Late-Night Snack

The door was locked, and Xia Yu couldn't open it. He kicked it hard twice, but there was no response.

If Yuxue had gotten the cell phone, she wouldn't have ignored the matter entirely. Without a doubt, someone else must have taken it, and the only one who could have was Xia Dongyang.

He called out the man's name a couple of times, but Xia Yu still received no answer.

Xia Dongyang must have been in the room because his shoes were outside, and considering his financial situation, he couldn't have afforded a separate place to sleep.

Leaving the front of the door, Xia Yu went to the living room balcony and looked towards the master bedroom's balcony.

There was a half-meter distance between the master bedroom balcony and the living room balcony. Due to the hot weather, the window was open.

Climbing onto the window ledge, Xia Yu reached out and grabbed the main bedroom window, then hoisted himself in.

He immediately spotted Xia Dongyang, who was peering out through the door crack with a cane in his hand.

Approaching him from behind, Xia Yu kicked him hard.

"Ouch!" Xia Dongyang cried out and quickly turned around.

Seeing Xia Yu, he was confused for a moment, then panicked. He glanced at the cane in his hand, and his panicked expression vanished as he raised the cane.

If Xia Yu hadn't received agility from the black cat, he would have been flustered, and it would have taken more effort to subdue Xia Dongyang, who would have struck him twice. But Xia Yu was no longer the person he used to be.

Dodging the cane, Xia Yu grabbed Xia Dongyang's wrist, twisted it, and forced him to the ground.

"Wait, wait, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Climbing up from the ground, Xia Dongyang clutched his waist, gritting his teeth in pain.

A question emerged in his mind: Where did that kid come from?

He looked towards the direction where Xia Yu attacked him, and saw the window he hadn't closed properly and the living room balcony next to it.

This is the fourth floor!

No matter how amazing he is, he's still my son.

Using mental victory tactics, Xia Dongyang relieved his stress, went to the bedside, took out medicinal liquid, and skillfully applied it to his waist.

After he finished applying it, there was the sound of the door opening from the living room.

It was Yuxue who came back.

"Brother, here's your eraser." The girl handed the eraser to Xia Yu, and took out the remaining money, "And here's the change."

"Keep the money." Xia Yu accepted the eraser.

"Thank you, brother." Yuxue squinted her eyes in pleasure as Xia Yu was the one who provided her spending money.

"And here's this." Xia Yu passed her the phone box.

Taking the phone box, Yuxue looked at it in disbelief. She opened the box and saw the white phone inside.

"Brother is the best!" Holding the phone, the girl hugged Xia Yu.

With a pat on Yuxue's head, Xia Yu's mood, which was ruined by Xia Dongyang, improved again.

Having received the phone, Yuxue couldn't wait to return to her bedroom and begin operating it.

After a while, she ran back out.

"Brother, can you teach me?" The girl asked reluctantly.

After setting up the phone for Yuxue, Xia Yu first downloaded a Penguin Chat app, created an account, added his own number under the family category, then began to download some necessary apps, teaching the girl various usages.

It wasn't until four in the afternoon that Yuxue's excitement subsided.

Returning to his room, Xia Yu played on his own for a while. At six o'clock, he logged in on schedule using An Siyao's account.

After a moment of darkness, he saw a black piano in front of him.

At this moment, he was inside the piano room.

"You're back!" An Siyao's surprised voice rang in his mind.


What's with this casual tone of voice?

Hesitating for a moment, Xia Yu responded with a yes.

"Did you have something going on yesterday?" An Siyao asked about Xia Yu's absence last night.

"There was a slight problem with the ceremony yesterday." Xia Yu casually played the piano, getting used to the feel.

"Is everything alright?" The girl's words carried concern.

"Nothing happened, just accidentally blew up the moon." Xia Yu said casually.

"You can't fool me, there was clearly a moon last night!" An Siyao happily said as she realized she had seen through Xia Yu's lie.

"It's my moon at that point in time," Xia Yu casually added a setting.

An Siyao fell silent, unsure whether what Xia Yu said was true or false.

"Come on, let's start the tutorial," Xia Yu urged the girl.

Five hours later, he stretched lazily.

It was already eleven o'clock at night, and he was somewhat hungry.

The last two times, he had felt hungry at the same time, but had ignored the feeling due to the excitement of starting the body-swapping game.

"How do I call a maid?" Xia Yu asked An Siyao.

"There's an app on the phone, just tap it," the girl instructed Xia Yu.

A minute later, the maid Xia Yu had seen before arrived at the piano room.

"Give me something to eat," Xia Yu said.

"Miss, there is no supper in the customized diet provided by your nutritionist," the maid replied coldly.

Xia Yu slowly let go of the piano keys.

The piano room was silent.


Xia Yu closed the piano cover. The sudden noise caused the maid's heart to tighten, and the cold gaze that followed made her shiver.

"I.. I'll have the kitchen prepare something right now," the bewildered maid hurried out of the room.

Xia Yu chuckled and opened the piano cover, then continued practicing.

In his past life, he had a lot of dealings with hoodlums due to his father Xia Dongyang being one, so he knew how to use facial expressions and atmosphere to put pressure on people.

The series of tactics, from slowly stopping his hands, to closing the piano cover, to staring silently, is a set of psychological warfare; if any link is missing, it would lose its effect.

The main drawback of this series of actions is that it takes too long and relies heavily on the unequal relationship between both parties; it's not as convenient and practical as Black Cat's intimidation skills.

After a while, the maid brought a bowl of porridge and timidly left the room.

"You're so good at it," An Siyao admired Xia Yu's ability to intimidate the maid.

"It's because you're too soft," Xia Yu said as he ate his porridge.

The girl changed the topic: "You've improved so much today."

Her words were not flattery, and Xia Yu could feel his fingers becoming more nimble.

Now, he could play this world's famous piece, Gude's Etudes, awkwardly but with some skill.

After he finished eating, the maid came over to clean up the dishes.

Before leaving the room, the maid glanced at Xia Yu's back and thought to herself:

The head maid will be back soon; let's see what you can do to her!