The White Wolf

He was playing Xianfeng Temple's red leaves.

There are eighty-eight keys on a piano, and only four strings on a violin, but these four strings can be combined into the same sound as the piano.

The difficulty of the violin lies in its pitch control, where slightly less or more force in the hand can cause changes in the tone, while the piano keys are fixed; you can't press one key to produce the sound of another key.

Fortunately, Xia Yu had the dexterity in his hands.

His left hand controlled the pitch on the strings, and his right hand controlled the rhythm with the bow.

"It's the red leaves of Xianfeng Temple!" A girl recognized the name of the piece and shouted excitedly.

But she didn't receive praise; instead, she was met with critical gazes.

The girl immediately quieted down and continued to listen.

Xianfeng Temple is a famous tourist attraction, located on Xianfeng Mountain.

The mountain is covered with huge maple trees; every late autumn, the red leaves fall, and the ground is covered with a dense layer of maple leaves, making the whole mountain a splendid red.

Walking on the paths of Xianfeng Mountain, stepping on the rustling red leaves, listening to the low chanting of the wandering monks, one's heart feels gratified, free from worldly restraint.

The class leader had hoped that Xia Yu's violin skills would be at least half as good as his piano skills; he didn't expect Xia Yu to give him such a surprise.

As the last note dispersed and Xia Yu put down his bow, the class leader clapped, followed by thunderous applause.

Even Xia Yu was somewhat embarrassed by this scene.

"Yu Ge, no, Yu Shen! With you, maybe our class can win the best program award!" The class leader put down Xia Yu's violin and said, "But first, we need to change our clothes. Don't worry, I've prepared them for you."

He took Xia Yu to an empty classroom nearby and handed him a paper bag.

Inside the bag was a light suit.

"I've turned on the air conditioning, so you won't get too hot. Change quickly!" the class leader urged.

After changing into the suit, Xia Yu returned to the classroom and received another round of screams.

The class leader smiled and said, "The violinist is in place, where are our maids and manservants? Let's get started!"

At nine o'clock, the cultural festival officially began, targeting not only the students of their school but also tourists from outside.

The novel violin performance, along with Xia Yu's handsome face, attracted many female customers.

Girls from the neighboring class, women from across the street, and the cafeteria servers all came and sat down.

Xia Yu didn't play the violin continuously, but also went around with Gui Zixiao to visit other class programs. Among them, two classes did maid coffee shops, and two did manservant tea houses, which were popular themes.

The remaining programs were things like haunted houses.

The cultural festival seemed lively and interesting, but in reality, it was the same every year, so Xia Yu no longer found it exciting.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, he came to the coffee shop where he worked and played the piano.

During the break, the young manager excitedly sat down beside him.

"What do you want?" Xia Yu sensed the young man's ulterior motives.

The young man didn't hide it and asked directly, "Xia Yu, can you also play the violin?"

"Did you also go to our school?" He only played the violin during the cultural festival, so the young man could only have known from there.

"No, but Xiaorong went and sent me this!" The young man placed his phone in front of Xiayu.

Xiaorong was a female waitress in the coffee shop and was the female college student who received Xiayu for the first time.

The manager's phone screen showed a clip of Xiayu playing the violin.

"So what do you want?" Xiayu asked.

"We can add another violin performance," the young manager said excitedly.

Violinists are rarer than pianists but have the same style, which can attract those with money even more.

"How much more will my salary be?" Xiayu asked directly.

As long as the money was right, Xiayu didn't mind learning some violin pieces.

"I'll raise it to 10,000, with no change in working hours!" The manager gritted his teeth and said. Ten thousand was already the same as the salary of a pianist at a big coffee shop.

"Does this count for this month?" Xiayu asked again.


The two happily reached a deal, and since the young manager hadn't gotten a violin yet, Xiayu continued to play the piano.

After finishing work, he bought some snacks and returned home to celebrate with Yuxue.

He now had a balance of 1,700 left in his bank account.

At night, when everything was quiet, Xiayu began to think about something.

- It seemed like he had neglected An Siyao for two days.

The matter with Xu Youxiang was too sudden, so he could only stabilize her first.

Feeling a little nervous, Xiayu logged into An Siyao's body at midnight.

Opening his eyes, he saw darkness; the girl was already asleep in bed.

"You're back!" The girl's familiar voice sounded.

"Yeah." Xiayu waited for the girl's questioning.

"Do you want to play the piano? Your clothes are on the rack." An Siyao didn't mention the fact that she was left out at all.

Turning on the light, Xiayu took off his pajamas, changed into casual clothes and sat on the bed. Although the girl didn't ask, he still needed to explain.

Xiayu was not the kind of irresponsible man.

"The woman I mentioned before had some issues, and I was dealing with her these past two days."

An Siyao didn't respond immediately; after three seconds, she said with a resentful voice, "Didn't you want to come see me?"

Why do you always think I'll abandon you!

"Don't worry, I'm really fond of you." Xiayu tried to tease her, making her flustered for a moment and forgetting her grievances.

However, An Siyao didn't get embarrassed as he thought, but happily said, "Hmm."


She was really easy to coax.

Having settled this matter, Xiayu asked about the next one: "Do you know how to play the violin?"

"I know a little bit," An Siyao said.

Hearing this, Xiayu's eyes lit up, meaning An Siyao also had a violin.

The manager had added two thousand to his salary, but he didn't know a single violin piece yet. Learning was necessary, and learning required having a violin.

It was so great that the girl had one here.

Following An Siyao's instructions, Xiayu went to the cabinet by the balcony and found the violin.

After opening An Siyao's laptop, Xiayu looked for the famous violin piece White Wolf's video and sheet music to learn from.

He was self-taught, and An Siyao only knew a little, but his current level should be higher than the girl's.

He exchanged the accumulated game points for three double experience cards and added them to the remaining five times experience card, stacking them together.

The three double cards each added one experience, making three. The five-times card added four experiences, making four. Adding three and four, plus the one he originally had, now, his one hour of learning was equivalent to eight hours of learning!

After studying the video for ten minutes, he confidently picked up the violin.

"This part should be slower."

"The note is wrong here."

"If your hand is not steady, you won't be able to play it smoothly."

Hearing An Siyao's evaluation, Xia Yu put down the violin. The girl's comments were indeed accurate, which made him very surprised.

"Didn't you say you only know a little?" he asked.

"Well, I'm still not as good as my teacher."


Xia Yu did a mental calculation:

Because An Siyao's painting teacher = a painter worth five million for a single piece

So An Siyao's violin teacher = a world-famous violinist

And because world-famous violinist - An Siyao = a little bit

In conclusion, An Siyao's violin level was at least ranked in the first district.

Is this just knowing a little bit?

Xia Yu's pride, which had been inflated by his classmates and the store manager, quickly deflated.

"Please teach me," he asked humbly.

Under An Siyao's guidance, he progressed rapidly.

"By the way, since you're so good at playing the violin, why don't you play it now?" he asked again.