"No way! Canibal!" Luke trembles and curls himself up covering his head."This can't be happening again!" He repeatedly muttered.

Even though the person hasn't appeared yet, Luke already knew who it was.

He wasn't exactly afraid of him rather he's afraid of what was about to happen.

A spear flew from within which was thrown at the injured man.

"Huh!" Luke looked up as the spear flew at High speed.

As if driven by instincts, he went and caught the spear just a moment before it hit the target.


"Ma—Matador?" The blonde man blurted out.

Both of the men were shocked as they weren't supposed to be able to react to such speed because of their injury.

"My King! Are you alright?" Luke asked as he breathed heavily.

"Y-yes. Thank you!" The blonde man replied.

My king?

It would appear that that blonde hair is the King. His appearance is not that much different from Ray, one could even joke that they're a long lost brother.

"Oh my! If it isn't my lovely favourite experiment subject greeting me with a new test subject." A man said as he slowly walked into view."How are you doing?" A deep and soft voice came out of the man.

He was looking plain normal. In terms of appearance, there's no difference between him and a normal human but like Luke he has the aura of nothing. He has quite the face and figure especially the way he dressed with that white coat and his silver hair perfectly matching from head to his toes.

Luke stiffened up upon hearing the voice of his master.

"Hey! What's wrong?" The blonde man asked as he stood there unable to move.

"R-run!" Luke uttered.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked unaware of what he was warning me about.

"My obedient Luke, why don't you do me a favor and kill those two in front of you."

"I'm sorry." Luke muttered before he changed tone to a robotic one."Yes, Master."

"R-run! Leave me." Vernium uttered trying to ignore the pain.

"Don't say such a thing! I'm not leaving you."

Upon hearing the command from his master Luke was disconnected from his body and leaving an empty shell that'll do whatever the controller told him to do.

"You don't have to do this...Hey, Matador, I know you can hear me!"

The king tried to talk some sense to him but it was useless. As Luke raised his hand, a spirit sword magically appeared in his hands and struck that sword horizontally to cut the King and his friend in half.

"Get down!" Vernium shouted and dragged his friend down along with him.

"Wait!" Canibal ordered moments before he sliced them up."On second thought I need them alive. I want to merge them with her body parts and see what kind of monsters we come up with."