An Siyao's New Friends

"She's always like this." An Siyao's words confirmed to Xia Yu that the girl in front of him was an enemy.

Since she was an enemy, there was no need for courtesy.

Reaching out, Xia Yu grabbed the girl's shoulder, and with a surprised look in her eyes, he pushed her against the wall.

Lowering his head, Xia Yu intended to intimidate and threaten her. However, seeing the girl's panicked look, he gave up on that.

After all, she was just a student from a noble school. Being pushed against the wall like that was already enough to scare her.

"What... what do you want to do?" The girl's voice trembled, as she had never encountered such a situation before.

Would he hit me? How terrifying!

When Xia Yu reached out, the girl immediately closed her eyes, preparing herself for the pain.

But the pain didn't come. Instead, a soft laugh could be heard by her ear.

The girl cautiously opened her eyes and saw Xia Yu with a playful expression on his face.

With one hand against the wall by her ear and the other holding her chin, Xia Yu's face drew close to hers.

The girl's eyes nervously darted around, trying to avoid looking at Xia Yu, but his face was too close and he was still holding her chin; she couldn't look elsewhere.

All she could do was to stare at Xia Yu's face.

It was a beautiful face, and his gaze was too offensive, making her heart race.

"Don't play this kind of game again, understand?" Xia Yu pinched the girl's face.

The act of pinching one's face was considered an insult and provocation among thugs. However, for girls, pinching one's face indicated intimacy.

Her heart raced even more, and her face flushed.

"Mm," she murmured softly.

Xia Yu then released her and continued walking towards the classroom.

The girl stood still, staring blankly at Xia Yu's retreating figure.

In the corridor, other students who witnessed the scene began to spread the news throughout the school.

In class 3B, Feng Yujia, who was joking around with her friends from the front and back rows, had her phone suddenly ring.

Pressing the answer key, Feng Yujia heard an unexpected piece of news.

"Yujia, your little sister was cornered by An Siyao in the restroom area!"

"What?!" Feng Yujia slammed her hand on the table and immediately called her sister, Feng Yumo.

Feng Yumo, who was doubting her own sexual orientation, didn't dare to tell her sister the truth. Her vagueness only made Feng Yujia believe more that her sister was wronged.

Gathering five of her friends, Feng Yujia was about to confront Xia Yu. But the ringing of the class bell forced them to return to their seats.

It was not until the end of the fourth lesson that they rushed to An Siyao's classroom, only to find out that An Siyao had gone to the cafeteria.

Arriving at the cafeteria, they didn't find An Siyao, but were caught by a teacher instead.

"What are you doing?" The young female teacher frowned.

Feng Yujia and the others immediately became flustered, hurriedly coming up with an excuse and getting past her.

Once they left the female teacher's side, Feng Yujia waved her hand: "Let's get some food and pretend to be looking for friends who got separated."

The five of them took two minutes to get their food, and then began searching with their trays in hand.

After another two minutes, they finally found Xia Yu.

"She's alone, I'll go over there first. If I call you, you come over." Feng Yujia then walked up to Xia Yu with her tray.

Xia Yu, who was enjoying her high-quality meal, looked up to see a tall girl standing in front of her, looking somewhat surprised.

The girl was a bit thin, but her appearance was not worse than An Siyao's.

What did she want to do?

Upon seeing the tray in her hand, Xia Yu realized her intention.

Sharing a seat, a very normal thing.

"No one's here, sit down."

Feng Yujia was about to ask about her sister, but Xia Yu spoke first, leaving her unable to react because she never expected Xia Yu to say such a thing.

Dumbfounded, she couldn't help but follow Xia Yu's suggestion and sit down.

However, after she sat down, Xia Yu felt something was off.

This was an aristocratic school, not a regular high school with limited budget, there were plenty of seats in the cafeteria, so there was no need to share seats.

Could this be An Siyao's friend?

Why didn't she remind herself?

He didn't know that An Siyao was also stunned by his sudden invitation to her to sit down.

Since An Siyao didn't explain, Xia Yu believed his guess and was a bit worried, thinking how he should react in front of An Siyao's friend.

Hesitating for a moment, he noticed the food on Feng Yujia's plate.

He saw a plate of white balls that Xia Yu had never seen before.

Feng Yujia, who had finally calmed down and was about to ask Xia Yu about the wall-pinning incident, was interrupted by Xia Yu again.

"Is this good?" Xia Yu asked.

This question was also unexpected for Feng Yujia, and while stunned, she replied honestly: "It's quite good."

"Can you give me one then?" Xia Yu asked again.


"What about this little fish-shaped one? Is it good?"


Upon coming to her senses, Feng Yujia found that Xia Yu had already taken several bites of her dish.

"I came over to fight with you! How can you just take my food like this! Have some shame!"

When Xia Yu asked her for a meatball again, she refused.

Feng Yujia took a deep breath, deciding that no matter what Xia Yu said, she wouldn't be interrupted, "During the third class break, you..."


A tray was placed beside her, and her younger sister Feng Yumo, who was the culprit of the confrontation between her and Xia Yu, sat down.

"You're here too, sister," Feng Yumo spoke to Feng Yujia, but her eyes were constantly drifting towards Xia Yu.

Afraid that her sister would think she'd changed sides, Feng Yujia hurriedly explained, "Yumo, let me explain, me and..."

"I didn't expect you and Siyao to be friends. I thought you didn't get along!" Feng Yumo stuck out her tongue and looked at Xia Yu apologetically.

Feng Yujia: "?"

"I also bought some meatballs. Here, you can have this one," Feng Yumo put the meatball that Xia Yu had been craving into his bowl.

Feng Yujia: "???"

It seemed like the information was wrong; her sister hadn't been bullied?

However, even if her sister hadn't been bullied and actually liked the other party, there was no way she could be friends with An Siyao!

Feng Yujia stood up abruptly, preparing to leave. Her five friends, who had been observing from not far away, thought this was a signal to start fighting and immediately surrounded her.

The imposing group of five women caught Xia Yu's attention in an instant.

He slammed his hand on the table, stood up, furrowed his brow, and launched a threat.

The five girls felt Xia Yu had turned into a terrifying and aggressive dog, immediately stopping in their tracks and shivering with fear.

After Xia Yu took a step towards them, they screamed and ran away.

Turning his head, Xia Yu looked at Feng Yujia, "Problem solved, sit down."

He thought Feng Yujia had risen to confront the imposing group.

Sitting down, Xia Yu reflected on his continuous stealing of Feng Yujia's food.

"Here, you're too thin. You need to eat more," he said as he gave her a piece of meat.

Feng Yumo opened her mouth, wanting to tell Xia Yu that her sister didn't like to eat meat, but saw her sister's flushed face pick up the meat with her chopsticks and put it in her mouth.

Biting the meat, Feng Yujia recalled Xia Yu's terrifying posture, which scared the five enemies away. Her heartbeat raced, and her face also felt hot.