Chapter 311: Swaying heart.

The morning came and Mykel hadn't closed his eyes ever since because he was busy watching everyone taking care of the dead bodies. The whole imperial area was in a total mess thanks to him and it was always nice to be allowed to create a mess without having to take responsibility for it.

He emptied the bottle while at the same time, a maid knocked on the door, informing him that Elestria had summoned him to the throne room. He then put on his shirt and suit before he left his room and went to meet Elestria.

When he arrived, he was confused when Elestria had a few bandages on her hands and arms. He noticed that those bandages weren't just for a show, but that she was harming herself last night for some reason. Since there were so many people who had gathered. The prime minister, the parliament members, the cabinets, and the others were present in the throne room, so he couldn't say anything.