The Truth About Painting Skills

Eight hours later, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

Sitting up from the bed, he stretched lazily.

Ever since he got the game, he no longer needed to sleep, as his avatar body would help him complete the sleep.

Getting up from the bed, he stretched his legs and sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

Picking up his phone, he checked his account balance.

The remaining balance of three thousand made him quite heartbroken.

Spending two thousand to buy a phone for Yuxue, seven hundred for the round trip taxi ride to pick up the black cat, and another three hundred for cat food and cat litter - he had spent three thousand in just a few days.

Having the body exchange game, why not only did his money not increase, but also continued to decrease!

After a moment of heartache, Xia Yu calmed his injured soul, telling himself that this was a necessary initial investment.

He casually pulled a book off the shelf and began to read it. It was an adventure novel.

As a person tight on money, he couldn't afford to buy books. The book was brought by the head of the literature department to spend the spare club funds and was given to the members. As a ghost member of the club, Xia Yu also received a copy.

Over the three years of high school, the books he had received from the literature department had filled a small bookshelf.

At seven-thirty, he opened the door, washed up, ate breakfast, and took the subway to school.

Today was Monday, and a new week had begun.

Upon arriving at the class, before he even had the chance to sit down, Xia Yu's backpack was grabbed.

"Yu! Save me!" The boy who grabbed Xia Yu had a pleading expression on his face.

The boy's name was Gui Zixiao and was considered Xia Yu's good friend.

"... Which subject?" Xia Yu opened his backpack.

"I need all of them!" Gui Zixiao said.

"You haven't touched a single subject? Are you sure you can copy them all before the homework deadline?" Xia Yu looked at the time, and there was only fifteen minutes before morning study, which was the deadline for handing in homework.

Gui Zixiao's face showed an embarrassed expression as he looked at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Gui Zixiao handed his math and English homework to Xia Yu: "I'll leave these to you."

"I refuse." Xia Yu didn't take the homework books, but instead, took back his own.

"Wait, wait, wait. You forgot there's an art class today? And today's subject is oil painting!" Gui Zixiao grabbed Xia Yu again.

"Lunch with an added duck leg," Xia Yu made a request.


Taking Gui Zixiao's homework, Xia Yu returned to his seat.

He didn't expect that, after having all his homework done by the trusteeship system, he would still have to help others with theirs.

During the morning reading session, he stood the book upright on the desk and wrote quickly. Just before the end of the morning reading session, he finished his homework.

After handing in his homework, the first class was art class. Led by the class leader, a group of students lined up and arrived at the art classroom.

The art teacher had already taken out the paints and other tools.

Putting on an apron, picking up a brush and paints, Xia Yu found a rack closer to the inside and sat down.

He clamped the oil painting paper onto the wooden rack and squeezed the paint onto the palette.

When all the students were ready, the art teacher took out a human head statue from the cabinet and placed it in the center.

The task for this class was to paint this human head.

Sitting next to Xia Yu, Gui Zixiao had already started painting, "Thanks, brother. Give me ten minutes, and I'll help you paint once I'm done!"

Xia Yu's painting skills were terrible, especially when it came to oil painting. In his previous life's school, he could rely on the education system's disregard for art and just muddle through, but this world placed more importance on art and other subjects. These assignments even needed to be stored, so he could only ask someone else for help.

Waving his brush, Xia Yu pretended to paint.

After one minute, he became a little bored. After five minutes, he looked at Gui Zixiao's painting. Gui Zixiao's painting was also terrible but much better than Xia Yu's. Xia Yu knew that his painting would be deemed unacceptable, while Gui Zixiao's could still pass.

At this time, the teacher started walking around the class. Xia Yu hurriedly began doodling.

They were not using specialized canvases but cheaper oil painting papers. Xia Yu had secretly kept some, so he could just give a new one to Gui Zixiao later.

The teacher's pace was slow, especially when passing by a male student, he stopped for three minutes.

It was not because the boy's painting was good, but there was a well-developed girl next to him.

Three minutes later, the teacher continued his patrol and quickly arrived near Xia Yu.

Looking at Gui Zixiao's painting, the teacher sighed and then looked at Xia Yu's painting.

He was surprised.

He had taught Xia Yu's class for two years and was very familiar with the students. He knew about Xia Yu's situation of having someone else paint for him. However, due to his good academic performance, the head teacher didn't intervene.

But instead of a scribble, he saw an average painting within the class standard?

Did Xia Yu do this quickly?

Standing for a moment, the teacher realized that this was not someone else's work because the painting was still unfinished and Xia Yu was still painting.

Under his watchful eye, the painting didn't decline in quality, but rather improved, reaching the level of above average in class.

"Not bad, not bad." The art teacher praised and walked away with a smile.

The students around Xia Yu heard the teacher's words, glanced at Xia Yu's drawing board, and unanimously let out a gasp of disbelief.

Xia Yu's painting skills were famously bad, and the classmates all knew this.

Gui Zixiao grabbed Xia Yu's shoulder: "You've been secretly practicing oil painting!"

Putting down the pen, Xia Yu looked at Gui Zixiao: "Do you think it's possible?"

"Indeed, you hate painting, and the paint is expensive, so you wouldn't practice extra." Gui Zixiao calmly analyzed, carefully thinking, "So what's going on with you?"

Xia Yu was also a bit puzzled. His previous paintings were really bad, and he had never practiced oil painting before. The only practice related to painting was when he had a body swap for the first time, using An Siyao's body to practice drawing comic characters all night.

Would the improvement in comic skills also lead to an improvement in oil painting?

This was undoubtedly an impossible thing.

After pondering for a while, Xia Yu focused his gaze on the painting skill level 1.

He originally thought it was just a skill for comics, but it turned out to be a skill for all forms of art?

So reaching level 1 in comic skills gave him the ability of level 1 in all forms of art?

This was truly terrifying.

He then looked at the music skill level 1. Similarly, this skill should include all musical instruments, right?

An Siyao, that girl, had a greater role than he had imagined.

He should scare her less in the future.

After finishing the remaining painting, Xia Yu was greatly praised by the art teacher during the evaluation.

In the evening, after finishing work, he returned home and lay in bed, logging into An Siyao's body.