Panicked Driver

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Xia Yu logged into An Siyao's body.

What he saw in front of him was the back of a chair.

It was the back of a car seat, and he was currently in a car.

The driver was a man in a suit wearing sunglasses. Looking out of the windows, they were still in the city.

Seemed like he didn't get kidnapped.

While Xia Yu was investigating the surroundings, An Siyao spoke up, "You're back!"

"Yeah," Xia Yu felt a bit guilty, prepared to be blamed by the girl.

But the girl didn't bring it up, instead, she explained her current situation.

"I'm on my way to school right now. There's no way to play the piano at school, should I ask for a leave?" Although An Siyao had never tried to take a leave, doing it once should be okay.

There was a driver in the front, so Xia Yu couldn't reply directly. He took out his phone and typed:

No need, just going to check out your school is fine.

Although he wanted to finish learning the piano quickly, he didn't want to cause too much trouble for the girl.

The main reason was that they were familiar with each other and it was difficult to initiate things.

"Okay," An Siyao agreed.

"About yesterday, I had something to do, so I couldn't make it," Xia Yu explained briefly.

"Yeah," the girl responded lightly and fell silent.

Just when Xia Yu thought he passed the crisis and started appreciating the scenery outside the window, he heard a slight sob in his mind coming from An Siyao:

"You really have lost interest in my body!"


I didn't! Xia Yu typed quickly on his phone in denial.

But An Siyao didn't reply, and Xia Yu didn't know if she saw the words on the phone.

Feeling conflicted for two seconds, Xia Yu put the phone to his ear pretending to make a call, and said, "I didn't."

"Then, did you occupy someone else's body the night before and last night?" The sad girl raised a question that she would never ask under normal circumstances.

"I didn't occupy anyone else's body!" Xia Yu firmly denied, he had just occupied a cat's body, that was all.

"Don't you even want to occupy my body even if you're not occupying others?" An Siyao became even more heartbroken.

What kind of logic was this?

"I was planning to occupy your body, but something happened the night before and last night," Xia Yu explained.

"But you used to come over all the time, and now it's been several days since you've been here," the girl's emotions stabilized under Xia Yu's explanation, but she was still somewhat suspicious.

"I also need to adjust the ritual tools, right? At first, there won't be any problems, but after using them for a while, problems may arise." Xia Yu threw the pot onto the witch's body.

"Can you enter someone else's body?" An Siyao asked doubtfully.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Yu answered, "Yes."

An Siyao fell silent again, and after a while, she asked, "Can you only use my body?"

"There are things I want from you, and there are things I want from others as well." Xia Yu felt the girl's expectations were a bit high, so he decided to lower them.

"I see."

Throughout the rest of the journey, the girl remained completely silent, seemingly putting the matter to rest.

When they arrived at the school gate, the driver stopped the car and opened the back door for Xia Yu.

After Xia Yu left, the driver drove away from the school gate, got out of the car, and lit a cigarette.

His hand gripping the cigarette trembled slightly.

What had he heard?

About entering bodies? About not being able to stay with only her? About adjustments?

The young driver, who had just started the job a month ago, was greatly shocked.

So, was the life of the wealthy really that extravagant?

Was the angelic young miss actually such a person?

Did the previous driver meet a bad end because he had heard these things?

No, he had to pretend that he hadn't heard anything.

After finishing his cigarette, the driver decided to reduce his presence and act like a deaf-mute.

Meanwhile, Xia Yu was following An Siyao's guidance and walking towards the classroom.

As he walked, he surveyed the surroundings. This place was truly a prestigious girls' school. The trees and flowers in the courtyard were no different from those in other schools, but each tree and each flower had been carefully nurtured and were as neat and orderly as an army.

In contrast, the greening in Xia Yu's school was like a refugee camp.

When he reached the courtyard, Xia Yu encountered other students, including one who was walking the same path as him.

"This is my classmate, Shan Liu," An Siyao said.

Classmate? Xia Yu turned his head to look at the girl beside him. She was a girl with shoulder-length hair and an ordinary, cold-looking face.

As he observed the girl, she was also looking at him.

Because of her appearance, An Siyao was somewhat famous in the school and was known as one of the two most beautiful elder sisters - she was nicknamed the "Taciturn Princess." As the nickname suggested, she was a quiet and reticent person.

If it were an ordinary young girl, seeing An Siyao would undoubtedly be very exciting, but Dan Liu felt that she had already become a mature adult and had no interest in such an obedient princess.

But today, was there something strange about this princess? Why did she stare at me like that? What's the deal with that male-dominated aggressive gaze?

"Good morning," Xia Yu greeted Dan Liu.

"Mo-Morning!" Dan Liu was a little confused.

After the greeting, Xia Yu looked away, which made Dan Liu feel relieved.

Dan Liu continued to secretly observe her classmates, noticing that An Siyao's gaze was different from before, no longer shy and gentle but full of aggression and curiosity.

Her walking pace also changed from gentle small steps to aggressive strides.

Not sure what she saw, but An Siyao revealed a playful smile on her face, which made Dan Liu's heart quicken.

She was somewhat dazed, so her gaze was quite obvious. Xia Yu turned her head to ask, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Dan Liu took a step back, startled by Xia Yu's sudden turn.

With a flushed face, she entered the classroom and confirmed that Xia Yu didn't notice her. Dan Liu then quietly approached a short-haired girl in the corner.

An Siyao had a fan club, and the short-haired girl was a member, even a manager.

"I want to join," she said.

The short-haired girl raised her eyebrows, "Didn't you say you don't like weak and delicate girls?"

"An Siyao is not weak and delicate, you guys just misunderstood her." Dan Liu wrote her name on the fan club application form, recalling the previous situation, and her face turned red.

Unaware that she had gained a new fan for An Siyao, Xia Yu sat curiously in the girls' school and attended classes with a group of girls.

Although it was an all-girls school, there were still some male teachers, such as the math teacher for the first class, who was a man in his sixties.

After three classes, Xia Yu stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

The bathroom also reflected the differences between a prestigious school and a regular school. Closing the partition door and pulling a student from a regular school, she would believe it was the dining room.

Xia Yu was already familiar with the restroom procedure. After finishing his business routinely, he washed his hands with soap and walked toward his classroom.

On the way, a girl half a head shorter than him passed by.

Xia Yu took a step to the right to let her pass, but she also took a step to the left, blocking his way again.

Xia Yu tried to move aside twice more, but the girl in front of him remained persistent. He realized that it was intentional bullying.

This kind of bullying is also interesting.