Why are you doing this? No... From when did yo—"

The king was cut in the middle of his sentence with the answer he was seeking but didn't want to hear.

"Oh, I've been this way, Milord. It's just that I didn't get to tell you. I tried to tell you every time though..." Canibal picked up a hand he got from the little girl."...but I knew you would react exactly this way." He took a bite of the finger and chewed it.

Matthew was extremely terrified and gulped down his saliva in fear but quickly tried to act tough. "C—"

As he tried to speak, Canibal lifted his hand and showed his index finger up telling him to keep quiet.

"Well you see... I love doing crazy things and creating crazy things. And with your powers and trust I can do all of these freely, so I caused a war so you would be busy and barely have time for your people. So I—"

"What did you just say?"

"Matthew! Don't!" Vernium whispered as if he knew his friend was about to charge and die.

The king lost it after hearing the sentence "I caused a war". It was a painful thing for the King because he thought that he was doing the right thing this whole time and that his first victory was just a set up. It was another unacceptable thing he has known today.

This whole time the king was going on a war which he thought was started by the other Kingdoms and he was simply reigning over them so he could make peace with the absence of their rulers but now...

"Aww... Is the King getting angry?" Canibal teased him further.

"Say... Is that girl also part of your idea? Did you kidnap her too?" The king released a big aura and spiritual energy as if he was ready to go all out.

"Ofcourse! Did you really think she was a spy disguising and collecting information? Are you stupid?"


The king released all his energy and poured it into his strength and charged at the mad scientist.

"Matthew!" Vernium shouted as if to warn him.


With just a snap from the scientist's finger the table has turned. The King was knocked back by some invisible force.