Cat and Old Dog

[1. Mark Field +1]

[2. Physical search functionality +1]

[3. Hosting AI personality change]

The mark field is exactly what Xia Yu wanted just now, while physical search functionality should be filtering bodies based on specific conditions. However, without a field, even if he chooses another body, he can't use it.

As for hosting AI personality change, does the hosted AI have a personality?

"Hosted AI personality." Xia Yu said.

The next moment, a line of subtitles appeared in front of him:

[AI personality: Introverted]

It turns out there was such a thing, and it wasn't even mentioned in the game manual; all the features had to be explored by themselves.

The introverted personality is outstanding, and Xia Yu doesn't plan to change it.

Reaching out, he picked option one.

In his exchange bar, an empty slot has appeared.

Satisfied, Xia Yu walked out of the room and started preparing for the day.

Since the black cat can still be exchanged, bringing the cat home becomes a top priority. If the black cat encounters any accidents outside, Xia Yu may lose a great body.

Getting ready to leave, Xia Yu checked the time. It was 2:30am, and the city where the black cat was located was a neighbouring city with no high-speed rail available now.

Struggling at the doorstep, Xia Yu sighed and hailed a taxi.

"Young man, where to?" the driver asked.

"East Forest City." Xia Yu reluctantly said, "How much?"

"Since clients are scarce now, I'll give you a discount, 400." The driver smiled, as long-distance fares were much faster than short ones. "I'm not cheating you, even if you find another driver, you won't get any lower than my price."

Four hundred dollars is already half of Xia Yu's monthly wage, so he tried to bargain, "Will you go for 350?"

"Alright!" The driver opened the door.


"Hahaha, 350 is exactly the bottom line, young man, you know the business well!" The driver enthusiastically greeted Xia Yu to get in the car.

Never mind, waiting for another taxi might take even longer. There was no one-key call taxi feature in this world.

It's just some money; finding the black cat sooner is what's really important.

In many fantasy works, tragedies are caused by the protagonist's delays.

After a three-hour taxi ride, Xia Yu reached his destination, asked the driver to stop at the familiar pedestrian street, paid the fare, and got out of the car.

Although his body was here for the first time, the black cat's body had been roaming around for a night and was already quite familiar.

Past the tree where he stole balloons last night, past the glass wall where he looked in the mirror, Xia Yu entered the alley.

The milk tea bottle that he had crushed last night was still lying quietly on the ground.

Passing by the trash can, Xia Yu came to the corner where he had hidden the roast duck. Only a duck head was left, and the rest had disappeared.

Did the black cat take it away?

If that black cat wasn't nearby, it would be troublesome.

However, as long as the black cat wasn't in any life-threatening danger, it wouldn't be a big issue.

He could find a taxi driver, tell him he'd be bringing a cat to Ziling City in the evening, and then exchange into the black cat's body to ride in the taxi.

The premise was that the black cat was not in danger.

Feeling uneasy, Xia Yu walked around nearby, but still didn't see any trace of the black cat.

Would he have to exchange again in the evening?

Xia Yu didn't want to spend time on leveling up the black cat's skill, with piano being his first priority.

"Excuse me..." a young man approached Xia Yu.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Xia Yu looked at the young man, who was dressed casually in a plaid shirt and didn't look like a troublemaker.

"There's a very fierce stray dog in this alley, so you'd better not go in there," the young man said.

Xia Yu looked around and realized he was standing where the black cat had given a warning last night.

The black cat must have known this place was dangerous and wouldn't go inside.

"Why don't you call the city management?" Xia Yu asked casually.

"They've been here twice but couldn't catch it. The dog is very cunning and will hide when it sees people. Moreover, not many people walk down this road, so it's easy to bypass," the young man pointed to the right, "just go this way."

"Thank you." After thanking the young man, Xia Yu prepared to leave.

At that moment, he noticed a packaging bag in the corner of the alley.

It was the packaging of the roast duck.

