Sales Whiz

Returning to his own body, Xia Yu let out a satisfied sigh.

Aside from the misunderstanding with Feng Yumo in the middle, today's experience as a high school girl was quite perfect.

The food was delicious, and An Siyao's friends, Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo, were very warm-hearted.

The main highlight was the delicious balls.

Taking out his phone, Xia Yu searched for the "White Jade Balls" - the name of the balls.

Seeing the four-digit price, he exited the webpage.

It seemed that only when he became a world-class pianist could he afford to eat them freely.

The Dongzhi Township Women's Academy was somewhat terrifying; these kinds of balls were actually a staple dish there.

Sighing about the gap between the rich and the poor, Xia Yu looked at the game panel. Both test tasks had been completed, and he could choose his rewards.

Ignoring the Body Retrieval, he chose Level 1 Enhancement Solidification and a Five Times Experience Card.

The three rewards could not be selected repeatedly; otherwise, he would give up the Experience Card and choose two Enhancement Solidifications.

Level 1 Enhancement Solidification: It can turn a level 1 enhancement into a permanent enhancement.

Five Times Experience Card: Gain five times the experience during skill practice, valid for 24 hours, and time can be suspended.

The Level 1 Enhancement Solidification was as Xia Yu imagined, and the Five Times Experience Card was even better than he thought. He initially believed he could only gain five times the experience during a single body exchange, but it turned out to be 24 hours, allowing him to use it a total of three times.

He chose Level 1 Enhancement Solidification, and six enhancements appeared before him.

Music Enhancement Lv1, Painting Enhancement Lv1, Flower Arrangement Enhancement Lv1, Agility Enhancement Lv1, Intimidation Enhancement Lv1, Night Vision Enhancement Lv1.

He learned to play the piano just to find a high-paying part-time job, so he didn't plan to choose music. Painting was even worse than music and was excluded from his choices. Flower Arrangement and Night Vision were also not very useful.

The only remaining options were Agility and Intimidation.

Although Intimidation was quite practical, its function was a bit too limited.

Xia Yu turned his eyes to Agility.

Agility was not only useful in fighting, but also needed in playing the piano and painting. Almost all non-theoretical skills required agile hands.

This was a widely applicable auxiliary skill.

He chose Solidification.

Opening the panel, he looked at his current skills.

Music Lv2, Painting Lv1, Agility Lv1, Intimidation Lv1, Agility Enhancement Lv1.

He then tried to say, "Game props?"

His Experience Card appeared in front of him.

Five Times Experience Card 24/24

Closing all the panels, he sat at his desk and began to think about how to try the dexterity bonus. Since there was a bonus, he had to hurry up and practice it. Like a black cat, running, jumping, climbing up and down was not feasible; Xia Yu needed exercises that he could perform without stepping out of the house.

After thinking for a while, he took out a pen and placed it between his fingers. As his fingers moved, the pen began to spin between them. Pen spinning was also a skill that required dexterity. In the beginning, Xia Yu was a bit unskilled, and the pen frequently fell onto the desk, but his technique improved rapidly.

From four o'clock in the afternoon until nine o'clock at night, Xia Yu reluctantly put down the pen, took out his phone, and sent a message to Gui Zixiao, asking how he had performed at school during the day. He had entrusted his daytime body to the game system.

You're asking me how you performed at school? Gui Zixiao was quite surprised. He typed another question: Why, did you find a girl you like and want to get some opinions about yourself? If you want tomorrow's homework, just say it right away, Xia Yu threatened.

Gui Zixiao immediately got to the point: I didn't feel any difference, wait a minute, I'll ask someone else. After three minutes, he sent another message. They said you were very attentive in class today, you used to play with your phone during classes other than Chinese and math, but today you didn't look at it at all.

Wait, how did someone find out that I like to play with my phone during classes other than Chinese and math? It's not strange to accidentally see a classmate playing with their phone, but to find a pattern, it's not an accident. Xia Yu was about to ask, but he deleted all the typed words halfway through.

Why did Gui Zixiao make a particular point to tell him that someone else had found out? Generally speaking, shouldn't the other party ask Gui Zixiao to keep it a secret? Or was being discovered the other party's purpose? The vigilant Xia Yu did not ask further. He simply replied with an "Okay" and ended the conversation.

On the other side, Gui Zixiao exited the chat with Xia Yu and clicked on the avatar of a girl in his class. I was prepared to let him find out that you were observing him and help you test him, but he seemed to be on guard and didn't ask.

The girl sent a sighing emoticon. Successfully avoiding a confession, Xia Yu continued practicing pen spinning. After mastering one method, he switched to another; once he was proficient between specific fingers, he changed to new fingers.

By 7:30 in the morning, he could proficiently use any finger to spin the pen in four different ways. After the alarm clock rang, he put down the pen and went out to wash up.

Eight o'clock was the time when the game could be logged in again, but Xia Yu didn't log in. Now, logging into Siyao's body, he could only help her attend class. Although attending a class at the noble girls' school was a very enjoyable thing, Xia Yu, who only had a deposit of two thousand and five, just wanted to make money at the moment.

After arriving at the school, he continued practicing his pen spinning, even during class.

The girls who observed him originally focused on his handsome face, but gradually their eyes were attracted to the pen in his hand.

The pen flipped left and right, leaving a trail of afterimages that amazed her.

Her gaze was discovered by Gui Zixiao, who followed her gaze and looked in Xia Yu's direction. His attention was drawn to the pen.

Xia Yu's pen spinning technique was truly superb. His wrist didn't move at all; he relied solely on the movements of his fingers to stabilize the spinning pen in his hand, never pausing for a moment.

The gaze of Gui Zixiao was not as discreet as the girls. He was noticed by the math teacher on the podium. The math teacher glanced in Gui Zixiao's direction and, upon seeing that he was observing Xia Yu spinning his pen, he snorted coldly.

He didn't blame Xia Yu; in his opinion, there was nothing interesting about pen spinning. The real problem was Gui Zixiao losing focus during class.

He called Gui Zixiao to answer a question, and when he couldn't answer, he made him stand up. The math teacher continued with his lesson.

He didn't bother with Xia Yu's pen spinning. Science has proven that doing certain hand movements can help to increase concentration. Moreover, spinning a pen didn't disturb anyone else!

However, he didn't realize that his gaze unconsciously kept drifting towards Xia Yu.

By the time he finally noticed, he couldn't help himself.

Watching Xia Yu transfer the pen from his right thumb to his little finger, then use his left hand to catch it and continue spinning, the math teacher's eyes widened, unable to take his eyes off Xia Yu.

Why was this pen so mesmerizing?

Seeking a higher level of difficulty, Xia Yu added another pen to the mix. The two pens went from one hand to the other, occasionally spinning around his wrist, flying through the air, colliding with each other and separating, enjoying the whole process.

It was only when he noticed that the math teacher hadn't spoken for a while and that the classroom was unusually quiet that he realized something was wrong.

He looked up and saw that everyone in the classroom, including the math teacher, was watching him.

"What are you all looking at?" Xia Yu was puzzled.

Feeling a bit uneasy, he put the pen away and pretended to be thinking about the problems on the blackboard.

After the pen was put into the pencil case, the math teacher and the students sighed at the same time. The math teacher reluctantly withdrew his gaze and continued with the lesson.

Xia Yu, who was frightened by them, didn't dare to continue spinning the pen in class. After school, he went to the convenience store where he worked and told the store manager that he wanted to resign.

Resignation doesn't mean leaving right away; he still had to wait for the store manager to find a replacement.

He estimated that the piano practice would be completed in three to five days, and that should be enough time for the replacement to arrive.

While working, he picked up one of the pens in the store and continued to spin it.

A middle-aged man who came into the store just to buy a bottle of soy sauce, added the same type of pen to his purchase after staring at Xia Yu's pen spinning skills for a while.

At 5:30, when his colleague came to take over the shift, he was surprised at the empty pen container, "There haven't been any exams recently. How come the pens that could be sold for a week are gone in one day?"

Xia Yu shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either.

When he returned home, he told Yuxue, hurriedly finished dinner, went into his room, and locked the door.

He then logged into An Siyao's body.