Next to him, seeing that Xia Yu took his advice, the young man smiled. As he was about to leave, he saw Xia Yu walk into the alley.


"Hey, why don't you believe what I said!" Seeing Xia Yu walk faster and faster, the young man hurriedly picked up a brick from the ground and followed.

Xia Yu started to jog, hearing the sound of a cat meowing.

Arriving at the source of the sound, Xia Yu saw the black cat, which was clinging to a small tree. Below the tree, a brownish-yellow dog about half a meter tall was crouching.

Seeing Xia Yu, the brown dog stood up and started barking at him.

Xia Yu looked around for something to use as a weapon but found nothing.

Seeing the black cat holding onto the tree trunk with its legs, meowing weakly, and not knowing how much longer it could hold on, Xia Yu broke off a branch from a nearby tree.

Seeing that Xia Yu was unwilling to back down, the earth dog's face contorted in anger, and it charged at Xia Yu.

Its coarse panting and sharp teeth sent chills down one's spine.

As it got closer, Xia Yu felt that its movements suddenly slowed down a notch.

The dog's movements wouldn't slow down suddenly, so it could only be that under the focus of attention, his own reaction had become faster.

Agility, does it have this kind of effect too?

That's right, the speed of a mouse is already fast, a snake can catch a mouse, and a cat can deal with a snake. For humans, fast movements are just ordinary for a cat.

With a sideways movement, Xia Yu dodged the earth dog's attack and struck its face with the branch in his hand.

A normal dog would have already whimpered and run away after being hit, but this earth dog didn't even grunt. After landing, it circled around and charged at Xia Yu again.

Discarding the weak tree branch, Xia Yu seized the opportunity to kick the earth dog away.

He used a great deal of force, and it was aimed at its waist, so the earth dog couldn't get up for a while.

The young man who had followed, stared blankly at the confrontation between Xia Yu and the earth dog. He had initially prepared to call 120 for help, but he didn't expect Xia Yu to be so capable.

After the earth dog whimpered, he came to his senses, picked up a brick, and smashed it on the dog's head.

"How dare you chase me last time? Was my butt delicious? Huh?"

Hearing the young man's words, Xia Yu's mind flashed images of his miserable state being bitten.

The young man's enthusiasm was not only because he was a good person but also perhaps due to hatred.

Knocking the dog unconscious, the young man thanked Xia Yu, "Finally, I took my revenge. If you have something to do, you can go ahead. I'll wait here for the city management to come and take the dog away."

Nodding his head, Xia Yu used a ham he bought on the way to pick up the black cat and held it in his arms.

He looked around and saw a pile of bones. The bones were from roast duck, and the black cat couldn't have eaten them all at once. The earth dog must have smelled the scent, snatched the roast duck, and the black cat tried to retrieve it, ending up being chased up a tree.

Luckily, Xia Yu arrived early. If the black cat had been caught by the earth dog, things would have been bleak.

Stroking the black cat's head, Xia Yu took a taxi and returned to Ziling City. Animals were not allowed on the high-speed train, so he had to spend money again.

By the time he got home, it was almost noon. When Yuxue heard the door opening, she came out.

"Brother, where did you... ah, it's a cat!" Noticing the black cat in Xia Yu's hand, the girl became excited.

Xia Yu handed the black cat to Yuxue, who happily petted it.

Going to the kitchen for a glass of water, Xia Yu waited for the girl to ask about his phone, but after finishing two glasses of water, the question still didn't come.

Seeing the mobile phone on the desk, Yuxue would definitely guess that it was given by herself, but it would be impossible not to mention this matter at all.

My family's Yuxue is not such an impolite child.

Xia Yu frowned and thought for two seconds.

"Yuxue, go buy me an eraser." Taking out ten yuan, Xia Yu sent the girl away.

"Okay." Without any reluctance to be commanded, Yuxue put down the black cat and left the room.

After seeing the girl walk away on the balcony, Xia Yu came to Xia Dongyang's room and kicked the door hard.